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alex g

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by alex g

  1. One of a kind that's for sure
  2. Did you change or check injectors while heads were off?
  3. alex g


    You have to use serial number to order parts
  4. Haven't gotten to the bottom of this problem but I was told yesterday my steering pump which is a Luk brand has issues with bypassing. This could cause the noise. I have to get a pressure gauge on it to see if that's the problem but the place to test it is a couple hours away and until I have work in that direction it can wait. I'll update this when I get to that point.
  5. Wow and it's just the start of the season.
  6. Great you passed info along I have a similar hose on my 2000 CH I'll keep that info. What was aftermarket price?
  7. Could be a few things. Check your fuel lines for pinholes. There's a check valve on pump it could be letting fuel pass. Can you prime it to start it?
  8. Was that trailer loaded that heavy? Or was that the result of previous overload
  9. Welcome aboard fellow Canadian. Looking forward to pics of your project.
  10. What are you looking for specifically?
  11. Not familiar with mp8 but on any mechanical engine you would not have to
  12. Good looking set up. Basically if your mechanically inclined keep your truck serviced regularly and take a good look at things and fix them before they break. Example rubbing airlines or electric connections. Also if your driving yourself you can listen for strange noises or vibrations and fix them before they break. Good luck
  13. Glad the show was able to happen. Pics are great but seeing as I'm north of the border we couldn't make it this year. Hopefully next year we'll be back
  14. Great looking truck. What are the specs and is the 4 headlightsb common where you are?
  15. Nothing to contribute at this time but great start of a thread
  16. Possibly place a wanted ad here. Stud pilot rims aren't as common anymore but are available
  17. Wondering that myself. Very quiet. Need pics
  18. I think your looking for aluminum rims. You'll have to change studs they are different from steel to aluminum but they are available
  19. Hard to believe high school kids drove buses at one time. Wouldn't happen today
  20. My daughter and I went a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Been planning on coming back but definitely not this year as the border is closed. Hopefully next year
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