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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. Since the Werner trucking family also owns the Werner Ladder Company it is hard to tell if there is a connection.
  2. As Bullhusk has said the Superliner was designed by Brockway for introduction in '78, BUT Mack never let Brockway get that far and kept the design to make into the Superliner. Somewhere on the Brockway site discussion board and/or Huskidrive.com is a topic with several pictures taken in the Brockway shop during its development. Brocky
  3. That box means that there is supposed to be a picture to go with the post that did not come thru. I have no idea why or how to fix??
  4. I believe this whole problem started in the mid 60's with Dr Spock and the other child psycoligists who said we wered only supposed to 'Talk" to children not discipline them. The first word a child learns (or at least should) at age 6 month is the word NO!! He forgot that the slap on the back of the hand or across the bottom was required to get their attention first and to re-enforce the words. 50 years later, with each generation becoming increasingly lax, along with the loss of religious guidence and increasingly wierd sh*t in all areas of the media we now have people who have NO RESPECT for themselves, parents, other people,or authority. The pendulum of child abuse has swung all together too far liberal from what it was 100 years ago and now society is paying the price. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the victims familys and the responders who had to deal with the situtation. Brocky
  5. Mike My only thought is to contact George Tackaberry in Athens Ont, addy should be listed in an ATHS roster, as he has bought trucks from the states and probably sold some back into the states. He regelarly brings truck to stateside shows so he must know most of the regulations and/or who to contact for the "official" version. Brocky
  6. Mike Thanks for the pictures. The museum and Jamboree are on my wish list of things TO DO. Maybe I can schedule it in with going to or returning from Yakima. Brocky
  7. Brocky

    Hey Vlad

    Vlad Please take the time to go to http://forums.justoldtrucks.com Peter J's place // Marmon-Herrington trucks topic We are having a discussion as to whether or not some M-H trucks made it to Russia before, during, or after WW 2??? Any information you might have would be appreciated. Their registration system to post takes a return email to activate as spam prevention. Thanks Brocky
  8. My first thought was with Maddog. Good dryer vent hose.. Brocky
  9. Hey Vinny and others When you have plenty of time, take a visit to this website for your fill of Macks and other makes of plow trucks. You may even see a picture of the Mack going by your house. plowsite.com // pictures forum // equipment, tools, and vehicle pictures // DOT/city/town/county Bring the whole coffee pot with you as the topic has 460 pages over a span of 8 years!!! Brocky
  10. Vinny I believe it was. Both of those green macks are owned by Jerry Ayres (?) of southwest Virginia
  11. Back in the 60's I seem to remember that Onondaga Redimix in Syracuse NY had some mixer trailers?? With a rear axle driven by the hydraulic system??? Can anyone confirm or deny my case of CRS?? Brocky
  12. Neat Pictures. It is being driven by ATHS member retired Colorado senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell. If you go to justoldtrucks.com, Peter J's Place back a page or two, there is a topic on this subject which also has pictures of the 2007 tree convoy in which the ATCA chapter from Rutland VT used ALL antique Mack and Brockway equipment. Brocky
  13. Guys It was a great show. 150+ antique trucks, 30-40 farm tractors, and 20 or so new commercial and towing rigs. Southeastern Regional Truck Show (SERTS) put on by about 5 ATHS chapters of the Tenn / NC region. This next spring it will move, because of expenses, to the Roane County Community College in Harriman Tenn, about 30 mile west of Knoxvillle. The show is in the middle of April. I will post an exact date when I get one. Brocky
  14. I am with RandyP, I started on Brockways: At 14 y/o a '59 single axle 220 and 5+2 with 38 ft dropdeck in the fields loading hay, then a '48 154 wrecker around the garage lot, and took my NYS Class 1 road test in '67 in Syracuse on a 1953 154W belonging to Ithaca Delivery. First Mack was a mid 60's B-70 single axle dump, 707 and quad, with a V plow and wing. Then the first OTR was a '70 R-600 237 and 5 speed for Matlack. And in '77 a '76 459 Brockway for a year. Brocky
  15. There is finally a little more discussion of the show losses on the ATHS Road Kill site.. That is if they do not get deleted overnight!! Brocky
  16. FWD My son in law in Doylestoen, an IT engineer, has a 12 volt back up on his sump pumps and a charger wired up from the garage so he can charge the batterys up from his car if necessary. A lot of the rush at the stores is that city people today do not have a pantry full of canned goods stocked up for any emergency. Brocky
  17. Red Horse We had city busses at Syracuse in 2003. Maybe that is why they are gone, but I would sooner say it is because of the "high roller" ATHS management rather than the regular exihibitors. The detailed figures will NEVER be published in WOT. Johnson might get his fingers pinched when the lid dropps on the cookie jar!! Even if an ATHS member does not live close enough to a chapter to participate, He is always encouraged to contact his, or a friendly, RVP and ask questions and / or make suggestions.My email addy is futher up in this topic and I can advise any of you of a couple of friendly RVPs. Brocky
  18. I cannot help you on the Mack interior green, BUT The Brockway interior green is an almost exact match for the Detroit Alpine Green and that is what most of the restorers that I know use. Brocky
  19. Red Horse The purpose of the shuttle busses is to move the exibitors and staff from the show ground to various motels. Appearantly the staff requires that these be of the fancy "charter coach" quality rather than "city style" commuter buses?? As you say it is easy to be a Monday AM QB, But again it is hard when you do not have a futher individual breakdown of some of these expense areas, which I doubt will ever see the light of day. As ATHS members we have the opportunity to ask our RVP's to question these areas in hopes the rank and file can offer some expense saving suggestions. Brocky
  20. Vlad Your grammer is very good.. Especially if you are typing in English rather than using one of the translater programs. Brocky
  21. Jim I do not think I have PM working on this site. Please send me an email at brocky45@prtcnet.com and I will forward you the figures I recieved from a friendly ATHS RVP Brocky
  22. It would depend on the year of purchase if they were Diamond T's, REO's, or Diamond REO's as the name Diamond REO was created on May 1, 1967. I can remember some of them running between Indiamapolis and Columbus Ohio. Brocky
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