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Everything posted by Vladislav

  1. That light green dump looks very nice for an everyday working machine. Hope you will get the second one with the same attraction soon. What the engine is under the hood? Vlad
  2. Larry, thank you for thoughts. Yes, you are true, the air releases at 150 psi or near of. Don't remember well, I haven't run the truck too much. 60 is the pressure for switching off the warning light. Some valve releases the air from time to time with short portions if I'm not using brakes at the while. Standing in a city jam I used to my area I hear that air shots every minute but treading a break pedal from time to time I get it off. The previous owner said he needed to revise a valve an a fire wall but didn't. I know I must learn everything about it in a book and make it up. Just saw your issue and meant you met anything like my one. About O-rings I'm always on your side. Prefere to be shure of what is inside and understand roots of a problem. And a money spend is not the main reason.
  3. It was something about that for books from Autorepairmanuals.
  4. OD, you mate have it done !That's my dream truck, I'll see it for nearest some houres during my sleep. What's a first digit of the chassis number?
  5. That all was very well done. Your friends and relatives must be happy about it. And I red many other people also.
  6. That crack seems to me it was welded before and cracked again. There is a reason to worry about.
  7. My heart is filled of better sence with Mack wrecker. And the weather lookes warmer. Although I like that 3 axle FLD and glad to see you still have blue sky and no SNOW.
  8. I also have an issue with reg. Not shure although. My R makes up 70 psi but gets air off to the outside. Nearly one time per minute. Suppose that valve must to offload compressor for not producing accessive air. Am I right? I saw a regler on Watt's online for not a great money but prefere revise my for a first. In a case i need to worry about the regler but anything else. Vlad
  9. I started to write I like Larry's B and Farmer's H although relooked all the tread and must to say I hell love 'em all!
  10. If so it's what I need. The same question.
  11. How long do you plan to keep her in? You could work slowly on the hood prepairing for paint. Or make up electric. Rear fenders attachment don't required warm weather also. For me it's normal practic to work 1-2 houres on a cold air with preparations and pauses inside a warm shop.
  12. Thank you, eBay is not covered with my attentios yet, need more and more time to do things up.
  13. I'm in interest for ratio Superdog. I don't know what to do at the moment taking to account gearbox specific but have 9.02 twins. My need is gear sets only but I suppose it's mostly a question of price. Vlad
  14. I'm not worrieing about reprint/original, just a quality of illustrations isn't always perfect. Any ideas of where to get mans. of T2090 and dynatard eng.brake? My R has it but not working. Have spare heads with valve arms and solenoid, would like to make it up one day.
  15. Glad to hear you came dry out of that disaster.
  16. Sorry but you are not wrong. There are too many clowns all 'round the planet (I thought before inside my country only) who don't want just do his job. Although we meet too many people who say "we're living not good enough".
  17. Me is the next. The first Mack I ever drove was ex-army gasser NM. I unloaded it in 500 meters from a trailor that transported it to me from Holland. Whole a rig couldn't come into my thin street so I had to go with Mack. There is EY707 with 5 speed Mack direct in it. Axles and a transfer case are Timken-Detroit, that's original. And it is six by six and 1944. It's me betveen the steering wheel and the seat.
  18. It's checked. Because my one is from there. They sent me the E6 and E9. After waiting the parsel for 6 weeks they sent me another pack. 3 days after the first one came. And in three weeks the second. They said they got insuranse and had no worries of. Although the manuals seem to me REPRINTS. Just can't be shure because don't know a real quality.
  19. Anybody of us has his own. But we all are just the bricks in the wall.
  20. I have a spare one E9 procedures manual. Invite you to drink a cup of tee with me and look at.
  21. All the snow at me is gone now. Although for some days.. Vinny, i can say you need just to paint hood, hubs and fit bumper and the outside would complete. Maybe add rear mud guards.
  22. The favorite picture is a breath breaker. Tom, i suppose you needed good skill of Australian language. At least when you filled Google form with "B-model parked beside new unit."
  23. We're all crazy Mack truckers here, too glad keeping your company!
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