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Pedigreed Bulldog
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gearhead204 last won the day on October 24 2016

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About gearhead204

  • Birthday 03/25/1966


  • Location
    north central washington state usa

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    damn near anything that burns fuel,or makes dust
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Community Answers

  1. are they on spoke hubs or budds ? can you post pictures ?
  2. yep stud mounted, I had to remove it when I repainted the o'le girl
  3. my 89 RW has the econodine badge on the drivers side as well but not on the passenger side, its a factory v8.....for what ever that is worth
  4. I would have to check and see if I still have the sheet
  5. looks like dyed shag carpet !......cool looking little critter ought to be fun to hold on to with a frozen track link !!!!!
  6. Vlad, thanks for posting the pictures ! was nice to see stuff from your corner of the planet !
  7. but will she "blow a rod" if given a little either ?.....that's the real question here !
  8. Thanks for the well wishes guys, was a good day had a bull and heifer sale at the ranch, then had some cake and beer !
  9. the cold storage for apples is about the same 34 degrees a nice cool place to cool off during the summer and a good place to warm up in the winter. three days ago we almost hit 60, today 33 and a 20 mph wind, my poor little calves are a little confused about life right now !
  10. it appears that Herd don't offer one for the Rw. but I called and left a message, will see if they call back !
  11. So wed. afternoon a suicidal Doe leapt in front of the superliner, called the ins. co. and then the local Mack dealer, for front bumper and guard (upper filler plate) + hardware 3800.00 The guard is available but not in stock , dealer would need to buy 5 at 700 ea. to get me one ( I will have one made locally ) but I almost don't even want to tell the ins. co the bumper is 2500.00, better be some awesome chrome !
  12. The only complaint I ever heard of on the KT series was the aluminum front cover failing prematurely, Figenshow lumber had a 600 and a 450 in two powerliners , the 450 had several front covers replaced.
  13. I would have thought the 1693 was done prior to the first superliners, I have seen several 3406 factory models
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