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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. DD That is a neat truck.. Is the pocket on the front bumper a place to put the crane bucket while using the Holmes for towing??
  2. Jim Thank you for the date correction. I just did not think it started so soon after MLK started his equality movement.
  3. I guess TeamsterGrrrl has forgotten about all the Affirmative Action laws / programs that her bleeding heart liberal left wingers instituted in the 1980's!! Of coarse she probably believes that these were a natural occurrence??
  4. WOW!! That is about the most bassackward way of twisting someones words around to meet your own opinion that I have ever heard!!!
  5. Paul A "seniority list" is a listing of your hire date. Supposedly under union rules it allows you to move up to easier/better paying positions the longer you have been in service with a company. Minority "affirmative action" regulations tend to bend these out of shape.
  6. Was kinda thinking the same.. Probably the only way she can generate an org***sm!!
  7. Larry Freightrain lives about 1-2 hours way, maybe he can help you?? PM Him..
  8. Another suggestion for an "engine cradle" is old tires, they spread out the weight some and protect the oil pan..
  9. I believe that Omaha Orange was one of the first "Safety Colors" after Red fire trucks. A lot of municipal vehicles were painted that color..
  10. Was that snow blower a proper FWD approved 2 cycle???
  11. Paul, If the people working the floor the day we were there are any indication of the upper levels of management I would say they were great.. I have also heard that the majority of the items on display have been donated to the museum?
  12. Only 2 pictures?? Must have been on one of those Super Secret classified missions this week!!!
  13. Flett also had one of the last chain drive Sterlings (1953??) at ATHS Springfield Mass in 2012.
  14. I LIKE IKE!!! And yes, I am old enough to remember that campaign slogan. KSC, very well said. I like many of Trump's ideas but only time will tell if they will work.
  15. Brocky


    I really doubt if any of the regulations back up, BUT I Sincerely hope that Trump can control the EPA so they do not advance as fast into the insanity that they has planned for the future.
  16. That may be one of the Road Ranger "Super 10" (a 5 speed which you split each gear) transmissions which had a very slow shifting back box due to a wide ratio difference. With the one I drove for 3 years in the middle 90's, starting out uphill and/or with a heavy load, the splitter/back box shifted a lot faster if you drove it like an old Spicer 12 or 16 speed of the 50's-60's by going thru neutral during the splitter shift. Some guys would shift it with the Jake, BUT that had to be hard on the whole drive train!! By the time you got to 5th the momentum of the truck allowed it to shift OK. I think (??) this transmission was the basis for the first autoshifts where it would split 5th automatically.
  17. Yep!!! Noticed he was still passing when the lane ended!!
  18. Kieth I have no idea?? Try sending an email direst to Steve Rosemond the ATHS RVP and one of the officers of the Corbitt group.. steverosemond@yahoo.com
  19. When our company, Wrangler Blue Jeans, allowed us to install inverters in our tractors they REQUIRED us to purchase 2/0 welding cable..
  20. The Corbitt 100th anniversary show in 2010 at Henderson NC
  21. Does he have it listed with the Corbitt Preservation Society?? Last I knew they only were aware of about 200 known left to exist..
  22. My Detour was about the same??? 6 days on 2 of the islands in Hawaii on the way home.. Whole deal was about$25k..
  23. Paul Plan on going to OZ in late August of 2020.. That is when the Australian Truckie's Hall of Fame Reunion takes place in Alice Springs.. In May(+/-) is the Hauling of the Hume(Youtube It) which if i could not be there for I would like to rent a motorhome and travel it.. Here is a link to the 9 page report of our trip to Alice in 2015:: http://forums.justoldtrucks.com/84264/Down-Under-Trip?Keywords=Down Under Trip
  24. I realize it is only a fiction novel but the press is acting exactly how Tom Clancy described it in Executive Orders with their not accepting Ryan as he was not a Washington Insider.. Trump has a lot to learn about handling the press, But let's all of US give him a little while to learn.
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