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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. Will start this topic with some of the pictures while on the ATHS Down Under Tour This is at the Australian Truckie's Hall of Fame Reunion in Alice Springs, Northern Territory 2015
  2. Was at Tony Champions dealership in Rockhampton, Queensland AU. Sign on the front of the building said Volvo Commercial Vehicles and I do NOT remember seeing a single Volvo on the lot.. Lots of Mack's and DAF's!!!
  3. Tom Thanks for the pictures.. Will post some pictures of "Down Under" in 3 weeks when we get back home. Stay safe in your travels Brocky
  4. Randy I just checked the atlas.. Rob is in Tonasket on US 97, north east of this area by an airline of about 25 miles. Hopefully he is still all right.. Our prayers are with the familys of the fallen fire fighters as well as the whole region. Brocky
  5. You are now adding house moving to your repititoir of abilities.. The late Dean Ashby would be proud of you!!
  6. Mark Email this picture to Jeff at lakaszjl@aol.com He runs the WAI section of Just Old trucks and has an encyclopia of truck info. http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/2500/What-Am-I-Photos
  7. Thanks for all the pictures of NZ.. It is our only way of seeing this great country.. Keep 'em coming!!
  8. Tighten up the welfare laws, and the laws of supply and demand will force the lazy legal Americans to fill the jobs.. Might have to raise the labor rate a little, which is inflationary, but they will work or starve..
  9. This all sounds great!!! Now if Mr. Trump will state that ALL welfare reciepents MUST PASS a drug test like us workers supporting them have to.
  10. Our South Carolina Transport Police man said that other states must honor the base plate state antique/historical laws..
  11. Paul Go to this topic and there is a similiar set up on a HiBinder with a pusher axle. http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/81564/Going-to-the-paint-shop?PageIndex=2 Brocky
  12. That Green R model with the sleeper looks suspicisly like an exMatlack team tractor???
  13. Rob Saw pictures from Chelan on the TV this morning.. Our prayers are with those folks.. Hope your area is not getting hit as bad..
  14. You should be able to move the truck around with the 45 PSI you have in them and then start looking for a set of 22.5 tubless rims..
  15. Basically you do NOT have to stop at the scales.. BUT!! Especially with an 80's model truck it is best to pull in and let them see your Historic / Antique plate rather than having them chase you down thinking you are blowing the scale with a commercial plate. Remember that if your are polite to them, 98% will return the act.
  16. GG You are Correct!! I drove one of Peter Grimm's in 2012 when we had 154 trucks on Main street, but I missed getting pictures.
  17. Bob That is why I have stayed at the Econolodge Motel as the parade comes right by the front door.. Actually I have found that the parade is the best time to get pictures of individual trucks as when they are parked on Main St the spectator crowd is so large you always have people in your pictures.. This parade video was taken at the start as the trucks were leaving the Musuem, All of these stills were taken by George Murphey near the end as they approached downtown. http://www.brockwaytrucks.org/messageboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4892 Then go to his flicker link posted in the topic. If you ever get a chance to come East, The Brockway weekend in August at Cortland is definately one to consider between Macungie in June and Gerharts in October.
  18. Gas and a farmer match works best.. Especially if you like the "WHUUMP" when it fires!!!
  19. YEAH!!!! Them ground nesting one get real mad in a hurry!!! I guess the think a lawn mower is a tornado?? Had them chase me all the way back to the house and then the garden hose did not bother them much!!! I found their nest because the lawn mower was still sitting there!!! and YES the gasoline and farmer match works!!!
  20. If it was originally a Matlack truck it might have been a driver trainer truck as the R models I drove for Matlack in 70-72 had NO passenger seat, but a tool box for fittings bolted in..
  21. Rob Here is another Farmall grader conversion in a museum in Leesburg FL and a Farmall one row cotton picker driven backwards
  22. Tom Thanks for your weekly pictures,, always find them interesting.. Glad you enjoyed you vacation.. My wife says the only place we go are where there are truck shows..
  23. There are over 240 pages of Aussie trucks and other information here: http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/870/Down-Under-AU,-NZ And another 40 pages of Pommy (British) trucks here: http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/38892/pommy-trucks Some interesting reading, drag out a case of VB and enjoy yourself
  24. Bob Call the Brockway gift shop at the museum 607-299-4185.. The ladies there will be more than glad to help you with any items..
  25. GG Run 20 on over to Skaneateles and run down 41 will drop you on 11 just north of the museum.
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