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GOP's War on Trump


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Yup, if those dummies can't get behind trump they are surely going to lose and really screw us with either of the dems candidates. We need to change our election system to majority vote so EVERYONE'S vote counts. If memory serves me correctly Obama didn't get the majority vote last election but still won. Things like this and things like you posted Paul helps me make sense of people who don't vote. Unless you're in a state with lots of electoral votes your vote usually doesn't matter much if any at all. It always pisses me off when they announce a winner before all the votes are counted. I do understand that when they do that there is no way the other candidate can win but it makes it seem like only a some of the states voters count. 

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The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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If Hillary gets the Democrat nomination that Sanders voters would in all probability vote for Trump.  With the Electoral College and the electronic voting fraud from the past two elections, I feel it is stacked to keep status quo for both parties.

One thing mentioned with the GOP Anti Trump thing on Radio Free Europe (BBC) is that the GOP "core" members and their lobbyists do not want Trump as a candidate. 

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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EXACTLY why we need to get The Donald into the Whitehouse!  Time to clean house, shake up the corruption and hold some politicians accountable for their corruption and crimes.  One can hope this stuff gets brought into the light before we are a third world country.

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GOP And Left Hijack Race


Published on TheHill.Com on March 22, 2016

2016 has seen the advent of two serious threats to our democratic process of choosing a president. One is from the right, as Republican Party bosses seek to reassert their ability to overrule the voters — and the other from the left, with demonstrators seeking to shout out Donald Trump and goad his all-too-susceptible followers into violence.

The nexus of these twin threats is the same: fear of Trump.

As he marches on toward the presidential nomination, he is sweeping aside the best the Republican Party has to offer. John Kasich hangs on by a thread. And only Ted Cruz stands in his way.

But the fear he engenders has catalyzed the least democratic of our impulses: mob rule by the left and boss rule by the right. While Americans have fought and died for the right to select their leaders in elections, thousands more have been clubbed, gassed, exiled and imprisoned in the fight to get the right to nominate candidates in direct primaries.

Before 1964, party bosses routinely selected the candidates. Primaries were for candidates who had something to prove, a form of auditioning for the party bosses. In 1952 and 1956, Adlai Stevenson won the Democratic nomination without competing in a single primary. In 1960, Kennedy fought in the primaries to prove that a Catholic could win and so he could persuade — but could not compel — the bosses to nominate him.

But in 1964, Barry Goldwater turned the Republican establishment on its head by defeating Nelson Rockefeller in the primaries, leaving in the dust the old Eastern party establishment.

When the left wing of the Democratic Party, animated by opposition to the Vietnam War, tried the trick in 1968, its candidates — Robert Kennedy, Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern — won all the primaries, but the party bosses nominated Hubert Humphrey nonetheless. Chicago, the scene of the convention, was gripped by days of rioting, police brutality, tear gas, billy clubs and arrests. So rent was the Democratic Party that it succumbed to Richard Nixon in the fall.

Stung by the events of Chicago, Democrats — followed by Republicans — changed the rules and required that the delegates who chose the candidates be elected in primaries after making binding and public pledges of support for a candidate.

Now the leaders of the Republican Party, terrified by the prospect of a nominee they cannot control and convinced they will not defeat Hillary Clinton in the fall, are mapping out a strategy to ignore the will of their voters and derail Trump at the convention. Nobody challenges the primary voting or alleges that the billionaire stole his victories. But the bosses would nonetheless have us turn away the candidate that got the most votes and instead nominate someone more to their liking.

This strategy is obscene and a violation of the spirit of our nation and our democracy. Even if a candidate should fall just short of a majority but win the overwhelming plurality, he should not be stymied but must be nominated.

On the left, noisy demonstrators try to disrupt Trump’s rallies. In the spirit of the communist “agents provocateur” of years past, they shove their signs in the face of Trump supporters, challenging them to physical combat. When Trump’s backers respond, they film it and broadcast it throughout the nation, piously decrying Trump’s authoritarian predilections.

Meanwhile, the left-wing mob blocks traffic to stop people from exercising their First Amendment right of peaceful assembly.

These threats to our democratic way of choosing a president must not be allowed to block the path of popular selection of the nominee — especially not when hundreds of thousands of voters are participating in the Republican primaries for the first time. We dare not make them more cynical by showing that their votes didn’t count.

This election is not a question of whether or not you are for Donald Trump. It’s about whether or not you are for democracy.

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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So it seems to me the " plan " is stop Trump causing a third party and that will Hillary or Sanders to win. Trump voters showing disgust and protests. The GOP can back Trump and cause protests and or riots before the elections............causing Obama to declare Martial Law and suspend the election and stay in charge until "the crisis passes".    Paul  


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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The GOP has two options, get behind Trump or die. It's insane to think that they can nominate anybody else and the Trump supporters will just say "oh well, I guess we are stupid and the GOP knows much better than we do".

Why a party would rather commit sucide than let the republican front runner win is beyond me. 

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I used to be a staunch GOP supporter once upon a time.  I wouldn't send them a dime now.  Last go-around Romney had the party nominating rules changed to keep out Ron Paul.

This time they are messing with the rules to keep out Trump.  The party has shown complete disdain for the will of the people.  It would be good if today's GOP implodes and a new conservative party rises from the ashes.  

In fact, the Founding Fathers warned us about the threat from a two party system.

John Adams said:

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.

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There talk of the GOP picking Romney to run against Hillary or Sanders. . .


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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1 hour ago, david wild said:

I think Trump has his own set of problems but Cruz is part of the problem that this country is in, he is a insider and his number one concern is not us the taxpayer, I truly believe that Trump really does want this country to be great, it's good for all biz including his. I have to wonder how sick and twisted anyone would have to be to support Clinton ???  they must belong to the same camp that believes smoking is harmless ?? and the Muslim Brotherhood is a frat.  Bernie is funny, he is totally clueless but his supporters scare me, they believe his shit. Funny how we (America) under Obama go out of our way to please our enemies, people that want to kill us and see our country brought to it's knees yet our government worries more about us insulting them or offending them more than what they do to us, I find that offensive.  Trump is no way perfect but compared to the others he is heaven sent.    


Emory University in Atlanta is under siege at this hour from a chalk-wielding Donald Trump supporter who caused a massive outbreak of micro-aggressions among frightened students.Terrified collegians are hunkered down in their safe spaces – traumatized by whoever wrote “Trump 2016” and “Accept the Inevitable: Trump 2016” on campus sidewalks.

That was a bit alarming,” one panicked student told The Emory Wheel. “What exactly is inevitable? Why does it have to be accepted?”

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” she told the campus paper. “But if this racist man is being supported by students on our campus…I feel afraid for my life at my school now.”

The Emory Latino Student Organization posted on their Facebook site calling the drawing “a racist act of cowardice.”

“They did not do this merely to support the presidential candidate, but to promote the hate and discrimination against people of color and Hispanics that goes along with him,” they wrote.

Dozens of students protested the chalk drawings in the university’s quad – demanding the administration take criminal and civil action against the pro-Trump supporter(s).

“You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain,” students shouted as reported by the campus newspaper. “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

“I will dismiss their expression of feelings and concern as motivated only by political preference or over-sensitivity,” he wrote in an email to students. “Instead, the students with whom I spoke heard a message, not about political process or candidate choice, but instead about values regarding racial hatred and lack of respect for non citizens that clash with Emory’s own values.”

President Wagner vowed to launch a campus police investigation and round up the pro-Trump graffiti artists, the newspaper reported. He said if the individuals are students they will go through a violation process and if they are not students they will face charges.

Meanwhile, the university’s student government association is providing “emergency counseling for students triggered by the Trump 2016 campus chalkings.” The student newspaper also took a few jabs at Mr. Trump – calling him “an offensive man” who has made “racist, sexist and xenophobic statements.”

Ironically, there was no outrage from liberal students or the university administration or the campus newspaper in 2014 when protesters drew chalk outlines of bodies during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. I reckon at Emory University black lives do matter, but the lives of Trump supporters do not..But a source at the Centers for Disease Control tells me there are grave concerns that what happened at Emory University is not an anomaly. And they fear that if the Republicans nominate Donald Trump – it could spawn an epidemic of micro-aggressions on university campuses across the United States.

Edited by 41chevy


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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15 hours ago, 41chevy said:

There talk of the GOP picking Romney to run against Hillary or Sanders. . .

Let's not forget trump just whooped it up in Massechusetts, he got more votes there than when Romney was governor and running for the presidency

Edited by HeavyGunner
Auto correct inserted wrong word

The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by the people who vote for a living.

The government can only "give" someone what they first take from another.

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21 hours ago, david wild said:

I think Trump has his own set of problems but Cruz is part of the problem that this country is in, he is a insider and his number one concern is not us the taxpayer, I truly believe that Trump really does want this country to be great, it's good for all biz including his. I have to wonder how sick and twisted anyone would have to be to support Clinton ???  they must belong to the same camp that believes smoking is harmless ?? and the Muslim Brotherhood is a frat.  Bernie is funny, he is totally clueless but his supporters scare me, they believe his shit. Funny how we (America) under Obama go out of our way to please our enemies, people that want to kill us and see our country brought to it's knees yet our government worries more about us insulting them or offending them more than what they do to us, I find that offensive.  Trump is no way perfect but compared to the others he is heaven sent.    

Just because he's in the Senate doesn't mean he's an "insider".  Cruz is the one who stood on the Senate floor filibustering spending bills funding Obamacare, illegal amnesty, etc.  Cruz is the one who has argued (and won) cases at the Supreme Court.  Cruz has a core set of principals that he does not compromise on...he had the balls to call for ending ethanol subsidies while campaigning IN IOWA.  We KNOW where he stands on issues, and he doesn't try to hide from those positions.


That is why Jimmy Carter endorsed Trump...called him "malleable"...capable of being easily changed or influenced.  His position on any issue isn't what is right or wrong, but what he thinks is the popular opinion of the crowd he's in front of...such as calling for the EXPANSION of ethanol subsidies while campaigning in Iowa.  He'll say anything to please whatever crowd he's talking to, even if he said the complete opposite the day before....and if you have the gall to call him out on the flip-flopping, he insults you and calls you a liar. 


Trump has shown a complete lack of class throughout the campaign, and this latest deal where his good buddy who runs a tabloid rag published a fabricated story to tarnish Cruz's reputation only illustrates that point.  We've already had 7+ years with an undignified, classless individual occupying the white house.  We don't need another.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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19 hours ago, BOB DINGSDALE said:

If CRUZ is the nominee the first thing Hillery is going to ask for is his birth certificate. remember 4 years ago when Donald made a big deal about Obumbas. ties will turn.

The whole birther thing originated with Hillary's campaign...Trump just picked it up and ran with it.  And as far as Cruz's eligibility is concerned, that has already been addressed by the courts and they have stated that he is, in fact, eligible.

Edited by RowdyRebel
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When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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The problems with this country are bigger than Trump and Cruz, Trump seems to worry less about who he pisses off, at this point I'd like to see them all gone.

If ever given the chance to speak with Obama he would know exactly how I feel about him and his anti American attitude, there would be no question in his mind of my feelings about him, that's what I want in the next president, I want to know that he wants us to be no. 1 I don't care about the rest of the world, they do not care about us, I have worked all over the world including Iraq and Africa and the people are great but the leaders are just like ours, corrupt. But every place I have been it's them first then help others, we  help all others then the people of this country. This country has it all and we should use it to the best advantage that we can, kind of like Alaska and it's oil payouts, take care of US citizens first then help the rest with what's left, not we sacrifice so others get more than us.  Close the borders, what's wrong with that, every one else does, why can't we, that slows down the drug trade, that's good, develop our coal and oil, buy up everyone else's while it's cheap, then corner the market, that's good, how about educating the kids of today and teaching them that work is not a nasty four letter word,  We have country full of people that can't find a job yet we can't anyone that wants to work  ???  Most of the problems in this country now stems from people expecting to be taken care of instead of taking care of themselves, look around, one misfit after another, interview someone for a job, we had one the actually thought that he should get medical time off for his wife's period, she cramps and he needed to be there ???? WTF  like I said I'll support Cruz but let him attack Clinton with the same vigor as he attacks Trump.       

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