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options for a new RD frame

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Ok so the back of my RD's double frame is shot.  The options i see are:    graft new rails on behind the cab  or  buy a new rails from  volvo.   Prices for just the rails will be about $2500 for the pieces to graft or $9000 for the rails from volvo.   I would prefer to put a whole new frame  under but i think the difference is just too much.  I would like to know if anybody has any other ideas.  As far as i know P.G Adams will not build splayed rails ( even though i've seen the picture of them doing it on this forum).  

 I will also continue to look for another truck with a good frame but they keep getting harder to find.


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Just a thought...If this mack has the 33.5" frame width (out side to out side of the rails)Cut the stock frame behind the cab leaving the outer rail extending to the nearest crossmember  Then find a Cut off with a standard frame width of 34". Take the cut off frame and roll it in over the trucks stock outer rail. weld and or bolt it up with 2 cross members to support the splice . I have the same issue with one of my trucks and will likely get rid of the stock frame and use a single frame cut off that will slip over the stock rails fairly easy. IT will be alot cheaper to do it this way than to put new rails in.

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Not much use of my post but I have a really nice pair of a RD double frame rails.

Beeing needing a pair for my R at the same time. Could use RD ones but need them longer for a sleeper configuration and here the VIn stamping is inportant thing for registry. Also I'd like to keep along original style of my frame and it's less of rail heigth. So I will keep attention to this thread.

On the other hand I've started thinking on possibilities to ship heavy parts to the US. Looks like some of my stuff might worth to be sent to the country of origin.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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10 hours ago, david wild said:

That is funny Vlad, we have customer that wants to buy a Mig 15/17 and ship it back to Russia ????  like maybe you don't have enough all ready ??

David, that doesn't surprize me at all. Actually I have no idea on where to get a MIG. Most of them were scrapped by pioneerers with red scuffs in 70's and 80's excepting a few which were installed on basements as monuments. Those are the most I can see of a MIG-15/17 overhere.

During WW2 SU was supplied with nearly 250,000 Studebaker trucks (I might be wrong on the figure) and something like 500,000 Willis jeeps. Now Willis costs $10-20K depending on the cond. and at least 3 Studebakers were imported from Australia with efforts of some limber-handed Dutch guy. There were for museum collections.

A common thing is to crap down thing you have first than find out you need them and pay high $$ to get from another end of the globe.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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NO gonna put on back of little crap box pete who's enviromently freindly engine decided to implode, kept burner can intact so all it needs are 5 connection points on a stand bolted to frame, fuel , air and some juice to spin it, throttle is manual so maybe it will work, anyway that's the plan, got 3 turbines out now have 2 more still come out so have lots of parts, very simple design, just takes a little time and that is in short supply.  

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I rememer seeing a video of Pete or KW throwing flames off a jet turbine mounted behind the sleeper.

On the other hand it would be cool to build and explore such BBQ device yourself :)

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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18 hours ago, BC Mack said:

boy!!!! this started off as a thread for frame rails..!!!!!

BC Mack

Actually I see no way in selling the rails I have. Otherwise I'd blame you guys flooding :D

Damn cool video's !

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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On 28/11/2017 at 4:40 AM, Vladislav said:

Actually I see no way in selling the rails I have. Otherwise I'd blame you guys flooding :D

Damn cool video's !

Hi Vlad and sorry to change subject everyone. Vlad do you know if there are any Renault ee9 560 piston kits available anywhere over there? I think the part number is 5001831040. Thanks

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On 01.12.2017 at 12:17 PM, superliner500 said:

Hi Vlad and sorry to change subject everyone. Vlad do you know if there are any Renault ee9 560 piston kits available anywhere over there? I think the part number is 5001831040. Thanks

Hi and sorry for the late resopnse. As long as I know local folks use PAI kits to rebuild E9's in Renaults. They have to be imported from the States and became costy for a few last years. During my parts search I located a guy here who specializes in supply of Renault truck parts. His about the only source is PAI and he helps me getting them having a very good import quote.

Funny thing I once got a set of E7 exhaust manifold gaskets from him. The gaskets were packed in poly bags with Renault sticker on them. But the gaskets themself had "Mack" script pressed in. Those were Renault OEM pats though, not PAI.

Edited by Vladislav

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 03/12/2017 at 6:13 AM, Vladislav said:

Hi and sorry for the late resopnse. As long as I know local folks use PAI kits to rebuild E9's in Renaults. They have to be imported from the States and became costy for a few last years. During my parts search I located a guy here who specializes in supply of Renault truck parts. His about the only source is PAI and he helps me getting them having a very good import quote.

Funny thing I once got a set of E7 exhaust manifold gaskets from him. The gaskets were packed in poly bags with Renault sticker on them. But the gaskets themself had "Mack" script pressed in. Those were Renault OEM pats though, not PAI.

Thanks for the info Vlad. I can get pai parts but the ee9 560 pistons are later model two piece type pistons which pai don’t do as far as I know. I was just hoping on the off chance there would be a kit sitting on someone’s shelf . Time will tell. Thanks again

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On 14.12.2017 at 9:13 AM, superliner500 said:

Thanks for the info Vlad. I can get pai parts but the ee9 560 pistons are later model two piece type pistons which pai don’t do as far as I know. I was just hoping on the off chance there would be a kit sitting on someone’s shelf . Time will tell. Thanks again

I checked the part # you gave me more widely. Found out those pistons are offered as OEM Renault part too. Looked like a two-part piston from what I could see on the pics. The listing offered such pistons for 15 days long order from France and with a cost of $666 apiece if converted from Roubles. Actually I'm not 100% sure they will bring exactly what was shown and for the cost. Need to call, ask questions etc. But at least the things look like those pistons are still avalible and they're Renault (too probably a Mack part inside the box), not PAI.

Никогда не бывает слишком много грузовиков! leversole 11.2012

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On 18/12/2017 at 4:57 AM, Vladislav said:

I checked the part # you gave me more widely. Found out those pistons are offered as OEM Renault part too. Looked like a two-part piston from what I could see on the pics. The listing offered such pistons for 15 days long order from France and with a cost of $666 apiece if converted from Roubles. Actually I'm not 100% sure they will bring exactly what was shown and for the cost. Need to call, ask questions etc. But at least the things look like those pistons are still avalible and they're Renault (too probably a Mack part inside the box), not PAI.

I’ll pm you Vlad 

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