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Everything posted by Maddog13407

  1. Larry has been lookin into this for years. don't think he made much headway. I think the 517 was superceeded by the 522 after around 1962. don't quote me on this tho
  2. went thru Dolgeville the other day.... I think the A model and IH are GONE
  3. think when I did mine I went the cheap route and tossed the voltage regulator, kept the ground wire to it to the cab and bolted the other two wires together and taped them. ran a good ground from alternator to the block and hooked up the hot to the hot.
  4. interesting. must have the big bell housing. looks like it has a 72 duplex with sticks straight up. most 707 fire engines had the small bell I thought. not familier. maybe they had the adapter?
  5. sure were stinky oil burning pigs those Midliners......
  6. Mack only used those Erie front wheels for those few years and I have only EVER seen them on B42's. don't ask me why. the other 505 axles with the chrome hubcap went back to the older style after around 61 and its odd they didn't use the Erie hub across the board. Kscarbel might know something about this eh?
  7. last time I was at a Mack auction there were two boxes of 711 sleeves..... twelve, same guy bought them all, $200 a hole for just the sleeves
  8. 59 60 61 with those front Erie hubs. only a few years for those
  9. Seen a few of those 438's go to the junk yard, one with very low miles. Managed to save the 18 speed baby quad off it and the rear end. Would like to find a good running 464 or 540 someday. Never heard one run.
  10. long as its the Delbar style mirror like they pictures with the four holes on bottom and three on top you should have the plate. I have taken the round door stop plate off the inside of the door, rolled window up and used a long stick to hold the plate in before to. sometimes you can carefully pull the bracket off and quickly put a few nuts back on
  11. probably went overseas, they will buy anything, R, U or DM
  12. never saw that kw there either and I made my rounds
  13. there were a lot of real 300's around new England that always seemed to have a 9 speed roadranger in them. dunno if this was just the spec? every 300+ I have seen had a 10 speed roadranger.i don't think that was the only option. most 237's 250's and 275's had 5 speeds, least the ones I have seen
  14. most B42 sx 's and some s's had double frame. most s's had a single frame with plates tho. the early ones with 20 speed direct baby quads were about 50mph trucks. we have a later one with an 18 speed and one with a 14 speed quad that are probably 60 64 mph trucks. old sayin with a B42 was always '' the bugs ran into the back window and not the windshield''
  15. glad you snapped a pic of that white B with the orange frame. I spotted it from the tram ride the one day but went looking for it and it must have only been there one day or put away?
  16. none, just like the third party likes. just like scamming some old Mack from a widow or a divorcee' or someone going thru one and selling it for 3 or 4 times as much.....
  17. yup, lookin for a curved gooseneck like that myself
  18. problem is most lowboys up here in new England have gold frame rails or they are rotted from salt
  19. why oh why is everything so far away . what id give for the one on the right, the non skirted one
  20. yup, a cordless sawsall........ I have even cut a good wheel off with column with a hacksaw. chances are it will take weeks of soaking if its been sitting that long
  21. They must have been building the last of the R models and DMs when you toured the plant because the new junk sure as hell won't last 30 years. Be lucky if you can get 5 without the ABS and service engine light haunting you.
  22. looks salvageable..... front bumper, fenders and cab look fixable and frame is solid.
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