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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by HarryS

  1. Seems like the best solution.
  2. Thanks for a great start to the New Year with the ride along pictures and fashion show.
  3. A Happy and Healthy New Year to all.
  4. WOW! What a great gift that will be cherished for generations.
  5. Hope he has a quick and complete recovery and can get back to his herd (of Macks). I always enjoy his posts and pictures.
  6. That sounds like one fine shed. I've looked at the ones for sale at the home improvement stores and you're right the brochure is better quality. Just like everything else they want you to replace it every couple of years.
  7. I was going to ask if you would be ready for the Winchester show in Sept, but at the rate you are going you'll be half way through your next project by then (lol). Hope to see you there.
  8. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Healthy New Year.
  9. Merry Christmas to them all and a safe speedy return home.
  10. HarryS


    Sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  11. I see the Islamic terrorist has met his just reward.
  12. Great story and picture. The trucks look brand new or super well kept.
  13. Great save and seasonal use. Merry Christmas to you too.
  14. Ed, I had one from Tidewater Mack that was still in the package when I got my truck. It is probably the same as the ones Watts sells. It was color coded correctly and fit perfect with the original look. They are pricey though. Harry
  15. Sounds like you had a less than hassle free week. Some of the sights sure made up for it though. Thanks for the pix and ride along.
  16. That's exactly what I was going to say. Sometimes with a BFH it is hard to keep it on the subject matter and not go ballistic after having tried everything else. Glad you found the problem and be assured you are in good company.
  17. This may sound crazy, but with the age and type rim try deflating the tires down to 10 or 20#.
  18. I bought a B 68 a number of years ago at what appeared to be a bargain price. It had a 540 gas with a duplex direct. It got about 3-4 mpg (t/a cab & chassis). When it came time to sell I got about half the price of a diesel.
  19. Nothing better than old Mack & Cadillacs. I see there is a post on the CLC forum about your dad's car.
  20. These '41 Cadillac photos look familiar. Were you on the CLC message forum? I frequent that daily just like here. Engine looks great. It also looks like you added power steering which is a big help just like on B Models.
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