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Designing a New Legend


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Bob, the chassis and drivetrain of this Volvo-designed North American market Mack brand truck are............Volvo, thru and thru.

They took the cheapest way out they could to update their Pinnacle highway model and address Mack Distributor Council complaints. Remember, Volvo is financially challenged now and Mack is not a money maker.

It's funny in a way that in the year 2018, Volvo is still using a cab architecture designed by the former Allentown-based Mack Trucks in 1984.

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On 7/8/2017 at 7:16 AM, kscarbel2 said:

Bob, the chassis and drivetrain of this Volvo-designed North American market Mack brand truck are............Volvo, thru and thru.

They took the cheapest way out they could to update their Pinnacle highway model and address Mack Distributor Council complaints. Remember, Volvo is financially challenged now and Mack is not a money maker.

It's funny in a way that in the year 2018, Volvo is still using a cab architecture designed by the former Allentown-based Mack Trucks in 1984.

I hear you on the power train-don't expect to see a camelback!  But at least it doesn't look like a VN! Or the "all new vocational cab".

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If you pause the video on the white truck towards the beginning of the video it looks to be a set forward axle reminiscent of a r model or RW even it has no fairings, square fenders maybe I'm wrong but looks promising . Also another spot in the video shows drawings of a vision next to a rep model so I'm thinking they used the r model for inspiration. 

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Manufacturers are notorious for disguising their new vehicles while they undergo testing. In the case of a large truck it would be very easy to fab up a fake nose out of existing or scrap parts.

Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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Mack Trucks to unveil new highway tractor in September

Fleet Owner  /  July 9, 2017

Mack Trucks said it will unveil a new Class 8 highway truck on Sept. 13.

The company launched a major social media push over the weekend to promote the new model, set for introduction just ahead of the new North American Commercial Vehicle show in Atlanta later that month.

Though few additional details are available yet, Mack created a new website as a central location for information on the truck ahead of what it is calling a “virtual launch event.”

Mack has uploaded one video to the website, which touts the long history of the company, and centers on the “functional design” qualities its new truck will offer.

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5 hours ago, TeamsterGrrrl said:

Seems of late we've had a lot of "new" trucks introduced that are just rehashes of old designs...

It's hard to add style to a shapeless blob. 

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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Actually, the incentives are there to make new trucks even more "blobby" to improve fuel economy. I suspect we're not seeing many truly new trucks because the couple hundred thousand conventional cab trucks demanded by our oddball North American isn't worth the billion dollar investment in a new cab.

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I noticed the hint of a RD fender as well and it also looked like it has a wheel opening kinda like a old R model. That would be cool if it they pulled it off right.  I never really had a complaint about the CH cab as it was roomy. It is up there with age and really the only thing most of them lacked was a nice dash. they have improved on that over the years.  I wish they would get away from naming the truck line up. For example Who names a truck after a golf ball? They should go mack to calling it a "X" Model or "X" 600. it was a much better way to denote what it was and equipped with. Locomotive MFG and most other large MFG still use that method and its easy to follow.

still is a shame that you cant get big HP in a Mack. How Volvo cant see this is beyond me.  Its been 30 years but to see all the Mack westerns equipped with different power and trans options really set the truck apart from a fleet spec. Sad that Mack even before volvo ownership has been shy to this market for 2 decades.

Hope the truck looks good and they drop the

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IMO it all goes back to having to build what the fleet customer wants. Fuel is the number one expense for fleets and the incentive for the manufacturers is to build the most fuel efficient truck they can while maintaining reliability. If you are going to build a streamlined truck there are just so many ways to do it so most, if not all, of the trucks will look like identical twins from different mothers. 

Mack was known for offering small production runs of specially designed power trains for a long time, but that marketing strategy did not pay the bills enough to sustain the company as we knew it, hence the series of ownership changes. 

I foresee a general trend to lightening the trucks up and I would not be surprised to see extensive use of carbon fiber and aluminum in the new models.

And while some O/O's and specialty applications want a high HP option for vocational operations I believe that even the fleet owners in that segment value higher MPG over more HP. 


Money, sex, and fire; everybody thinks everyone else is getting more than they are!

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That said, there's a huge untapped market out there of owner-operators and small fleets that could make the payments on a new truck if they could get financing. But to reduce the risk of financing these small operators to levels lenders will accept would require said small operators surrendering a lot more control of their operations to the lender and manufacturer- For example, mandatory fuel efficient specs, long term haulage contracts backed up by a manufacturer sponsored "spot market", prepaid PM and extended warranty packaged with the financing, etc.. This would rankle some "independents", but would cut down on the repo rate and failure proof the loan.

There are bits of this in place already- Volvo trucks management services, the Korean carmaker's 10 year warranties, etc.... But nobody has put the whole package together. Yet.

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I have a bad attitude toward drivers since I feel that they are the cause of most of the problems, no matter how big and fast the truck is it is never enough, not me does all the damage, the other guy did it, they forget to wake up and miss pick ups or del. gotta be home so truck will come back empty just to accommodate a non appreciative driver. not enough chains or straps cause they are to lazy to do their job and it does not matter how much you pay them, 75 to 90 k per year and all I heard was bitching, I'm glad they are gone.      

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I agree that labor is the highest cost. Fuel is something that we can look at saving money on. Cheap labor will usually cost more than its worth. The guy that drives our other Peterbilt is happy where he is at. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not just trucking David, just a general lack of personal responsibility in every occupation! The first group of union drivers I ever worked with in a 50 driver terminal were among the best I've ever worked with they taught me to load cars ( in an occupation where there is a 70 percent washout rate!) Any time you asked a question someone would go out of their way to help you! 1974! Everything went by seniority including equipment! But their oldest trucks were safely maintained! I became a freight car repairman on the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR also union,with a few notable exceptions the laziest most irresponsible group of people I've ever met! Got laid off permanently in 1981,went back to trucking til 1987 went back to car hauling,Leaseway Motorcar,Dundalk Md . We had a deal called half rate backhaul! Gotta take my granddaughter to the doctor,get back to ya!

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