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james j neiweem

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Everything posted by james j neiweem

  1. Schiavone scrap yard used mostly Mack's. As I remember Blakeslee had a Scania dump about the time they had the Cat powered superliner tri axle lowboy. Back in the 80's Love that St Johnsbury F model. Those were the days.
  2. I bet it would cost 50,000 to un bling that thing.
  3. Mack's are usually pretty good mudders depending on how the rear end is set up. Should be able to kick that up another 50 HP without too many dollars. A 2000 e-7 should pretty much be bullet proof.
  4. Who said Barry couldn't fix this.
  5. I guess I didn't mean primer. I meant how about a little education on common rail systems.
  6. Alright How about a primer on injection systems.
  7. If you tore a tendon get it operated on as soon as possible otherwise the muscle it was attached to will wither up and die. I know from experience from an old football injury. Actually many people have torn ligaments in there knees and not even know it. Knee is just a little loose. Kind of like sloppy ball joints. Wish you the best.
  8. Qual/=y controll controle control
  9. Take ownership bonehead. Supplier issue my A%&. Like that's the first time you heard of it through the NHTS
  10. Barry Barry Barry-you out there?
  11. All those KW cement wagons are giving me a too many KW headache.
  12. That Titan doesn't appear to have the plus 4 cab. In any case keep on truckin wit the rubba side down.
  13. I find the default theme better on the eyes.
  14. Maybee they should figure out how to stop the wrangler frames from rusting out before putting 700 horses into an suv. Seems like it would add more to the bottom line
  15. Any body having problems viewing the for sale section. When I click it says "does not exist"
  16. Lmack. You are right on. Bring the whole Aussie line up to the US. Dump the US Pinnacle axle forward and the US Titan. Those Aussie Macks are the best looking trucks on the planet.
  17. Like trying to cool off when pulling a hard hill by standing on the running board with the door open. I would imagine those White 9000 small cabs were brutal in the summer. B-67's also.
  18. Keep KS he is a Mack treasure!
  19. May bee KS is working on a Mack book or Mack encyclopedia.
  20. Get some balls Navistar and stop this partnering with the Europeons. There purpose is to gobble up American companies and they are good at it.
  21. Site looks good. I am starting to get my brain reorganized to the new tweeks. Not to easy with one brain cell you know.
  22. The last three issues of Wheels of time have a good history of the White motor company. Some very interesting history on the reasons why they went bankrupt. I would say it would be nice to see the same coverage of Mack's demise but I think KS has covered that. An interesting statement was made that the B model Mack was a contributor to Whites demise. I think the H F and R also contributed. Other factors were the recession, not converting the Diamond-t cab over to a White nameplate (5000 & 7000 were flops), going to the Autocar cab about ten years to late, getting into the farm business, not incorporating diesels into the White line up earlier enough, loss of the Freightliner franchise, not putting enough money into Autocar to compete with Mack construction trucks and keeping aging CEO,s and chairmen to long
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