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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Man, I bet that Tee shirt would soak up oil leaks like a big sponge. J better send that one to FWD since it has been stretched out of proportion.
  2. Time to go electric Larry, and plug the old system. It was ok in it's day but we been spoiled to the new electric gadgets etc. No more crap in the air systems and no cleanups. Just get an R Model and be satisfied. The ole B needs a friend anyway plus it would look really good in your driveway sitting along side of the B Model. You could call them, Pop and Junior.
  3. I'm still waiting on a WINFALL t-shirt. Those things are hard to get from Gladys, VA. ......maybe cause I didn't order the two or more deal.
  4. Easy solution Larry. I took mine to an Industrial Rubber & Gasket Company and bought several. They had the exact size. And you have to use that special oil to keep them from getting hard too soon.
  5. Welcome, from another Nashville Cat. Born and raised up in Flatrock,near Woodbine. Lived mostly around the airport area. Merry Christmas and have fun with the Mack.
  6. Is that a pine forest I smell?I know it's not the oil from the Ford.
  7. I just hope you have enough ammo to do the job right. ps. Don't try to take on any Tigers unless you get behind them, because you may find out that they have thicker skin than your General WilliamTecumseh Sherman has. LOL
  8. I like the two colors together. Bet it's nice to have those skills under your hat. Keep up the nice work.
  9. Well that would have done it for me. I would have had to show her a thing or two. Ok, three, Ok, more than that.
  10. J, which Beaver was she talking about?
  11. Hey OD.......stay away from east Tennessee. I think they are still searching. But thanks, Dolly still looks good from any angle.
  12. I find it is all about MONEY. The state sold them a license to drive, and at some time in their life they get tickets to pay a fine for that license to drive and do stupid crap. Look at the cell phone situation now. I wish I could invent something for people to do stupid things with. I bought a new suv this past July. Ok, it has a devise that i'm not familiar with that is like looking at a TV screen in the center of my dash. That devise is one more distraction for people to do stupid crap, like run into someone or off the road. What comes next. We pay the price for convenience. Now in Nashville, they have painted markings, some are too close together but never the less people will walk across the street with their cell phones, not noticing a car coming, people not use to seeing these markings every few feet from each other and get some close calls. More stupid crap we pay for, out of being taxed. And yes we have many stupid people in Nashville. My question is why do you want to move to Tennessee when we have those same stupid people here?
  13. Hey Billy, I use that term and more each day. I see those kinds of people where I live and work also.
  14. That is one great story of your family history, I totally enjoyed it and wish you the very best of everything possible for your family and to easily succeed in finding the necessary needs for Gus. We like any photos to.
  15. Hey gearhead, our tractor club is using Steiner Tractor Parts out of Lennon Michigan. Website www.steinertractor.com phone # 1-800-234-3280
  16. Hey Bobby......how did you turn that B 75 into a B 615? Good job i'll say.
  17. Hey Hat......"Keep up the Skeer" as quoted by Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest. We'll do the prayin. I guess this means no more Winfall Gulls for yurn. Jist send em my way.
  18. This site is always simulating. I'll drink to that. Keep up the good work guys.
  19. I was told many years ago, that when someone put a big price on something, they really didn't want to sell, just show it off.
  20. I would need a B Model with a commode and be glad when someone comes up with this option. Not like it use to be when you could whip it out next to the street with no issues.
  21. Sorry to hear of the tragic loss. My condolences Tom to you and the families.
  22. Have you called Watts Truck Center? They are the B Model people. Call Parts Dept. they are open Saturday 6 a.m. to Noon. Phone # 1-888-304-6225. They can help. There is Jobbersinc.com phone # 215-236-8500 they know the 673 engines also. Oldmacks.com Dennis has a wealth of knowledge about these engines also. Some of these guys on this site may chime in and give you some leads to. Regards Mike
  23. Yes sir! I've enjoyed watching your project and glad things have worked out very well for you.
  24. LOL.....thanks Jay for sparing me the Mother Load.
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