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Everything posted by theakerstwo

  1. The first 335 was a 743 engine. Not many around any more but it was in the years of the B models. The way to tell is if it has lines on the out side of the head to the injectors like the 220 and 262 then it will be a 5 1/8 bore engine with piston oil coolers. glenn
  2. If we had no politicians we would not need Norman.If we had no politicians we would not need any laws. If we had no poloticians we would not need to work but one day a week. Just think what we could do the rest of the week. Well you guys know what iam saying.I dont trust all of the politians or maybe any of them.
  3. Very good guys now lets adjust some of them wedge brakes. Rob can tell us. But i forgot they adjust their self.
  4. Al if that is a 18000 axle the studs may be hard to find. Alvie has been looking for some studs for his front axle with out any luck.
  5. About the fuel scraper i have one here but cant load a photo of it. I did know how to do it but cant do it any more. But the scraper filter do have a 7/8 head on top. I forgot about having one and found it this evening.
  6. Mike i never did get to like the stalls and did only when on a chech ride. I had 836 hrs in me and most of them tail dragger. I built a texas taildragger which was a 150/150. It was a 150 with the texas tail dragger kit and a 150 lycoming and stol kit.It was not a trainer any longer. In about 84 i think it was on the front cover of sorts flying mag at Oshkosh.Then i moved up to a mid time like new 58 180.That was a real airplane. I could put 4 fat men like me and Rob in it and 65 gal of fuel and not worry about balance.But all good things in most cases come to a end. All three air planes i have had would burn auto gas.I learn to fly in a PA11 piper. Could have been a supper cub if it did not have a 65 horse cont on it.It was the best flying plane for late in the evening and not going any were. The first time i soloed i forgot to latch my seat belt untill i was making a left turn for final in a good wind and i could not get it on because of the wind.I had to handle the plane first. I made me to put the seat belt on the first thing from then on.
  7. make sure the cylinders ant by/passing inside first. Then start to check the jack.
  8. Make sure that the glad hands ant connected together. Then if it still leaks then replace it. i have heard those valves are hard to find but can not beleive that is is not some were. It is a tractor protection valve.There is a later valve that can be used but that means some more replumbing and a different valve in the dash.
  9. My advice is stop driving with the clutch and shift with left foot on the floor.Like the old timers did. You will like the shifting better.
  10. Thanks Rob for helping me out. I begin to need help more than i ever needed. I have been told that the trans mounting bolts being lose on the 12 speed can make them junp hi side on the splitter. Dont know because i have never had one before. I wished i did have one.
  11. Also make sure the trans to flywheel bolts are still tight and not loose enough to let trans gap open.
  12. Paul I used a unit from a cab over freightliner when the evaporator was mounted inside at the top of the cab in a console. This was modifide and install under the bench passenger seat. The condensor was a red dot install on top of the camper.We insulated the under of the cab and the roof and firewall as much as we could but the doors was a bad leak.Like stated old cabs are like a oven. The engine heat is bad on the fire wall.The B 61 has a problem getting the hot air out from under the cab.I built a larger rad for mine and still could not get enough air thru the rad untill i moved the cab forward and up aboy three in. and then that would let the air to get out from under it.This was because of a larger HP engine. I had to put a small dog house in the firewall to move the cab forward.
  13. I need to start trying to get me some plates because my trans will drag one time in the moring and i think it helps to shut it down at night in hi range and the shift like you said.I wish i had a 12 speed in it because the o/d is too big for a dump truck.
  14. HK have you ever did that with out the plates to hold the shafts up? I did on a cab over one time and glade when i was done with it. I am look at doing it to my 9 speed soon. glenn
  15. theakerstwo

    My F

    Now that funny but i cant understand what you guys are talking about.Maybe i am slow.but some one at work last week said something about it takes him all night to do what he used to do all night.Maybe thats what your talking about.
  16. Red dot I was working on the B when it was in production at the dealer here. We installed the roof mount as a kit and there was two braces that had to be welded in under the roof skin to suport the weight. There was a funky braket and idler mounted on the front timing gear cover of the front cover and it used a belt from the crank. If i remember it was not a good ideal. On my B i found a thin light metal pully that was same diameter as the water pump pulley and brased it to the water pump pulley and bingo. Used a R model compressor mount and a york compressor but have seen kits that had a braket that used a rotary compressor. I think that is better. I used a red dot condenssor and mounted it with its fan on top of the box that i have mounted using it as a camper.
  17. Something some one sent me today glenn Will implantable RFID chips become mandatory under new healthcare bill? (Lets find out)? WAR HAS BEEN DECLARED ON YOU! BOTH HOUSE & SENATE HEALTH BILLS REQUIRE THE MICRO CHIPPING OF AMERICANS 3/18/10 Required RFID implanted chip Sec. 2521, P. 1000 The govt. will establish a National Medical Device Registry. What does a National Medical Device Registry mean? National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1001-1008: (g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the registry) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that (A) is or has been used in or on a patient; (B)and is (I) a class III device; or (ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining. Then on P. 1004 it describes what the term data means in paragraph 1, Section B: ( In this paragraph, the term data refers to information respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is an implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information. The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary. See it for yourself: http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidance/GuidanceDocuments/ucm072191.pdf This new law when fully implemented provides the framework for making the United States the first nation in the world to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isnt, allowed medical care in their country. Dont believe it? Look it up yourself. Healthcare Bill H.R. 3200: http://waysandmeans.house.gov/media/pdf/111/AAHCA09001xml.pdf Pages 1001-1008 National Medical Device Registry section. Page 1006 to be enacted within 36 months upon passage Page 503 … medical device surveillance Why would the govt. use the word surveillance when referring to citizens? The definition of surveillance is the monitoring of the behavior, activities, or other changing information, usually of people and often in a secret manner. The root of the word [French] means to watch over. In theory, the intent to streamline healthcare and to eliminate fraud via health chips seems right. But, to have the worlds lone superpower (America, for now) mandate (page 1006) a device to be IMPLANTED is scary! Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill? http://www.dailypaul.com/node/105079 Coverage under Obamacare will require an implantable microchip? http://current.com/items/90842279_coverage-under-obamacare-will-require-an-implantable-microchip.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) BOTH HOUSE AND SENATE HEALTH BILLS REQUIRE THE MICRO CHIPPING OF AMERICANS A Chip For Thee, Welcome To Oceania Will implantable RFID chips become mandatory under healthcare bill?
  18. The 237 needs the main brg struts or brakets to the bottom of the block to make a 300 and the rods are different.If i am not forgeting the rods are a bigger and i think agin hope i ant wrong but have a bigger wrist pin.But i can not see any difference in the block. I was told the 285 and 320 had more metal in the main brg to block gussets.This is were a 237 will break if you mash on a maxidyne too hard if the fuel is set to hot.The injectors was poping higher but that only gives it a better burn but no more fuel.Turbo will be better and most 300 had the ambac pump.But a 237 with more fuel and the main brg plates will work better than a 350 cummins if you have a 10 speed or 12 speed.
  19. It is not uncommon for some guys to us a inpact wrench to take the plugs out and i do that on cats. But it is a sin to tighten a pan plug with a impact. but it happens some times.I think a man who would do that may do other things that we would not approve of. glenn
  20. That control is very easy to adjust also. The screw on the back outside is the so call no air smoke. It will set the rack stop with out no air. Screw it in for more fuel with out air.The star nut inside of the cap on top controls the tension on the spring against the diaphram and less tension the quicker the responce if the rack is not being stopped by the rear screw.I like to set them were there is a little smoke on take off. More smoke the more often you change your oil and filter.
  21. The oil compressor has a oil tube between the aux shaft and compressor shaft that can fall out snd not be seen untill the new compressor is on and running and KOCKING.The early engines did have to have the compressor timed and did have a pin in a blind spline on the drive. So if you get it up on there and it will not spline look at the timing.Can not remember what engines the timing stopped at.
  22. And i forgot to say if the pump has a LDA smoke control on it then you can not disconnect the air line to it or it will be sick.This is the control that takes the place of the puff limiter but is on top of the governor.Test it with a pump up air pump and see if it will hold 25 psi.
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