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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Brocky

  1. I think this is the same truck?? In Ian Lee's shop August 2015
  2. 28Y22 until 1963.. line #28, rang 2 longs and 2 shorts!!! with a F in the middle shorts were first.. Crank phone / 10-12 party line!! Calls to any other line went thru an operator..
  3. Brocky

    Shop Talk

    I can remember them at an amusement park in Canandaugia NY,, LOTS of FUN!!!!!
  4. I would say that the majority of the 1/2 & 3/4 Ute's (Called pick up trucks up here) have flatbed (tray) body on them.. When I was Down Under in 2015 this truck was at the same lookout point we were. And this is the valley we were looking down into: This is the hill we came up to get there:
  5. Of course he will need GPS to find his way around the track!!!
  6. I have seen a lot of those signs over the years.. Mostly where the RR is parallel to the main highway and the sign is for the smaller roads which turn off..
  7. Larry, I do NOT think he was even trying to unlatch the 5th wheel... And if it had pulling tension on it the 5th wheel would not unlatch.. I think he was trying to raise the deck.
  8. OD on NASCAR I agree with you.. Also making the cars look alike rather than what the company builds to "improve" Aerodynamics??
  9. Try contacting Tom Jr "Bub" Warren in Amarillo TX. lilyellowbus37@gmail.com 806-374-3056, 1620 South Johnson St, Amarillo TX 74102. He used to have and was able to make a lot of rubber products. I will not say for sure if he is still in business as I have not heard from him since his father passed away last summer.
  10. This Daily Caller new report says 8,650 gal.. https://dailycaller.com/2023/03/04/gas-tanker-explodes-frederick-maryland/
  11. With the cruise control ON!!!
  12. Contact Tom Millard user name Oldspwr thru here or send me an email or PM and I will send you his email address. A couple of years ago he took a flathead Continental out of his 1955 Brockway and replaced it with a 5.9 Cummins. He also has a couple of parts trucks and is active in the Brockway Preservation Assn so has contact with more possible parts places. I am thinking (????) that there are places in both Chicago ILL and Utica NY which rebuild Continental engines. Tom would know if they are still in business.
  13. The long wheel base 1971 Brockway 358 I sold had a very similar center driveshaft carrier unit like in your picture..
  14. Paul thanks for the answer and I also agree with you on the amount.. Mech:: Thanks for the new word "pinscroll"!!!!!
  15. James is correct.. In the post war era the design engineers for both IH and DT were close personal friends.. Here is a picture of a prototype Emeryville taken behind the DT plant in Chicago with DT badges on it.. There was a long discussion about it on the Just Old Trucks WAI forum several years ago. IH May(??) have DT build this truck to prevent "industrial espionage" as DT already had the 921 China Closet in production.Yes it is the VCO cab originally designed by the Murty Bros of Portland OR for the the Diamond T company. Ford also used this same process when they built the H model "Two Story Falcon"
  16. I agree with Paul, Talking to animals with a quiet calm voice seems to settle them down..
  17. When I was down in 2015 I noticed 4 tanks on prime movers at both Brown & Hurley and Tony Champions, But this is the first truck with 6..
  18. Very good job!! Now a sharp looking truck!! Three fuel tanks on each side??? Must be going across the Outback and returning..
  19. Does Aussie scroll work ==== American pin striping????
  20. I think I have heard of these?? Either on 178 or 278 near the NC border, they belong to a logging family who will NOT sell anything!!!!
  21. In the first picture I thought it was an MB, but looking at your serial number stating it is an MC with a larger windshield. These were built on a short wheelbase and used as city tractors and also on a longer frame for trash compactor work. An active contributor on this site by the nickname "Hippy" and user name 70mackMB has an ex-Overnight MB city tractor and should be able to provide more information sources.
  22. Paul What a great lady!! Thanks for the picture. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time of loss.
  23. Mowerman, I just sent you a PM.. Yes the Brockway weekend is August 10-13, 2023
  24. Hippy You Guessed right!!! That was the dipstick access and also it had a fitting on the air inlet pipe so you could squirt ether thru the door as the compression release cable handle was right behind the shifting lever.. This model truck also had the counter balanced spring loaded cab tilt which was designed by the Murty Bros of Portland OR
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