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Everything posted by Vladislav

  1. Glad to hear you came dry out of that disaster.
  2. Sorry but you are not wrong. There are too many clowns all 'round the planet (I thought before inside my country only) who don't want just do his job. Although we meet too many people who say "we're living not good enough".
  3. Me is the next. The first Mack I ever drove was ex-army gasser NM. I unloaded it in 500 meters from a trailor that transported it to me from Holland. Whole a rig couldn't come into my thin street so I had to go with Mack. There is EY707 with 5 speed Mack direct in it. Axles and a transfer case are Timken-Detroit, that's original. And it is six by six and 1944. It's me betveen the steering wheel and the seat.
  4. It's checked. Because my one is from there. They sent me the E6 and E9. After waiting the parsel for 6 weeks they sent me another pack. 3 days after the first one came. And in three weeks the second. They said they got insuranse and had no worries of. Although the manuals seem to me REPRINTS. Just can't be shure because don't know a real quality.
  5. Anybody of us has his own. But we all are just the bricks in the wall.
  6. I have a spare one E9 procedures manual. Invite you to drink a cup of tee with me and look at.
  7. All the snow at me is gone now. Although for some days.. Vinny, i can say you need just to paint hood, hubs and fit bumper and the outside would complete. Maybe add rear mud guards.
  8. The favorite picture is a breath breaker. Tom, i suppose you needed good skill of Australian language. At least when you filled Google form with "B-model parked beside new unit."
  9. We're all crazy Mack truckers here, too glad keeping your company!
  10. Headlights look aftermarket. If it would be Dutch truck you must read "Van Jose", if Danish - "Sjon Jose" or something like this. The sleeper seems good to me. Vinny, you have a reason now for travel to Europe. I warned you just yesterday
  11. You're very helpful with all your knowleges.Sent him a latter.
  12. Most songs sound like Mack E9. Sometimes under a load and sometimes 2100 with overdrive.
  13. I also think Spain. TIR plate is definitely European stuff and there is the only country in Europe that speaks Spanish. Maybe Portugal also, the language is too close to Spanish.
  14. Couldn't you fit them both? I just don't know, newer have seen air starter utility.
  15. I saw many FTF on a show in the Neterlands but hadn't any idea about so tight relation them and Mack. See your firetruck also although didn't look it well. It was my first time at the Mack day so I had hectic movements around so many trucks. There were really many of the last year. In relation to 2012. Just after coming home I remembered I saw beautiful artwork with a fire carrige on somewhere... Vlad
  16. Burning hell, It's so true so I had my breath stopped being forseless reply it.
  17. One of the greatest. The greatest one on my taste though. Hard to belive, I'm during 22 years in interest, and they're still on a scene! They were not boys when I started to.
  18. Thank you for warm words. I though I need to right "Right" about "Right side" only. Don't know why. I enjoy communicating another side of the globe. Especially with nice folks (surprized about use this word in English) interesting the best beautiful objects of all a machinery.
  19. These round nosed trailors look nice with B's or early R models. It's not looking well when B or R is coupled with a modern maxy size hard conered van trailor
  20. More correctly to translare (wordly) "It is never being so that there are too many trucks (you have)"
  21. That phrase you wrote means "There are ... trucks." This way you don't need input "anybody". It's a problem for me to recognize moments when I wright uncorrect. Because I don't know when it happens. I only can see how do you (anybody) writes. Being hoping you (everybody!) wright correct overhere
  22. Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков!"Вы" means "you". I'm hoping your Russian grammer is now better than my English. It's really true until you have a time and money enough. After money and place are gone it's good way also
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