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Everything posted by 2stacksuperdog

  1. Another mixer. Then this lowboy pulled up. Took him about 10 minutes to make the corner and back into the spot to unload. Did a very good job for making a turn into a 10ft wide road
  2. put this in on youtube, video is 1st one: Train Wreck In Mer Rouge
  3. Heavy haul tractor backing out of the WTC site. clean truck.
  4. Yes. That was the name on the truck and they were the contractors on the job behind it
  5. phone was a bit slow on the 1st pic so i got the ad for gentlemens club instead... And then a nice mixer. one of many trucks working at the WTC site.
  6. Usually more aluminum components and was suppose to be a "west coast" truck i believe
  7. Maybe not a big puddle but everyone I've been around leaves a noticeable spot.... I still like them. Good motors.
  8. Ive seen regular 22.5s or 20s on lift axles with longer wedges so you can run single tires. that might be a good choice for you.
  9. Both trucks can haul the same trailers as long as the trailer isnt too high. Our superliner has a 54" height and cant get any lower. We cant use that to pull boxes and gotta be careful with the flatbed. Our r model has a 48 in fifth whee and the only problem with that is the lowbed is to low and we gotta block it up so it really depends on what you using it for. And the fifth wheel should be ahead of the trunnion some so you get enough weight on the front axle.
  10. I know nonmembers went to the one at big e with their trucks
  11. I'll have to keep an eye out. Don't see many of them anymore
  12. Bob it look like they still use the same Pistons today according to their website. Check price of new vs rebuilt. In our case it wS cheaper to buy new
  13. Looked it up....interesting. Rarely comes up at home but does all the time on any other computer ive used. Mainly at school.
  14. Dont sound good. Some of them guys dont like getting trucks wet.
  15. So whats the weather gonna be for the show? complete rain out or a little quick shower?
  16. From my experience with barn door is once you go over 10 wheeler size they dont hold there shape anymore. Maybe the newer bodies are built better but from what ive been around they seem to be problems all the time.
  17. There s a twin screw chevfy like that running around here. Has a rollback aluminum flatbed on it.
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