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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. Thanks fellas I didnt no that the states of canada made RHD trucks I wouldnt have thought there would be any call for them but it shows how little we know about what went on back in the day Steve it's amazing the conditions which we worked trucks under even as late as 70's and 80's things have improved a lot in the last 30 years or should I say roads have improved a lot it dosnt surprise me these scoops blocked back in the day here in Australia as I dont think anywhere else in the world had conditions like here Mick in the book on Dales those R 700,s are in there good read that book you blokes will have to get some one to stick a copy under the chrissy tree for you Paul
  2. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=902769693096380&fref=nf I gotta laugh Paul
  3. I was just wondering Mick because I had never seen or heard of the R models with a bonnet scoop I was just trying to educate my self most likely a waste of time these days Paul
  4. Welcome aboard Josh gotta say the R model is a lot more driver friendly than the B model good luck with what ever you get Paul
  5. donkey dick you wish good onya tripod
  7. UM whats double hump isnt it something out of a doctor suess book ?
  8. better watch little bits getting caught in between big bits ouch !!!
  9. I hope it all works for you good luck sounds like you have jumped in boots and all so to speak only advice I can offer is money is easy to spend and hard to get but Im guessing you already know that and should have bought an R model Mack with a Maxidyne cheap to buy and cheap to run but its to late now Paul
  10. WOW they come in all the colours of the rainbow
  11. I dunno what you blokes are complaining about put some more clothes on or work harder Mate if I keep on taking clothes off on a hot day to stay cool the police are called you lot have it soooo easy Paul
  12. OK all I thought I better add some pictures of these Kiwi R models that I was talking about the thing that I found unusual was that I always thought or should I say assumed that Kiwi Macks would have come from Mack Australia but having never seen any R models with bonnet scoops in Australia I thought I would ask the question which only Mick replied and not saying he is wrong but I cant imagine they would import into Kiwi land from the states when just across the ditch they make RHD Macks as big as you want and also I was under the impression from reading through posts here that only Aussie R models had the four headlights I could have all of this wrong and most likely have anyway hope you all enjoy the pictures ok these first two pictures are from the book "Heavy Haulage by Dales" top read that book I have read the print off it my type off book more pictures than words bottom picture stolen from the road ranger blog I put a link up else were the other day Trev the blog man says its ok to use any of his pics as long as we give him credit done deal interesting Blog thingo to look at
  13. fantastic to keep our records if only just to look back and see how much has changed I remember and laugh at myself about when the Princess and I bought our first farm $180,000.00 man I lost sleep over such a huge amount of money and debt we took on 25 years you have gotta be pretty chuffed about that I know I would be thanks for sharing Paul
  14. Is that one of them new fangled low center of gravity belly dump trailers looks like a flash bit of gear Paul
  15. welcome mate I reckon your onto the problem the fuel filter I dont think the air filter will be the problem and you will be glad you dont have a twin stick trust me they might look the part but what you have is much easier to drive shame about the GM though at least you wont fall asleep LOL Paul
  16. 25 years and I bet hardley a cross word at her and I bet your just as fond of her as the day you first met you keep this up they will want on Dr Phil giving advice LOL Paul
  17. hey Vlad your camera is up the creek the colour is all wrong the grass looks to be white instead of green LOL man that looks cold over there 33 degrees C here today over night low I think was around 24 pretty much the same every day of the year Paul
  18. thanks for sharing them they have some pretty cool trucks over there Paul
  19. your on to it here all drains must, hang on I will use bigger letters MUST have a constant fall and I do mean constant fall, and any change in fall MUST have a inspection point a blockage will always happen were there is a change in fall anyway sounds like you have it by the balls now happy draining Paul
  20. Nah mate they are sheep skin will keep your feet nice and toasty my cousin married a Russian girl a couple of years ago they live around Moscow somewhere the princess and we sent them a pair each for a wedding present she reckons there all the go Paul
  21. well come on spill the beens were abouts sunny QLD ?? Paul We might have to organize Vlad a pair of embroided Ugg boots I reckon he would get more use
  22. yeah mate working hard or hardly working Aussie bulldogs rarely sweat nice picks there Paul
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