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What the F... is wrong ?????


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It does begin to spin out when a thread goes long. I’m bringing it back to this confused guy who fits the thread title.....


Snapped a couple weeks ago. Seemed like a peaceable, friendly, kid. Assumption is he may have been scrambled by the loss of a loved one? But this pic is one I took as I pulled out of Mayo Clinic of Rochester? Voted best hospital in North America! He needs to move to the outskirts of medical competency like in the far north where you pray you never get seriously injured beyond stitches. 

Keep in mind this was was taken during the middle of a work-week day. 

Edited by Mack Technician
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1 hour ago, Ditchdiggerjcf said:

Where is the wuhan on that chart? For all this drama, not to mention tanking the economy, it HAS to be on that list. Right?

From what I’m seeing they want Kung Fu Flu to be third in 2020.....so they’re ramping up the false positives. 🐑 🐑 🐑 

Edited by Mack Technician
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there were no riots or anything else because we do not do that kind of thing. we let the police take care of this, and hope the liberals will not let him free because he suffers from post traumatic stress syndrome brought on because he is black in a white mans world.

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when you are up to your armpits in alligators,

it is hard to remember you only came in to drain the swamp..

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1 hour ago, david wild said:

So in NC. this weekend (Sunday @ 5:30 pm) a BLACK man shot a 5 YEAR OLD in the head and killed him, at first they said that the child had ridden his bike on the mans lawn but then the TRUTH came out that the BLACK KILLER came onto the Childs lawn and shot him in the head ?  my question is where is the OUTRAGE, why have not WHITE people RIOTED and burned down the HOOD, does any one care ? NO because the little 5 year old boy was WHITE and that means he was disposable, but had a WHITE man shot a BLACK 5 year in the head in his front yard Wilson North Carolina would be renamed CHARCOAL NC. because the Blacks would have burned it to the ground. OK Liberals defend that.

There is even more to this story.  The shooter is a neighbor and recently had dinner at the victim's house.  The victim was on his bike in his own yard with his two sisters and this scumbag walked up to the boy, put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger!

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Well fellas being the person that made the manager of the waffle house unplug the noise box when the poor victimized second rate citizens decided to play offensive noise I disagree, I support what's good for them is good for me, so I support a protest that gets out of hand and burns down a bunch of houses in the hood. let them see how we feel, but you all live some place other than the south and my buddies all feel the same in fact I'm mild compared to some of them, they understand only one thing  POWER so let them feel the power of people tired of their sh*t  so yes I don't have a problem when the cops take out some dirt bag, if you don't break the law you have no need to interact the police real simple way to conduct yourself. My view is from years of a constant barrage of BS from a group of people who have given more than anyone on earth and squandered  it and then blamed their failure on every one else, until I see them help themselves I won't offer or support any more assistance.   

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On 8/11/2020 at 11:00 AM, Ditchdiggerjcf said:

Where is the wuhan on that chart? For all this drama, not to mention tanking the economy, it HAS to be on that list. Right?

It's not on that chart because the chart is dated 2016

And also thats a world chart not a chart for any particular country 



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How many registered voters in the US ?? and the postal service is so screwed up unless they get more money they cannot deliver 1 or 2 letters from each house hold over a 1 or 2 week period ??  if they are that messed up and let Fedex handle it or buster Brown ??? what's wrong with these idiots

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks Paul.. ill leave this thread where i found it..  God Bless you

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12 hours ago, The Rubber Duck 006 said:

Milo says We'll just KEEP ON TRUCKIN' TO avoid all the Drama Llama's......As I told my Dispatcher the other day "Have Truck Driven by The Rubber Duck Will Travel" IMG_20240402_200020.thumb.jpg.fe5c4b1f235aa834a5d75551ca481d1a.jpg


Drama Llama 

I love it 

Happy trails Milo




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On 4/30/2024 at 8:15 PM, Joey Mack said:

I just found this Posting,,  I like the subject matter..  Not sure why it died off.. seems like a lot of great Americans commented on this one.. BTW,,  4 White cops were shot and killed in Charlotte yeterday, by a Non-White career criminal..  It is terrible!!  if the table was turned, the Lib's would have already called it a race based shooting..  WTF??

Sleepy Joe is supposed to be in Charlotte today. I'm sure he'll explain how it was all Donald Trump's fault.

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Producer of poorly photo-chopped pictures since 1999.

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