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Everything posted by mowerman

  1. forgot to mention,,a friend of mine in california,,has two trucks like that,,one is a good runner,,otherone flowerpot lawn orniment.lol.bob
  2. good luck,,mine didnt come with one,,but i took one out of a parts truck years ago,,have to drill a hole in the plate and put it in,,,they look good,when thier working correctly.lol.bob
  3. hehe,,,ahrite man ill keep that in mind.lol.bob
  4. well it certainly looks fun,lol...guess its a working show,,cat n dog fight,,,very interesting.lol.bob
  5. wow very nice,,but why are you using it..lol.bob,,have a ball my friend
  6. its maxi brake on lite,,,supposed to go out,when you release the brakes,,has a switch connected to maxi valve,,inside the little box,back of cab between seats,,valve switch,probably stuck,,try taking off wire.bob
  7. heh,,good luck my friend,,,buy plenty beer,,glass sits in a thin layer of rubber insulation,,they probably have it at watts,if they dont try any glass shop,,install with soap,n water,,tap glass into rubber,,if in doubt let the glass shop put the glass in the frames,,,dont forget to grease n oil all moving parts to window regulater,,while you got it out..have a ball.lol.bob
  8. man that truck is nice,,,kinda wierd deal..its like he needs to get rid of it now,unfinished for some reason..and not saying,,,i would except it as is,,for the right dollars.lol.bob
  9. well that was excellant.lol.thanks.bob
  10. ahhhhhh haha,,that was excellant,thanks.bob
  11. ahrite,man,,,i figured you would be bringing this one home,,,i had air ride on an 87 U model i bought in 89,,what a differance,,specially if you carry a coffee mug,,,enjoy my friend.bob
  12. oh,,,man thats always nice,,,i chased a couple dead ends myself,,,not quite that far,,never forget the one,around 37 years ago,,ad read classic 55 ford 4 door good condition 100 bucks,so all i needed was address ,,,drove 90 miles,,,and found a rust bucket,,,rotted up to the door handles,,,and the engine smoked like a train,,,but least the guy didnt have a husband,lol...bob
  13. ya,,,im with ya there,,never done it,but they tell me you need to be very carefull unloading....i generally use a fofklift.come on?.lol.bob
  14. sound like an idiot to me,rob,,,a one hit wonder,bragging about his incredible deal...weekend spoiled brat warrior...try driving them for 35 years ,dumbass,,,just my oppinion,,was before my time,dont know anything about the deal.lol.bob
  15. that is a real wierd deal,man.lol..probably from a mexican chop shop,,they all look used..probably already sold all the expensive stuff,,rims,tires,engines trans.lol.who knows bob
  16. haha,pretty clever,thanks.lol.bob
  17. oh,ahrite,,,seems you do too,welcome back
  18. man,look at those beautiful gears,,sorry cant help ya rob,,,but it does look like its designed to oil a gear,or section.bob
  19. seems he just disappeared,,lost in the old theme somewhere...concerned bob
  20. ya,the cab looks air ride,,,for the price,,its probably gonna need a little attention.good luck paul...bob
  21. every vehicle is differant,,any speedometer shop can hook you up..with the correct gear.but i havent seen a speedo shop in years.good luck.bob
  22. oooooohhhhhh,welll thats very interesting...same ole BS..robbing peter to pay paul..wow,,..on a happier note,,,going to hot august nites,here in reno to enjoy abuncha antique cars,and trucks..they tell me 6000 vehicles registered here this summer.woohoo.talk to ya soon...seeya paul
  23. ya,,man hopefully its just a line,or fuel filter...good luck.bob
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