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3 hours ago, tjc transport said:

it is official, i am an old fart.
i just signed up for Social Security Benefits.
i was going to wait until i retire, but realized i will not retire until the day after my funeral. so what the hell, i might as well take the money while i can still use it.

took my SS soon as eligible. not being greedy ; just figured if I put it there after 50 + yrs of punching a time clock , I'll get back what i could before "others "not working a day in their life clean out the funds. being back in CT (not by my choice ) i'm being taxed on the SS even. todays standards = being an old fart is a claim to be proud of. 😁.. old fart === senior citizen  go for EVERY discount you can.  challenge is when you ask for senior discount and nobody questions it11 - do i really look that old ;LOL feels better when a clerk will ask you first if you are a senior. 

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Paul I want to know what that car- flatbed thing is in the background do they sell them like that or is it just really modified  . We have some cars  like that in the states but the beds are all part of the body  

If your going to be a bear be a grizzly

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As Brocky says, pretty much the standard affair in Australia is a tray, not many tubs on utes anymore

The proper ute, Elcamino and Ranchero I think they are called the states were all the go a in Australia up until say the mid 90's



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Paul, Here's my Ute with a Tray..   I made this one out of 3 trucks, 12 years ago..  I still drive it most days..  Yes I made the bed..sorry... Tray ... and the bumper.. took out the auto tranny and put pedals and a Granny Gear 4 spd in it..  I love my Ute..  jojo


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I guess I’m used to flat beds around here but we always use a heavy duty truck like Joey Mack’s truck if you put a flat bed on an el Camino or ranchero I don’t think it would go good or haul much  I guess we just never went full flat bed on a car in the states lol

If your going to be a bear be a grizzly

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You could buy utes .ike Joeys out here but they never sold well, once the Japanese 4x4s came about that was the end of the Yanky type utes for many years

In recent times the Yanky type of pick ups have made a come back, Japanese priced them selves into that situation though



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I was working for an auto parts store when that body style came out Joey they bought a brand new one 1973. I got to drive it.bunch of times I have always liked it and it never got old. It still looks good to me. Bob.

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Thanks Bob, I currently have 3 square bodies. That one is made out of parts from several trucks. He ain't pretty, but it will go to work if I need it to.  It's crazy how many people walk up to me in parking lots and ask me to sell that ugly duckling to them..  

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