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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. dunno about you blokes but it seems to be the way the world works now and stuff you can find anywhere in the world WOW ! and I guess the seller loves it heaps more coin than they would have got and also might help to flush out other stuff that has been hiding away because no one thought it was worth any thing I always find its best to bid in the last 15 seconds give less time for people to out bid you they have only got a few seconds Paul
  2. is that the same type of truck that the plane flew into in North by Northwest ? either way looks like a pretty flash bit of gear to me I guess if it wont fit might just have drive it there Paul
  3. yeah I dont know as general rule what Im doing in the next 10 minutes its a couple of vintage crawlers on a mates rates deal that I said I would do that the owner is in no hurry for I reckon hes been waiting 6 or 7 months now and still is in no big hurry just when I can one day so thought I would organise my self a bit as I said the stars have gotta align first a lot can go wrong between now and then Paul
  4. Gudday Brocky was wondering if I could swing it and all the stars aligned would you be interested if I picked you at Billabong Sanctuary on the 2nd sept in MrsMack run you down to Toowoomba might be able to organise a factory tour of Mack down under drop in and say gudday to Ian oz on the way past drop down off the range have a look at the Western transport museum and drop you off at Brisbane airport in time to catch your flight Melbourne Ive gotta cart a couple of old cat crawlers down to Echuca In Victoria you might wannna ride all the way down there to Melbourne I reckon all of this is doable maybe but just thought I would put the idea out there and see if you would be interested in doing something different If you have a international licence you might even wanna have turn behind the wheel of a reel truck let us no what you think if Im out of line just tell me to pull me head in I wont offended Paul
  5. Mate snakes and spiders no problem its them wild woman that will lead you astray and you if you get bitten just do what we locals do bite them back If you dont like snakes better go to New Zealand they have none ( I dont think you will find any New Zealanders either they all seem to be over here ) Paul
  6. yep I would consider it a wise investment I'll chuck 5 grand for me and 5 for mrs mrsmack Paul
  7. Hmmmmm lots of different thoughts here, to me I would have thought back in the day if Mack could have got more power out of there motors by putting a bigger exhaust they would have done it cheap selling point extra hp from just an exhaust I wouldnt think it would be heaps if any at all Paul
  8. dont worry thats not just the good old US of A that has got it all ass about gotta think the time is coming were all this crap gets sorted out !! Paul
  9. mate thats a neat truck good thing about something that good is it dosnt matter if it gets a coat of paint or not it looks neat and goes good Paul
  10. its amazing what a bit of spit and polish can do top job there Paul
  11. mate this is exactley what I mean once you are taught how to use ropes you will never go back to your ratchet strap ropes are so quick just as tight adjust to any length around any shape if its to short there easy to join its a shame because it is a lost art like tarping a load up until the mid to late 80's everything was shifted on flat top trailers in Australia and I reckon it was only the late seventys that trucks came with gates drivers new how to load stuff so it didnt fall off sad to say it but its too late now there wouldnt be enough blokes left to teach people now you need to learn to do a truckies knot as it is commonly known out here I think the proper name is a half shank you put a couple of these on top of each other and you can break a rope it gives you so much pulling power this fellas almost got it right have a lookiesee might even give you something to fill in some time on the week end and I guarantee once you work out how to do it you will throw them straps away it is so much quicker and a lot less chance of things falling off Paul http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drkcOzCjuuU and Im not having a dig at anyone it is almost a lost art and it is good to learn this stuff from our not so distant past its all part of our history we dont want let it go by with learning it
  12. I reckon Micks getting pretty close to what might have happened if we can cast our minds back to the late 80's we need to remember we were coming out of a recession and lots of things ie cars trucks tractors werent selling any good for years and companys had huge stocks of parts so models were geared towards what parts they had to many of or at least thats they way it was in Australia Ive got no idea about the rest of the world but I reckon the whole world was bit pear shaped back then Paul
  13. yep I would only use chains on some thing like that I reckon straps should be banned you get no feel as to how tight they really are like you do with ropes . I think the only reason they are trying to ban ropes some might (say they already have) is because most people dont know how to use them anymore and rather than people been forced to learn they just give them these poxy straps .Same with dogs they try and make us all use those poxy ratchet type dog instead of the older over center lever type of dogs because blokes just dont how to use them any more (I think you lot over there call dogs load binders ?) Paul what you fellas call a head board we call a hurdle out here
  14. all this reminds me of an old song Shame and Scandal in the family " your Daddy aint your Daddy but your Daddy dont know " talk about confusion these days a Cats a Class which is a lexion which is a Challanger which is Agco which is woops Im lost again back to start Paul
  15. yep Im pretty sure the cat is a rebadged Lexion and all Challanger ie Cat farm products are Agco The old ford Im fairly sure is a rebadged or made under licence Class combine Im buggered if I know how anyone pays for all this flash gear ???? Paul
  16. man theres a lot of work gone into that cab and thats just taking the paint off keep up the good work Paul
  17. price and parts its pretty simple we have bucket loads of R models and super liners and to buy parts from Mack Australia is like selling an arm and a leg so if importers can bring in whole trucks they get a bucket load of parts make a squillion and even the truck owners are happy because its cheaper than buying from Mack with out the smart ass answer from the spare parts person about some peace of old crap and the sales guy trying to flog you a new VolMack"O" piece of snot and these older Macks are tuff I mean real tuff theres no computers to let you down out the back of bum f--k and most blokes like these old trucks because they will pull all day every day day in day out and they just wont let you down OOP's Im getting off topic but I like these older trucks for real work and I guess as well as they were built they still need parts So easy way to fix the problem Mack need to start making real trucks again with motors with balls and well I guess then silly buggers like me might buy a fresh one maybe ???? Paul
  18. mate good luck with the sale if it was on the right side of the Pacific I would be knocking on your door right now Paul mate sent you a message
  19. my heads in a spin what a shift pattern Paul
  20. different part of the world different set of rules quite sad if you ask me that no one helps someone out for fear of doing something wrong just another reason why I love the wide brown land I guess Paul
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