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The Obama "new plan"


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"President Barack Obama will review in a matter of "weeks not months" final recommendations on how he can impose new gun restrictions without Congress and "will not be satisfied" without action before the end of his term, a top aide said.

Gun violence is "probably the issue that has touched him most personally over the course of his presidency," White House communications director Jen Psaki said at a meeting hosted by Bloomberg News in Washington. Obama will hold a news conference later Friday before traveling to San Bernardino, California, to meet with the families of victims of the Dec. 2 terrorist attack that killed 14 people and injured 22.

The Justice Department is preparing recommendations on how best to craft restrictions that don’t require legislation from Congress and can survive court challenges by gun-rights advocates. The administration is considering a "range of steps that can be taken as it relates to the people who have access to guns" and "how people gain access to guns," Psaki said. She indicated she did not expect any action before Christmas.
"We fully recognize that there are limitations" to what can be done without Congress, she said. "I’m not going to take anything on or off the table" she said of options including closing the so-called gun show loophole for background checks and a proposed ban on gun purchases by people on the federal "no-fly" list."

80 plus TSA agents are on the no fly list, 37 Congressmen and Senators are on the no fly list (was 38 but Teddy died) do they lose their jobs or get a free pass?

The "gun-show loophole", make it sound as if gun shows are free-for-all smorgasbords where you can get anything from BB guns to fully-automatic weapons to anti-aircaft missiles with only cash-in-hand, a wink and a nod. If you want to buy a gun at a store or a gun show, you MUST pass the NICS background check. There is no question about that. To sell one of my registered weapons privately I MUST conduct the transfer through a licensed fire arms dealer to process the transfer.

To buy a weapon off the internet I must go through a licensed firearms dealer to process and transfer the weapon to my local licensed firearms dealer who than processes it to me per BATFE regulations.

So what is this "gun show loophole" that we hear about so much?? Well, it's when a gun show allows "unlicensed dealers" in. Now, if you sell guns for a living, you have to have a federal license to do that. It's part of the Gun Control Act of 1968 (which the NRA supported, by the way). There is no question about that either. So who are these "unlicensed dealers"? They don't sell guns. They sell books, T-shirts, camping equipment, etc. People in power push a false narrative.

Now is response to KS gun death tally:

There are approximately 33,000 people killed each year in the USA with firearms. That number is nearly identical to the number of people that are killed in automobile crashes and it is also nearly identical to the number of people killed by accidental poisonings. However, if you factor out suicide by firearm the number of gun deaths by homicide drops to a little over 12,000. So shouldn't we be banning cars and over the counter medicines? By the way if any of you doubt the figures, go to the CDC website and look. Paul

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Well this is what the liberals wanted.I still think if he could run again same bunch would vote for him.He is not the antichrist but he is lead by that spirit.He is working for one world control.And don't think for a second that he ant got enough suck ups that they are working full time and some may be watching us now.

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glenn akers

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I don't like him and if the chance came to shake his hand I would decline and make a rude comment to boot, I have NO respect for him and he has disgraced this country, I went to Iraq in 03 and would go again, but not for O crap for brains. He is a traitor to this country and should go back to HIS homeland. and I hope his goon squad is watching and I hope they are fearful of the people that will stand up to them if the time comes. suck on that libs.

My last trip to the VA was the last trip to the VA. I had a Nurse and Doctor both ask if I owned any weapons. When I asked what does that have to do with my visit, the generic answer was that it is required to be asked.

I guess veterans are to be feared by this administration?

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 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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"Back in the day", people with mental issues were in mental institutions under 24/7/365 care. Now most of the institutions are closed. My late mother spent most of her working career as a LPN taking care of mental patients.


PRR Country and Charter member of the "Mack Pack"

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appreciate your update paul your political post,,,,are usually pretty informative,,as well as interesting lol im surprized that worthless system sucker,,,has got anytime to do anything between eating lobster,,,on the publics dime...and flying around the globe,appoligizing to everyone,for being such a puplic nuesance,,.bob

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Here is the way I see it.There is not one man or woman in the white house that cares If I get shot to death or my family or any one I know so why do they claim to be so interested in my safety.Its all about taking control over the people some day.Obama and others have and always will be them that would love to be in charge of the world.Obama has suck ups that will do any thing including destroying this country for power when they know the will of the people is against them.He has used the democrate party and pulled them down now to his level.

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glenn akers

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