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Rant for the Day - Upside Down Pictures


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As a offender on this topic I just want to say...... I do preview my post. Everything looks good , I click "post" and boom, there it is up side down. Now mind you, it was right side up in the preview. I only have the upside down problem when using a mobile device. - Brad

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I am getting tired of seeing posts with upside down pictures. When you post pictures and/or type a message...do you preview the post before sending? If not, maybe you should. If the picture from your "device" is upside down, there are several free photo editing programs you can use to correct the image. I try to make sure my posts look okay and check spelling and grammar before posting (I do sometimes misspell words on purpose). Just because I have a college degree does not make me the best speller nor grammatical person. At the very least I preview my posts, reread, and correct obvious mistakes.. We are all human and make mistakes but upside down pictures should not be that difficult to catch or post correctly. When someone posts images that are upside down, usually someone else corrects the mistake. Save us all time by making sure our posts are the best we can do. Sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes or hurt feelings. End of rant!

wel ive got an interesting one...i recently sent a member here a short vidio,,,i sent it sideways,cause i couldnt figure out how to staighten it,,but the person recieved it straight,,,figure that one...bob


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I'd comment or post a photo, but the post vigilantes would PM me all nasty crap again for straying off the path.


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Just remember in all this, You can't fix Stupid, Lazy, Ignorant or Redneck


I find it offensive that you would categorize us Rednecks in amongst the likes of the stupid, lazy, and ignorant. Rednecks are known for their ability to use what they've got to get done what needs getting done....even if that involves thinking a little outside of the box and using things in what you might consider to be an unconventional manner. While it might appear crude or leave you scratching your head trying to figure out how anyone could come up with such an idea and utterly amazed that it actually worked, the bottom line is that our solution to the problem we faced got the job done.

Not everybody has a robust bank account and a nearby parts store to effect a "proper" fix. Sometimes we just gotta make do with what we have until such time as a "proper" repair is able to be made.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I see this is pointed at me. I just never tried a photo editing thing, and thought that you guys could see what it was even if it was upside down or turn your head. Sorry.

and here i thought it was me. i know i cant spell hell im pretty bad at typing and grammar, but im alright with that.

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I find it offensive that you would categorize us Rednecks in amongst the likes of the stupid, lazy, and ignorant. Rednecks are known for their ability to use what they've got to get done what needs getting done....even if that involves thinking a little outside of the box and using things in what you might consider to be an unconventional manner. While it might appear crude or leave you scratching your head trying to figure out how anyone could come up with such an idea and utterly amazed that it actually worked, the bottom line is that our solution to the problem we faced got the job done.

Not everybody has a robust bank account and a nearby parts store to effect a "proper" fix. Sometimes we just gotta make do with what we have until such time as a "proper" repair is able to be made.

By 'us rednecks" i am one as well,

I just chose to pay attention to the details of posting, like grammar, punctuation, sentence structure and all the other aspects of our language as passed on to us in school by the teachers & educators who do there very best at a up hill battle. Face it our golden country here in the United States of America has been on a steady path of taking the lazy route to everything, using slang & text spelling in everyday communications. More so than here, but i find it on so many other "professional" forums. Sadly, to get a good idea of where all the stupid, lazy, take every short cut path we are on, sit down and watch the movie "Idiocracy" .


As a note to spelling, all those little red squiggly lines that appear under misspelled words is the computer telling you it is incorrect. Wave you mouse over the highlighted line & right click it for spelling options & corrections.


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Richard Mark

Owner / Master Model Maker

Industrial Model Design

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I've seen that movie and thought it was aptly named. As for spelling, my fiance gets aggrevated at me because I actually type out what I'm trying to say when I send her a text. I've been laughed at as well when I ask the waitress or whoever else might be nearby to translate the gibberish the fiance sent me so that I can know what the heck she was saying. I've also been on the phone with a person at the main office and had to listen as they actually spoke in text....."W-T-F"....just say the damn words. If you think it is apporpriate to abbreviate them in a proffessional setting, it should be just as appropriate to say them. If it is NOT appropriate to use that sort of language in a proffessional setting, perhaps you should not reference those words at all.

Sometimes when I'm being less-than-serious, I might purposely misspell a word or two....type in a manner which expresses the words I'm using more closely to the way I'd say them while having a similar discussion face to face with a person...but that doesn't mean I'm unaware or unable to form a proper sentence.

I still don't understand why you would lump Rednecks in with the stupid, lazy, and ignorant, though, and quite honestly I'm still offended by the remark....seeing as how I are one. :tease:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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While we're on the subject of those of us that are less proficient, can somebody tell me please, what does   mean? Is this some secret code word that you have to be 12 years old to know?

Please take pity on me and help! What am I missing here?

It seems that when you want to use a quote, if you hit "enter to drop the cursor one line, it won't happen

Also, make sure you are not in the quote box

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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