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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. Thanks lads, guessing that seat option isnt very common then Miss Molly my border collie would enjoy that extra room Next question, looks like a rectangular speaker in front of the door trim between the two hinges Was this a Mack thing as well ? Paul
  2. Thats one wild looking knee, looks like it needs a crash helmet on it LOL Never had any of these dramas so cant advise either way Paul
  3. The passanger seat shape in the truck at the start of the thread, is that normal in Yanky land ? Paul
  4. Good luck with that, bondo or bog as we call it out here is cheap so 5 gallons will be a good Chrissy present😆😆 Paul
  5. Thats a lotta bling, small price to pay for ones freedom😏 Paul
  6. Looks very well covered, do you wet the ground to stop blowing dust when spraying or do you have a better plan for dust control ? Paul
  7. I reckon Swish is onto it from information provided This reminds of my Grandmother, she would go to the doctor and tell him anything, if he was any good he should know what was wrong with her, I kid you not she was this way Very frustrating for all involved as she got older Paul
  8. Dont worry, when the muffler blows out of the Ingersoll starter it scares the crap out of the most seasoned Mack airstart men😆😆😆😆 Paul
  9. I hear you have this all solved and sorted Well done Lang Paul
  10. Yes it sure is, from the simple items we eat to tools to trucks and hobbies It varies all over Australia from only slight changes to things that dont even make sense Paul
  11. That is great news, as long as it is out there still and not in a scrap bin all is ok Paul
  12. Yep, I believe they are called demountable They are called spiders out here in Australia Paul
  13. Really, you lot need to just leave this one alone This is how the mess started in the first place, people trying to tell the forum how to run and what moderators should and shouldn't do As I warned those very members you speak of all those months ago that it wasn't going to be any good for them or the forum You lot need to really just leave it alone, no one owes you a answer or a explanation Paul
  14. I came across something a fair bit worse than that within the last 6 months A fella clipped a B double, (B train) between the fuel tanks and the drive axles in his car Tore the drive axles out and flung the tail shafts down the road The drive and A trailer Alcoa rims were folded in half, the B trailer rims were fine Car was a mess, I mean it was totalled, the fella in side fell asleep on cruise control and just drifted into the B double He was wide awake and in a very bad way when I found him Truck driver was a bit shaken as well My point to this is, we probably shouldn't pass judgement on things we dont really know about I have come across a few really bad head on collisions in recent years due to cruise control, rattles me every time Paul
  15. Dunno if it is better than Dynamat or not I doubt it but as I said I dunno, Dynamat with the Dynaliner seems to work pretty good to me, I guess it all depends on ones expectations and whether they are realistic or not Loudest noise by a long way is gearbox noise once I rev over 1950 revs in overdrive but it is still bearable, but I have pretty bad industrial deafness and my domestic deafness isnt much better lol What ever works I guess is what you use I filled the inside of the doors with spray on tar and Dynamat and it seems to work fine And yes all F and R model doors come apart the same as a B model Paul
  16. Looks good to me, as long as you all are happy with it thats all that matters Paul
  17. No but it works and I guess thats all that really matters Paul
  18. If you think its only one axle I would check the air pressure on a the other axles and the suspect one to check they are all the same I would use three gauges at once to check everything is balanced Also I would check the slack adjusters are all pinned in the sam e hole And that the S cams are all spinning freely, they should super smooth and be able to turn them by hand with the shoes and springs putting pressure on And they should roll back smooth and gentle with just the shoe sprongs pulling them back Paul
  19. Whats the proble, gotta know were to help if we can Paul
  20. I was led to believe that shutters were there for after climbing a big hill and you ran down the other side the the water didnt cool to quickly and crack a head I'm guessing this is even more important when working were it's very cold Is it even a concern on a hobbie truck ? Probably not Paul
  21. If you have a half decent piece of paint from the interior left you could just get it colour matched No one (including the so call experts) will know if it isnt spot on as it cant ever be put exactly bedside another cab interior Paul
  22. Flash as a rat with a gold tooth that one is
  23. When your talking cold, what sort of temp are you talking Cold in Australia is different than other places around the world As to the oil I cant advise if it's ok or not I would check the air pressure and make sure the regulators are working correctly I would as check the filter and the exhaust to make sure it is clear Paul
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