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Everything posted by Freightrain

  1. Kent, ohio you are up in my area,sorta. You get up around Barber-tucky (Barberton) give me a jingle and I'll buy you lunch.
  2. Wow.......glad you were right there to help her. Lord knows what could have happened if the situation was different at the time. Another reason to put a big ol nanner on your bowl of cereal!
  3. I have a little get together at a buddies place saturday. It's only 5 minutes from my h.ouse to. Its supposed to be a cruise in so I'm taking a hot rod. Going to a open house in Cleveland for a train club on Sunday. Full scale stuff!
  4. Interesting. Looks like some other macks stickin' in the photo. A "B" on the left and maybe and "L" cab something on the right?
  5. Hey Bill!!! Glad to see a post from you. That was another truck that I loved the paint scheme on. Good to hear you have recovered, for as well as one can recover from being hit by a woman in a truck. In the last two years, I've gotten clobbered by two different women in minivans. Lost my pickup in the first one, second one was fixable. Both were oblivious to me/my truck. Take care and stop by more often. Do you keep tabs with John Evans? We all here sent him Birthday wishes some time back and he replied.
  6. "..........ya see officer..........I've got a smokin' hot load that needs delivered by tonight"...................... Lucky he didn't have flames comin' out!
  7. The question is how desperate are you to have to pay that kind of money for something that is no longer available?
  8. Notice his avatar. Always liked the colors on that truck.
  9. Well another year in the books n I didn't make it. I see rob missed the photo op again, he's not very photogenic!
  10. Those concave cabs look TINY. With the motor moved back half in the cab and the back wall moved forward I could imagine you have to go outside to change your mind!!! I'm 5-10, 175 and fit easy in my B61. I can stick my left leg up in the pocket by the floor vent and actually stretch out straight legged.
  11. I just found out that Peter has passed away on Sept 20th, 2011. No other information was mentioned. I spent 4 days with him at South Bend, hanging out in his camper while he drank his coffee and played on the internet keeping everyone abreast of the situation at the National Convention. RIP PeterJ LarryK
  12. My g/f got me the white truck tshirt version of that shot. The truck looks just like mine, only mine has chrome shell on it. She won't model mine, but maybe in private LOL!!!
  13. I know mine used to sound "whimpy" years ago, til I figured out that the trumpet had come loose and it was leaking more air then blowing through the trumpet. I tightened it up and WOW.....it's pretty loud. I don't have the little twin set up, but a single long horn. Maybe that's the difference? I have another long one to put on, but missing the front support bracket. Few years back our ATHS chapter used to be in a local parade. I'd get the "blow your horn" request and I'd let it rip(for 5 seconds or so--til it showed I was loosing too much air) and i'd either get a "YEAH!" or you'd see people holding their ears LMAO!!!!!
  14. Very Cool! I got to admit I got to fulfill a lifelong dream of actually DRIVING a 500hp V8 Super!! Well, not very far, but last weekend at the Cleveland IX Center, I got to move Stan Lemans Superliner out of the building. It was bumper to bumper and could only idle around, but hey.......better then nothing! I did get into 2nd gear . I made a little video on my "new" smartphone, just need to get it downloaded. Nothing special, but hey, I got to drive it! Someday I'll get up to Stan's and take it for a real "cruise".
  15. ...........and everyone already knows he ain't got none to drop no more cus the fact they've been dropped on by a big hammer from the missus.
  16. A "U" model has the step built into the rocker panel, visible below the door(which this truck does not have).
  17. Got my email. Guess I'll be adding a lil something to my bill next week.
  18. Get a rough measurement of the plate and how many bolts(mine was 6). Don't think it's a big deal, might call them to check the options. The stuff is pretty standard.
  19. Those plates are easy to get. Nothing special about them. I had one with a pinhole and leaked. Picked one up at local truck parts store. If you want to check on getting compressor rebuilt, check with Mason Truck parts http://www.masontrucksales.com/ I've been by the place on my way to one of the local race tracks. Nothing to look at, but they do good work. One day shipping for me, one day for them to rebuild it, one day back. TruFlo 500? something like that. I did get a new coupler for mine as the original bakelite one had a couple cracked teeth on it. Mine puked tons of oil before I had it done. I'd fill that lil tank up pretty quick and had to make sure I drained it every trip. For the last 8 yrs, not so much as a drop of oil in the tank!!!!
  20. Ya, we were there.............no disput'n it! (the wet weather sure does make the old dawg look ALOT better then it is) With all the pictures in WOT and such, they missed my rusty hulk each time. On page 25, the center picture of the blue Acar.............my truck was directly behind it on the other side of his trailer. If you look at the big overall shot on page 5, in the middle left side. You'll see a bright green Pete with a short dump trailer hooked to it. I'm behind it, and if you look REAL close you can see the white round roof of my truck between thePete and trailer. So close, but yet so far. Oh well. In that same shot, you can see Mike Harbison's Mack in the lower right corner.
  21. Holy SMOKES!!!! I had my compressor rebuilt for $500, door to door in a few days. Few hours labor to get it on/off. Are you going to get your $442 core money back?? Why did you get charged if they had a core? I'd pay someone $100 to put a pan gasket on, just so they can get all dirty! Only problem, mine leaks everywhere else too and you'd never know the pan gasket was dry anyway?? LOL!!
  22. Well, I did a bit more investigating tonight. I checked king pins and tie rod ends, but I looked a bit closer. I just felt the tie rod ends, but rolling it around. Seemed snug enough? Wrong. Jacked on the tie rod end and it's loose(both sides). Guess that's the reason for the wobble. Going to call Barry tomorrow and check on parts.
  23. Back to square one. Tire shop found nothing wrong with the tires. Both run dead true and even. We did dismount each front tire and check for balance stuff. There was "Counteract" in them and it was all loose and doing it's job. I priced new Firestones($863 mounted) for the front. Ouch. Did drive it a short hop up the freeway, but had a hard time keeping it under 55 to see how it was. 3 lanes of madhouse drivers, so I ran 65-70 with everyone else and got back off and went home. I know it still has some issues, need some open highway to play around on.
  24. Welcome aboard Nick. Plenty of stories and pictures around to keep you busy.
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