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Cruz is toast


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Right, too far right, whatever.  The sucker made a public pledge along with the other candidates to support the eventual nominee.  He should have honored that pledge no matter how difficult that might be.  Or, he should have publicly backed away from the pledge immediately after the insults if they hurt him that deeply.  But not doing so, blaming it on insults and innuendo about his wife and his father?  Need thicker skin bro...  And by the way, what about his wife Heidi and her employment activities at Goldman Sachs?  Maybe a real story there...

Anyway, so, now that he walked away from his pledge, why would one believe he'd honor commitments he might make in a future campaign?

I am a TX voter and supported his Senate campaign, but never again.  Toast! 

Edited by grayhair
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...So it was perfectly acceptable for Trump to back out of the pledge in February, even threatening to run 3rd party if he didn't get the nomination...and yet it is the crime of the century for Ted Cruz to say "Vote your conscience" instead of endorsing Trump?

Tell you what...I'll run against you in an election, and have the tabloids print articles defaming your wife and father. Then I'll get up on stage at campaign events and in TV interviews and call your wife a fat ugly whore and your father a murderer (because, after all, I'm just repeating what that "reputable" tabloid rag had printed). I'll expect your endorsement after you lose.

If Trump had run an honorable campaign and shown even an ounce of respect towards his competition, I doubt ANY of them would have had a problem endorsing him. Trump slung so much mud in the primary that it would've made Pigpen feel dirty.


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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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hell I don't think we've mud flinging yet, (more like dust off the dirt road)  I think the 4 wheel burnout in the mud pit still lies ahead! and I think killiary will be on the receiving end of the flinging  (fingers crossed)  she has generated so much mud I would love to see  her drown in it! 

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The primary shouldn't be about tearing down your opposition, but rather promoting your own ideas...because if you don't get the nomination, one of them will be representing your party in the general election.  If you have a disagreement on the issues or other policy matters, debate those differences without attempting to destroy the credibility of the other guy. 

Part of the problem with politics in this country is that the people who SHOULD run for office don't, because their good name is more valuable to them than the power of the office. That leaves people who covet the power of the office more than they value their good name and reputation to run, knowing full well their name and reputation WILL be assaulted, their past distorted, and no stone left unturned in the search for "dirt". That is why we are typically left with a "lesser of two evils" decision at election time.

There's plenty of time to have your good name dragged through the mud in the general election. There really isn't any GOOD reason to beat each other up in the primaries.


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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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2 hours ago, RowdyRebel said:

The primary shouldn't be about tearing down your opposition, but rather promoting your own ideas...because if you don't get the nomination, one of them will be representing your party in the general election.  If you have a disagreement on the issues or other policy matters, debate those differences without attempting to destroy the credibility of the other guy. 

Part of the problem with politics in this country is that the people who SHOULD run for office don't, because their good name is more valuable to them than the power of the office. That leaves people who covet the power of the office more than they value their good name and reputation to run, knowing full well their name and reputation WILL be assaulted, their past distorted, and no stone left unturned in the search for "dirt". That is why we are typically left with a "lesser of two evils" decision at election time.

There's plenty of time to have your good name dragged through the mud in the general election. There really isn't any GOOD reason to beat each other up in the primaries.

Relax, it's all just a show.

Seriously, do you honestly believe that either Hillary Clinton or Trump would be allowed to actually run America Inc. ?

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I think one needs to consider the possibility that Hellary may win the election.  What with vote count fraud, military ballots that didn't arrive in time, electoral college shenanigans  etc., it is entirely possible.  The "fix" may be in.  If so, by the time you realize it, the shelves at gun stores will be empty. No guns, no ammo, sold out.   There is no telling what she may do by executive order.  And you won't be able to depend on a liberal supreme court to protect your 2nd amendment rights.  IMO, now is the time to get what you need.  Best to have stuff that can be considered "grandfathered-in."

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