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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Hope that Bernie is not with Barbara Bush, there.
  2. My dad would clean fish near the trash cans, and throw the remains with newspapers in.So apparently, we had cat issues. I remember having to sometimes go out and pick up trash. He had used the 110 method. Never had any more trouble with anything after that. OH! and I do recall a screw in Buss Fuse was used once.
  3. Mike


    Come on over Bob, I need some tinkering done to all 3 of my trucks and 3 tractors.
  4. If that is Herbie the love bug, he b alright.
  5. OD that's a priceless one. Yes I laughed my butte off again. When I was a kid visiting my grandad, we were standing near his garage where he had planted a small evergreen bush. His boxer dog came over and peed on the new bush. When the electric pulse hit, the pee went back up in the dog causing enormous great pain. That dog immediately broke the land speed record and sound barrier at the same time. I know if Don Garlett the Swamp Rat had heard of this dog, he would have wanted to know it's secret . That dog never came home. He probably is still on the run.
  6. Now that is too cool. I cannot suggest here in Trashville to relocate a L&N steam locomotive J series from the Centennial Park downtown to the original Union Station downtown. It was placed in the park since 1952. It is a 4-8-4 train. There is a photo of me standing beside a wheel when I was 5 somewhere at home.
  7. Do y'all think my butte looks good?
  8. Mike


    I heard that Bob. I mow with the unit at it's maximum height and still question the height. Got to pull it out to replace a fairly new belt that I bought cheaper than the manufacturer calls for.
  9. I definitely need to get one. I now have no floor space. I've been toying with the idea too long but like natural gas better. Got a pull out fan on the back wall and would have to close the hole to keep the heat inside.
  10. Next one try having the lights on and see what that does for the photo.
  11. Mike


    Yea, back in the day, I've ran a couple of those that had a Lawson, Briggs and Craftsman, even the Mike Motor Mowers. I still wouldn't mind having one but it would take two days to mow my yard with one.
  12. Tell them to come here , we welcome all immigrants.
  13. Mike


    Is it some kind of new filing system?
  14. Mike


    Not only yes but heck yes, I like it. I really glad someone painted it Mack color.
  15. We are having a 54th year St. Patrick Day in Erin, Tennessee all next week. I been attending for several years now , enjoying it each time , making it a tradition. Me and the g/f will be going Saturday morning before the parade starts at noon. We stay watching kids ride the Carnival rides and take in the good foods. If I can get my camera to download photos I will share them.
  16. Mike


    I 'm at the g/ f house. I bought a Super M Farmall a couple of weeks ago and staying up late working on it. I have the carb in a cleaning solution getting it clean so I can do a rebuild kit. The fuel was stale, so last night I bought some ethanol free fuel, also cleaned the tank.
  17. Mike


    I envy that. When I was 5 I had to stay with a neighbor that ran B Models for a local trucking company. While he was asleep I crawled up on his truck, found the door handle and made my way inside. I sat in the driver seat playing truck driver. As I sat I looked up and found a cord hanging down and decided to pull on it. Can you guess what happened next?
  18. Mike


    Bob, I bet you had a ball.
  19. Momma get Real-Kill, or No Bugs Ma Lady. No, on a serious note, What ever i'm painting, it is ready when I get in at night, so lights go on the time i'm painting. Then lights out while the 10 minutes of drying time, go inside and have a beer, then back out in the garage for next coat. Paint and repeat steps for each coat. I have rubbed insects out after it has a day of drying. I grew up turning lights out after leaving a room. Still do.
  20. Must have taken her home before the testing day. Ata boy Larry.
  21. Where's the Winfall girls when they are needed here?
  22. I have to spray late at night in order to get a decent look. The winds are calm by 11:00p.m. most of the time. And still wet the floor to keep the dust down.
  23. Very good looking work. Gus must be proud.
  24. Hey Larry, I really like the stuff you put on Facebook with your drag race friends. Some interesting cars in action.
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