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Mack Technician

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Who was it that said our town idiot lives in the park and begs for change your town idiot is leading the country… and speaking of which I probably mentioned our town mayor is a girl and she’s just as stupid does absolutely nothing for this place. Of course she’s a Lib and Ben voted in twice 2 terms. They certainly got the edge. I swear this chick hasn’t  got the brains  to come in out of the rain(GEEEEEESUS),,,,,, How the hell these people get these spots?????? Anyway it’s Saturday. Woo hoo.!!!!!!!. Bob

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23 minutes ago, other dog said:

That's a good question! Like that idiot in Pa, and that other idiot in Pa. that dresses like a woman, and that idiot in Washington who doesn't know what planet he's on, but he's the president...it doesn't make any sense.

just hope no one tells the Washington idiot  there ARE other planets out there ' why expedite the screwing up of the rest of the planets. other planet beings have to be more intelligent than this place : 1= they have intelligent to stop by here ;;;2- they have the brain power to stop by and leave.  no one seems to be paying attention to the amount of rockets fired off on a regular bases around here lately . 

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