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Sorry Rowdy, you're so deeply into far right propaganda that you can't see facts anymore. I've seen much more hate speech targeting Obama than Trump, and I despise hate speech no matter who the target. And look at the arsenals of useless for hunting weapons that the right is accumulating, and the poor shadow of same that the "AntiFa" is amassing. Fact is, both sides need to tone down the hate speech and get back to debating issues, and that especially applies to the right. As a moderate who tries to find solutions instead of blindly grabbing and defending the most extreme positions of the left or right, I seriously fear for the future of or democracy.

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Well, yesterday I "schooled" a public radio reporter for a hit job she did on VW and the TDI scandal. She did not take it well and now refuses to talk with me. So I suspect that as a "lefty" I'm as much a total failure as I am as a "righty". Says something about how polarized our politics has become...

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1 hour ago, Keith Pommerening said:

So what does your college level stats course tell you Obozocare has done for the average working taxpayer.   My stats tells me that when healthcare went from $6,000 to $14,000 a year means I get to keep working til 70.  What does those college level stats tell you about who prospered from Obozo's national debt doubling stimulus package.  My stats tell me my grand kids and their grand kids get to pay it back.  How far do you want to keep going with this....

Most of us become eligible for Medicare at age 65... Problem solved, no need to work 'til 70. Even for those under 65, most are getting their health care through work or government programs and are paying far less than the numbers you state.

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On June 16, 2017 at 3:59 AM, DailyDiesel said:

Guess we forgot about all those tasteful depictions of President Obama being lynched. Or maybe those polite comments about his wife looking like an ape. Or those delightful personal attacks of his daughters. Remember Ted Nugent and his comments? The exact same crap as what Kathy Griffin pulled except they were playing for the other side.

The point is this. Both "sides" have their fair share of lunatics who really do not represent the group as a whole. Left or Right. Democrat or Republican. Pro gun. Anti gun.

Its not the 'exact' same thing. Griffin is a media figure well-associated with CNN. It gives credence to the notion of liberal-bias news. It was also done in the fashion of DAESH, while possibly not intentional, showed an incredibly horrific level of ignorance. 

The lynched Obamas were disgusting, and as far as I can gather, was limited to fundamentalist rednecks from the hills, not some well-known comedian associated with a major news network.

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Fun is what they fine you for!

My name is Bob Buckman sir,. . . and I hate truckers.

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11 hours ago, TeamsterGrrrl said:

A higher percentage of Americans have health insurance thanks to Obamacare. The gap in Obamacare was for folks like you who weren't eligible for any subsidy, weren't part of any group, and live in a state that didn't create their own exchange.

The ACA is a failure. Everyone knows it. Only a fool attempts to defend it. It was good at first, but the loser millennials who loved Obama didn't buy insurance. My premiums have gone up 250% since 2014. I live in a strong market with lots of hospitals. It was a joke, many believe it was designed to fail.

Do you need to be reminded an idiot like Trump won? He WON! We all were stunned. and it was because of Obamacare. .. this was evidenced in the 2010 Congressional "schlacking" the Dems took... who knew it could carryover and put Trump in the White House? If you can't see that Obamacare doesn't work, take a look at who's in the White House.

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Fun is what they fine you for!

My name is Bob Buckman sir,. . . and I hate truckers.

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The ACA is mostly a success, in that more americans than every have health insurance. But the ACA was unable to reel in the runaway inflation in health care costs. There are also a lot of folks who fell through the loopholes in the ACA like yourself. In fixing the ACA, to be successful we must close those loopholes so the insurance companies can't shift charges to folks that don't have the buying power of a group. Repealing the ACA and letting the insurance companies run health care will only make matters worse.

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8 hours ago, Outbehindthebarn said:

Its not the 'exact' same thing. Griffin is a media figure well-associated with CNN. It gives credence to the notion of liberal-bias news. It was also done in the fashion of DAESH, while possibly not intentional, showed an incredibly horrific level of ignorance. 

The lynched Obamas were disgusting, and as far as I can gather, was limited to fundamentalist rednecks from the hills, not some well-known comedian associated with a major news network.

Your opinion of Giffin at CNN is much higher than mine. :D

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