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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Timmyb

  1. Depends how much fruit you spec on it. In Aussie dollars, $350 - $400,000+
  2. Nice job! Looks like there was a bit of work involved in it! Is that an egr cummins?
  3. This may help a bit http://www.bigmacktrucks.com/index.php?/topic/14129-r-cab-roof-repair-or-just-replace/
  4. They used to run a fleet of macks. It wasn't until b-doubles were allowed up the pacific hwy that they switched to them plastic things.
  5. it's mentioned in a discussion in the link below. http://forum.aths.org/PrintTopic41124.aspx
  6. I think the raydan has a big weight rating. I know it has a bigger air bag in the rear, with slightly smaller at the front. Not sure if that will do anything? Also a selling point of theirs is you can drive fully loaded with no air in the bags. Just to get it home incase of a blown air line/bag. Not sure if it comes in kit form or not. I think either raydan or ar2 will have you smiling.
  7. I noticed you have 11r's on the steer. is that common over there? Are they steer specific or do you run trailer tyres?
  8. You can do mine any day! One thing I'll say about polishing wheels, it's hard and dirty work but it rewarding when the end result looks like yours do.
  9. I really like the look of that suspension. Sounds like the world needs a bloke like yourself to install it and maybe do a bit of a review. There is also the same setup called Raydan. Apparently its a bit heavier duty than the ar2, and a few little differences from what ive read but essentially the same thing.
  10. Grass is certainly greener on your side!
  11. I know my eaton front diff has shims there. I think you need to remove some. Not sure if spicers are the same.
  12. But the front diff has a through shaft where the rear one doesn't. So you will have a hole in the front housing that would need covering.
  13. Hi Tom. Everyone here are gonna wanna see pics of your trucks... Is the em7 a low reving engine? Anyway, Im confident one of the guys on here can help you out.
  14. I've taken a lot more off for girls a lot less cute😜
  15. Very nice! What's the specs? It's a long mother!
  16. Honestly, if your paying to have your tyres fitted up then it may not be worth your while. But if you fit them yourself, I think regrooving is a good option.
  17. Here is an idea. I walked in off the street to a few trucking companies and spoke to a guy in the workshop. Offered him a reasonable amount for a set of semi decent drives, which I regrooved and put on a for a pit inspection. I actually got the tyres for free but was prepared to pay for some. They were probably less than a year old, but only had 3 or 4 mm of tread left. But after I grooved them they were perfect for what I needed.
  18. Some people! Well it's all on camera buddy. Must get one of them things one day.
  19. I've heard horror stories about prices of spare parts.
  20. I've never heard of them, but took a quick look and found it very interesting. Cheers for the link.
  21. Looks good, wish they stayed new for ever! Do they have recamic retreads in the US? It's Michelins brand of retreads, we run them on trailers with not many dramas. Never on the back axle to protect light jyst in case.
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