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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by BillyT

  1. Big Red, I heard that as well,but a truck mechanic told me it's b.s.,He ran a well respected shop so I don't know,mechanics are human too!
  2. The "roos" won't get past that that guard! great looking truck!
  3. Sure did clean up nice! Saw a picture of it on another post,with a flatbed.Was faded,just needed buffed out! Is a little bigger Vlad,but when u get "t boned" if it's a "four wheeler" the impact is under the driver! I've often thought that the fuel tanks should be behind the cab however to give the driver a chance to escape the flames! Assuming he has a seat belt and shoulder harness.
  4. Very interesting! First time I've ever seen a school bus with a 10 speed " ranger" pretty much guarantees the employment of a qualified driver! In today's world even many otr companies are buying trucks with semi automatics for obvious reasons! Saw one of our grandkids bus "drivers" talking on the cell phone while driving! Like a dummy I didn't think to get her unit number! Will next time you can be sure!
  5. Thanks for the reply OD,! They've upgraded the place since my last visit.only had room for about three rigs the last time I was there.
  6. I've never owned a twin I beam Ford but heard that only a few guys would take the time to align them properly.I owned a 1970 c30 Chevy wrecker with 80000 mi on Pittsburgh's potholed streets with the original front end,but I greased it religiously! I agree that the Dodge chassis is lighter built than Ford or Chevy. I knew a guy that put a 5.9 Cummins with a 10 speed r.r in a Ford F350 hotshot tractor.Had a little electric compressor to run the range selector and the horn.
  7. Looks good as a pickup except for the tiny wheels.would look better I think with standard Ford F 350 wheels and duals on the back. The worst butchery of a 30's Diamond T is that Los Vegas rat rods guys flatbed car hauler.I think Diamond T's should be shiny with original chrome. I can't believe that a journeyman car painter should spend hours of work to create fake PATINA! One of the street rod magazines devoted an entire feature on creating patina on a 57 Chevy! 57 chevys look like crap in patina!
  8. Mowerman, latest political shakeup, the house passed a bill allowing the families of Sept 11 victims to sue Saudi government! Obama says he will veto it! Saudi government adamantly objected! Duh! Will be interesting!
  9. Good looking MH Farmer! Identical to The 85 mh I pulled the drop deck with except for the Dayton wheels.
  10. OD,good pictures as usual! I also enjoy "Highway thru he'll" That was quite a ride for Jamie from the "Choo choo" to B.C.! That k whopper looks good when it's shined up! Do they have a full size Pilot in Houston now? Only had that convenience store t.s. on I 610 the last time I was there,looks like a former Flying J.
  11. Kscarbel,I agree that the fenders,stainless,aluminum,or fiberglass need some sort of flexible or cushioning mounts.Many I've seen are cracked and broken! Especially with spring ride suspension. Also when mounting them consideration into the suspension travel to prevent the tires from rubbing on the fenders.
  12. Perfect combination of black,chrome,and polished aluminum! Great job!
  13. Nice little "stovebolt" Am I the only one who would prefer "period correct" mirrors on an otherwise "period correct" restoration? Admittedly the little west coast mirrors provide safer visibility for a "working truck" nice blend of a modern back end and an antique chassis!
  14. If Gordon Murray had anything to do with the truck it has to be innovative! I was sitting in traffic on I 95 in West Palm Beach one afternoon and a McLaren F1 Pulled up next to me! I almost fell out of the damn truck! Supposedly only 9 of them ever "crossed the pond" Jay Leno has one he claims it is his favorite car! That's quite a stretch to go from designing the first production car with a msrp of 1million bucks to a practical little truck! Unfortunately the audio is messed up so I can't hear Nicks description of the truck,but a 2 ton payload on such a little truck is amazing!
  15. The only concert I've ever been to was Tom Jones, like you said "what a voice"! The most interesting person I've ever met was a little cockney British driver from Birmingham UK.Was a professional stunt man,Drove Sean Connery's Astin Martin between the two buildings in "Diamonds are Forever" Some fellow owed him some money for some stunts and gave him a couple of Tractor trailers,so he went into the trucking business! Ran mostly UK,France,and Italy.He told me there is an upgrade in the Alps,where you are pulling uphill for 8 hrs! Said you had your lunch on the dashboard,and a pee jug on the floor! He had a scrapbook of some of his stunts.We both drove for the same company. He couldn't get any stunt work in the UK because he had broken so many bones he couldn't get insurance! Last I heard he had a used car lot in Ocala Florida.
  16. The primer kinda looks like desert camo I like it!
  17. I pity those folks unable to do even basic maintenance on new cars and trucks! A trip to almost any dealership necessitates the purchase of a jar of Vaseline! Of course many repairs on a big truck requires thousands of dollars worth of lifting and other specialized equipment.also a helper! Don't give the s.o.b.'s any new ideas for a "sweetheart" emissions agreement with the EPA! So far here in Fla we have no state inspection.for non commercial vehicles,and no emissions testing except in high population areas. Of course I'm not so naive as to think that couldn't end momentarily! The only noticeable result of this is the high number of burnt out headlamps turn signals etc! With state inspection at least the vehicles get checked once a year! By the same token I run a straight exhaust on my pickup and the cops don't say anything! My wife says it's like riding with a 15 year old!!lol

  18. That dm might be a sweet deal for a heavy hauler brutal looking unit!
  19. Whatever it's origins it's a great looking truck! The body has great lines!
  20. Two,stick six, Its identical to the mack I hauled steel with(except for the double frame) looks solid,fair price.
  21. Thanks for the response! I respect you're opinion concerning removing the back end of the fire truck. However I hope you aren't remotely referring to the quality of my welding and fabrication as most of my welding customers came to me by word of mouth.there is a complete fire truck down the street from me that someone painted PINK!,now that's butchery!
  22. About 6mos. Ago I took some Scrap metal to my local salvage yard,The foreman told me that salvage yards are going out of business right and left! This place is a small auto salvage yard that also takes scrap metal and aluminum cans.Not all salvage yards do. Scrap metal was the lowest in price I've seen in 20 years!There is only one scrap metal (not auto salvage) yard in the whole Tampa bay area to take junk cars and scrap metal to.It is owned by a conglomerate that owns all or most scrap metal yards in the southeast! When the auto and truck salvage yards are gone where will we get our used parts? Answer: we won't,we will have to buy overpriced and possibly unreliable new parts! And when we can no longer maintain our used cars and trucks,we will be forced to buy even more overpriced new cars and big trucks! I'm retired, but I hear all the problems you guys have with your late model trucks.90percent of which is electronics,sensers,and other emissions related bulls..t!
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