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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. CB's fall under distracted driver rules not cell phone rules.
  2. back in the late 70's Kings supermarkets in Maplewood NJ was across the street from the post office on a narrow street. unloading zone was in an alley between two buildings. to make a delivery you had to run the Mack MR cabover with a 23 foot pup trailer, and run the tractor over the curb, then up the 5 steps in front of the post office to the first landing so you could line up to get in the alley. then once in the alley you had to stop and fold your mirrors in to reach the dock.
  3. here in Joisey it is a $3800 fine for hand held cell phone use in a commercial vehicle. calls or texting. and Bob, as of 1-03-2012 the federal fine is $2,750, not $1500: Drivers who violate the restriction will face federal civil penalties of up to $2,750 for each offense and disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle for multiple offenses. Additionally, states will suspend a driver’s commercial driver’s license (CDL) after two or more serious traffic violations. Commercial truck and bus companies that allow their drivers to use hand-held cell phones while driving will face a maximum penalty of $11,000.
  4. nice score. and it sorta matches the paint on the low boy.
  5. that frameless dump trailer is useless now for anything except running over the scales for scrap metal.
  6. first thing i noticed is he was driving way too fast for traffic conditions, and not paying attention. second thing i noticed is his trailer brakes were not working. if he had working trailer brakes, that probably would not have happened. you can clearly see the tractor brakes locked up and the trailer wheels freewheeling.
  7. i would rather be seen driving this around over that abortion.
  8. the last "deal"we got end up being for 20 year old tires custom bandage found in one of the places they bought. military takeoffs with tubes and boots for $300 each. we did not realize they were garbage until 6 blew out within 4 days of putting them on the truck. they were so old, only 3 of the 12 had dates on them.
  9. werner. what do you expect. he was following the big blue arrow on the side of the truck.
  10. not just the rental outfits. i am totally amazed at asphalt plants where most towns get their "drivers" from after watching said "drivers" trying to back under the plant. it is bad enough with just the truck, but put a "hot box" behind the truck and it can take them 15 minutes to back up 20 feet and put it under the drop shoot.
  11. maybe that is what the fellers with the shovels are doing, digging the pits.
  12. here in Joisey the enacted a new rule for getting a CDL. you have to parallel park the rig. ..and they only give you 15 foot more than your overall length to do it in. 3 tries to do it. if not, you fail. another new rule enacted at the same time is the driver has to be able to open the hood by themselves without any assistance. it is interesting trying to watch some of these 90 lb women trying to flip the hood on a Kenworth or Petercar. in 18 months i have only seen one able to do it, because she knew to lift from the back side of the fender instead of trying to raise the hood from the front. it only takes around 50 lbs pressure from the side instead of 140 lbs or so from the front.
  13. them there pterodactyls are good eatin!!
  14. i have seen this truck in action and all i can say is it is a beast.
  15. i was waiting for someone to say he lost his dignity a long, long time ago.
  16. and the winfall wimmins took his camera. ..and fuel.... and dignity.
  17. i would like to hook Jetters W900 to that RV and take off for destinations unknown!!
  18. my only real gripe is very tall steps (2 instead of the macks 3) and wider turning radius than the T800 or any of the macks. but i only drove it 2 times. ours has a 550 with automatic trans. the new one will not be in for about two or three months, so once i get to run the new one regularly i will have a better idea. but from the few times i was in the 2016, it is a very nice truck to drive.
  19. he is also probably asking more for it now than what he paid for it back in 75.
  20. was it over when the germans bombed pearl harbor??? forget it, he's rolling
  21. yes they are big. and heavy too. if i remember correctly around 400lbs without tubes, boots, or rims. my old DM800 lowboy had 14X24 sneakers on all axles. i was legal for around 210,000 lbs with the "S" tags
  22. a friend had one of them with a 671/10 speed in it and a wrecker body on back. he found a 12V71 in a wrecked truck and pulled the engine and 18 speed trans, then stuffed it in it to make a real wrecker.
  23. funny, that is the same wrong window you posted when i pointed out the crack in the driver side last week.
  24. Billy, i use acetone to cut rustoleum for spraying also. works great!!
  25. I agree. if they want to leave and join Mexico, more power to them. But once they do leave, they will have no right to votes on how things work, and no handouts for at least 25 years after being let back in the United States.
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