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There aren't very many out there and the few I've seen have already been restored and are VERY expensive. I saw an unrestored one several years ago in Gold Bar, WA, but didn't check on it and haven't seen another one since. Good luck with your seach.

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being the Mack Jr. was built by REO,wouldn't it be a more fitting tribute to find and restore a real Mack?

True, but I would also like to restore a pickup, so putting the two thoughts together

So putting the two thoughts together, try to find an "ED"

The Mack Co. made a pick-up body for it and as Mike said it is a true Mack which in my opinion I'd much rather have anyway.

They're not easy to find either but a lot easier than a Junior.

i've seen them from time to time while searching on the computer, they're usually pretty rough but anything's possible!








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Ernie,this pickup is whats usually considered a Mack Junior,but they were built by REO,i only ever saw one in person,up in Gap,PA and it had a big NOT FOR SALE sign in the window!.....................................Mark


Mack Truck literate. Computer illiterate.

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Ernie,this pickup is whats usually considered a Mack Junior,but they were built by REO,i only ever saw one in person,up in Gap,PA and it had a big NOT FOR SALE sign in the window!.....................................Mark

Happy M- day Mark, My friend Johnny Fresco had one and I even had the chance to drive it around Newark one Sat afternoon back in the 80's when John was still alive! I think Gary Mahan owns it now


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Here's a picture of a barn fresh survivor belongong to the Levi Yerger family I took a few years back. We staged some pictures of it for a public auction brochure. The truck ended up in the Dick Best collection.

I still have not heard what will happen to the trucks in that collection from Dick's estate.


See my Flickr photostream page



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Dick Best had at least 3 Mack Jr's; the one pictures above, the civil defense truck and the cream and brown truck with the bulldogs on the doors. RG Smith had a Mack Jr horse van that is long gone. I can't believe Ron didn't mention it yet. He is definitely a bit bias about the little blue ED, but it is a nice truck. An ED or DE would be good choices for small, real Macks. Mike

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We had one Vinny

I mentioned it on here before at some point.

It was unit #245 chassis #U611T1170-------ENDT673 with a fifteen speed triplex.

It was painted gold and black.

I have pictures somewhere and if I ever find them I will be sure to post them.


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We had one Vinny

I mentioned it on here before at some point.

It was unit #245 chassis #U611T1170-------ENDT673 with a fifteen speed triplex.

It was painted gold and black.

I have pictures somewhere and if I ever find them I will be sure to post them.


Oh yep I think I remember now. Haha. Hope you find them pictures. Thanks Ron,,,Vinny


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