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tjc transport

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Everything posted by tjc transport

  1. i have found opera is much better and faster than chrome. and i don't get any of the security alerts i did with chrome or firefox either.
  2. interesting video. i never saw i crackerbox with twin steer but only single rear axles before.
  3. firefox had a nasty security hack around christmas and the "repair" made it worse. i am now using opera, it is 10 times faster than firefox and does not have the security problems on other sites i was having with firefox.
  4. MEK= Methyl Ethel Ketone, also know as Butanone it is a base chemical used to make solvents sorta like acetone is used. among other things it is used to weld plastics together.
  5. some people are born stupid, others have to practice being stupid every day of their miserable lives.
  6. everything i see says part # 6QB42m is NLA.
  7. yes. that would be the way to do a 2 light system. with the way it currently is set up you need to run the 4 rear light system the truck came with.
  8. most of the older trucks used separate turn signal and brake lights. that is why you see three lights on each side of older trucks. reverse, turn, and brake lights on each side.
  9. their warehouse is humongous. rite alongside RT-80, and for many many years they had an old fill sized rig on the roof. i have not been up that way in over 10 years now, so i don't know if it is still up there or not.
  10. engine is probably a 237, and the trans is most likely a "mud stick". 5 speeds on the stick closest to the driver seat, and reverse, low, and direct on the passenger side stick.
  11. 5 exhaust pipes?? what is that, one of them show trucks?
  12. it is always good when it is a simple fix like that. what i do when i find broken tab locks is use a ziptie to hold them tight.
  13. 3-4 is for engine position sensor. the link in the 4th post should help explain it: https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/topic/23108-electronic-malfunction-codes-3-2-and-3-4-on-2000-e7300/
  14. here is the pic of the Washington Hotel
  15. is that a cracked windshield i see in the third picture??
  16. it ain't a "crack" one of the main beams snapped completely open 3/4 inch and shifted 2 inches to the side. i know the lead welder trying to fix it and inspect the rest of the structural steel. he said it is cheap china steel, and that the bridge most likely will need to be replaced.
  17. nah. too much work and money required to keep them rears maintained
  18. or he is senile and forgets what he went out to the truck to do................
  19. there was a short run TV series in the late 80's called "the highwaymen" with an under trailer tractor that had a 6V53 detroit in it. the jetto truck: the highwayman Jacko's truck:
  20. damn 41, your photochops are almost as good as udderdogs.
  21. you aint got nowhere near enough grease and grime on your hands and clothes to be working on that truck!!
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