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Rant for the Day - Upside Down Pictures


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As a offender on this topic I just want to say...... I do preview my post. Everything looks good , I click "post" and boom, there it is up side down. Now mind you, it was right side up in the preview. I only have the upside down problem when using a mobile device. - Brad

Then the moral of the story is DON'T use a mobile device to post pics. :whistling:


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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Thanks for sharing no matter how they got here. Just think not too long ago we couldn't see your pic's unless we drove to your house or you mailed them. Same with cellphones, we get mad when a call is dropped and we can instantly redail while driving down the road. And, once again. not too long ago, you would have to stand at a pay phone in the morning at a truck stop make all your calls, and if anything went wrong when you got there you just dealt with it.

I remember them days well! nowadays you gotta look long and hard to find a working payphone anywhere!...........................Mark

Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Idiocracy is a very real concept, however not a family friendly movie!

Randy, eat a sammich or something, you're looking too healthy.

Rowdy, having seen the FoMoCo projects that you drive, I would never guess that the operator is as literate and articulate as you are, been meaning to compliment you on that.

Vinny, I have no idea how to post pics, so your upside down ones are a sight better than mine.


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I've been busy this week and haven't had a chance to come on here. Have you folks been playing nicely?

As has already been said, ALL pictures are appreciated and there are several members on here that are computer savvy enough to help anyone in need. For those with the issue of pictures looking in fine in the preview but then appearing upside-down in the post: perhaps flipping it before hand would result in a right-side up pic in the final post??? Think of it as "high tech reverse psychology".

Idiocracy is a very real concept, however not a family friendly movie!

I have have something I'd like to share with this community regarding what is clearly an insult the intelligence of all mankind is possibly the stupidest movie ever made:

Idiocracy is freakin' hilarious and, despite feeling dumber after each time I watch it, I can't get enough!

What can I say, I'm pretty boored tonight............

You misspelled bored, you hillbilly!

To soon?.....I'm sorry.

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Ooh, baby, what a great rant it is! I sure did like the movie "Idiocracy" and dang, it has something to it. The more stupidity I see around, the more it looks like a prophecy!

As for the nbsp - that "no boobs" explanation was cool, but actually its a special character, a so called "non-breeaking space". When you type, you separate the words by spaces (that long key at the bottom of the keybord). When the text gets wrapped, it gets wrapped - broken to the next line - at the spaces. But somtimes you want to keep two words (or pictures) together in the same line, that's when you use a non breaking space. Used by computer hacks to format html documents, it sometimes backfires and then the code - &nbsp - becomes visible when it actually should stay hidden.

Sorry for that tech talk but I wanted to contribute, since I'm asking for pictures all the time and seldom post any :-))) It's just that there are no Macks in my country, dang! Have a nice day


I am sure I have heard that explanation somewhere before.....hmmmmmmmmmm

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I've found that by being smart and acting average or slightly below, people expect less from you. Then when you slip up and reveal what you've really got between your ears, it takes 'em a while to pick their jaw up off the floor.

Kinda like a "sleeper" car....looks like a hunk of junk, but the engine is hopped up, drive train solid, and it'll blow the doors off that fancy show car any day of the week.

However, if you live your life trying to prove to the world how smart you are, you alienate people who might think you are arrogant. You also look like a fool each and every time you slip up and reveal that you aren't quite as smart as you've led people to believe you are.

You'll get much farther in life exceeding expectations than you will by not living up to them. However, it is a fine line you've got to walk. If you come across as too dumb, you'll never be given the chance to show what you know. That's where a lot of people go wrong....they come across as too dumb. You'll never fit that bored, stroked, supercharged big block under the hood of a "smart" car, and everybody knows it....

....but damn that'd be a wicked fast car if'n ya could! Engine would probably account for 90% of the car's weight...power to weight ratio would be tough to beat... :tease:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Okay guys, I'm going to throw in my two cents here.

First of all, the upsidown pictures are not that big of a deal. With mobile devices, there is no way to avoid it. With my dad's iPad, some pictures end up upsidown. There's nothing we can do about it. There's no need to get all bent out of shape about it.

So yea, if you take an extra three seconds to go through and proofread your posts, text, and messages, it will save you from years of being remembered as that stupid guy than has no grammar skills. Not to mention the inconvenience for us that have to read that stuff and try to figure out what you're trying to say. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to put some effort forth to make it look at least readable.

Sorry if that was offensive to anybody haha.



I wish all kids (and some adults) thought like you do. The world (and future of the world) would be a better place.

As for the upside down pictures...I am not "bent out of shape" but if the "modern" devices post them that way....that is NOT acceptable. Maybe if you own a new fangled device, your neck can swivel to view the pics upright but my old neck cannot swivel very far. If you can't take the time to download them correctly, why bother to post them at all? This falls under the same category as spelling and grammer. My two and a half cents. :whistling:

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PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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