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My email to Kim Davis (that KY county clerk in the news)


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If she is a Christ-follower, then she has herself in a position of being faced with two conflicting rules. Scripture tells of obeying government rule but also tells of homosexuality being a sinful act. She should take the route that other clerks who are believers have taken, and that is to resign from the job. I realize she wants to make a statement, but there are other ways of doing so.

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It is intriguing that this woman, with a proven gross inability to manage her own life, is garnering so much support from some people here for her refusal to do her job and simultaneously attempt to dictate how others live their lives.

This thread began with someone stating that they were writing in support of this woman's efforts to live in accordance with your beliefs. And what beliefs she has..........she's been married 4 times and committed adultery with her third husband while married to her first.......what a bible thumping hypocrite. And she wants to impose her religious beliefs on others?.........what a crock. This mess of a person is representative of what is wrong with the fabric of America today.

Obviously, this individual's actions are based on her personal desire to bask for a time in the media spotlight. There's nothing more to it.

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You don't have to "endorse" homosexuals or black people. We just should respect their point of views too. The only gays you see or hear about are the extremists, same with islams and so on and so on. Some guys drive around with loud exhaust, are we all supposed to like that? Or if I dont want someone chewing and spitting in my shop am I wrong? We've had queer presidents for christs sake. If this kind of thing bothers people, then you either dont have enough work to do or have enough of your own problems. I wish there were way more gay men. It just makes my odds better for picking up ladies.

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You don't have to "endorse" homosexuals or black people. We just should respect their point of views too. The only gays you see or hear about are the extremists, same with islams and so on and so on. Some guys drive around with loud exhaust, are we all supposed to like that? Or if I dont want someone chewing and spitting in my shop am I wrong? We've had queer presidents for christs sake. If this kind of thing bothers people, then you either dont have enough work to do or have enough of your own problems. I wish there were way more gay men. It just makes my odds better for picking up ladies.

Most states have laws on the books prohibiting modifications made to the exhaust system which makes it louder than it was when it came from the manufacturer. So no, you DON'T have to like the guy riding around with the loud exhaust. In fact, if you complain and the cops catch him, or if a cop who cares hears him drive by, he can receive a ticket for that loud exhaust and pay a fine. If you don't want someone chewing and spitting in your shop, you have the right to remove them from your shop. The Constitution places no marital status requisite upon the office of the president, nor does it say anything about sexual preference, so it really doesn't matter as long as they are elected to the office. Hell, even if there WERE Constitutional requirements, we've seen in recent years that they don't really matter much as long as you claim to meet them and refuse to release any actual documentation that would prove or disprove your claim.

What bothers me is when a person is locked up because they cannot in good conscience place their signature upon a marriage license thereby endorsing the union. What bothers me is when a baker or florist is forced to close up shop for refusing to use their talents to participate in (thereby endorsing) an event which violates their religious beliefs. What bothers me is when a property owner who makes the property available as a venue for events gets sued when refusing to allow an event on the property (endorsing the event) which violates their religious beliefs.

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But what law – what specific law – did Mrs. Davis violate? Where is the law that mandates Mrs. Davis issue a marriage license?

That’s a question Republican presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee raised to his supporters in a recent letter.

“That simple question is giving many in Congress a civics lesson that they never got in grade school,” Huckabee wrote.

“The Supreme Court cannot and did not make a law,” he continued. “They only made a ruling on a law. Congress makes the laws. Because Congress has made no law allowing for same-sex marriage, Kim does not have the Constitutional authority to issue a marriage license to homosexual couples.”

However, there used to be a federal law on the books called the Defense of Marriage Act. And President Obama directed his administration to ignore the law. I don’t seem to recall a federal judge throwing the president in the slammer.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I'm not really religious or atheist, yes I'm a fence rider but NEITHER side can conclusively prove they are right. I think gays should be able to marry whether that's aligned with my views or not. The only thing I would like to see is for them to call it anything else but marriage just because I don't like how our society keeps redefining words. Traditionally marriage is between a man and woman in my eyes and not from a religous stand point on my end so make a new word up for same sex marriage is all I ask. As far as people quoting the bible and why people are going to hell basically don't they remember reading that (I'm paraphrasing here) that a sin is a sin in gods eyes meaning all sins are equal? IF you go by that it means lots of people are going to hell for lots of different things but homosexuality is the latest thing to protest. Don't we see churches and groups working in prisons? Not protesting out in front of them because of all the sinners in there? Just realize when you protest someone's personal life that no way effects you, you're personal life choices could be on the chopping block next. As for the minority's groups that cry bigot, racist etc for some one disagreeing with them I have a saying for that, Those who preach tolerance have the least of it for someone with an opposing view.

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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I try whenever possible to make my point without invoking God's name, because while I try to live according to His Word, I know I'm not perfect and don't claim to speak for Him. On policy issues, while religion may play a role in forming the opinions or the morality on which these decisions are made, not everybody shares the same religion. We do (allegedly) have religious liberty in this country, and as such, one religion should not dictate how others must live. If you can't make a valid point to justify your position without playing the "God says so" card, while it may be a perfectly legitimate view in your own personal life, it is not good public policy. I've laid out the ways society benefits from traditional marriage, as well as pointing out some burdens placed upon society by allowing same sex marriage. NOBODY has put forth any ways in which society benefits from a same sex marriage. Those arguing the loudest for their "right" to marry are selfish, thinking only how the recognition benefits them personally without taking into consideration the burdens they seek to place upon society. They seek validation of an unnatural relationship, because they "love" their partner. Marriage ain't about love, though. It is about making a life-long commitment for better or worse in order to provide a stable foundation upon which to raise a family. So for those in support of allowing same sex unions to be recognized as marriage, can you name a way in which such unions benefit society?

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^^^Right there is a person oblivious to the truth.

The Constitution of the Confederate States of America was adopted March 11, 1861. The battle at Fort Sumter didn't begin until a month later on April 12.

Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution of the Confederate States of America starts out as follows:

So a full month before the first battle began, the Confederacy had already outlawed the importation of slaves from foreign lands, and granted Congress the power to outlaw importing them from the United States. It wasn't until January 1, 1863 when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclaimation...which didn't free a single slave. The states and territories loyal to the union were exempted, and he didn't have jurisdiction over the Confederate States. The 13th Amendment wasn't ratified until December 6, 1865...4 years and 9 months AFTER the Confederacy had placed the first Constitutional curbs on slavery and the slave trade.

But back to the topic at hand. Slavery was abolished through the Constitutional process. 2/3 vote in both houses of congress, then 3/4 of the states approved in order to ratify that change. This did not happen with same-sex marriage, as the people both through their elected officials (Defense of Marriage Act) as well as at the ballot box (31 states out of 32 that put the measure before the voters to amend state constitutions) overwhelmingly supported traditional marriage. The will of the people was overturned when 5 activist justices decided they knew better than the people...and THAT is the problem. Government derives its power by the consent of the governed. When the governed repeatedly say "THIS IS WHAT MARRIAGE IS", the government (judicial branch included) does not have the power to say "No, it's something different." There is a right way and a wrong way to change the law. The right way involves the people speaking through their elected representatives. The wrong way is for an un-elected judge with a lifetime appointment to tell the people "You're wrong" and rewrite the law to suit his/her own ideological principals.

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Friend, you are welcome to express your thoughts and opinions here. The BMT family, some of the finest people in the world, are friendly, open-minded and outgoing.

However, it is inappropriate, inconsiderate and disrespectful of you to ridicule another individual here for their thought process simply because it differs from your own.

Your "perception" of the truth, which is nothing more than an opinion, isn't necessarily the opinion of others.

Every single person in the world is different in mind and spirit (the world would be a dull place if we were all the same). People here have respected your thoughts, and you must respect theirs.

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