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Everything posted by Vladislav

  1. Nice bikes and the ride stories. I took my one on the road some times in May, there was beautiful weather for a couple of weeks. Ended up with weared out fromt brake shoe. Feeled minor pulsation on the lever so had to back home slowly using rear brakes only. It was a trip to get my passport with a Visa though. Weekend? Most of the holiday I spent for different needs to get ready for my trip. Going to start tomorrow.
  2. I also think it's LJ. Sorry to see the frame cutted through. As for the vent windows they make sence of course but I think they started from about 1944.
  3. Very nice trucks, thank you for posting. What was the 10 years bike trip? What where the countries and how did you travel between continents?
  4. What the diff's ratio is? And what the kind of them? Of course if they will be off your project.
  5. I wish you more free days to work on the truck before the show. I also use to shift car sticks most of my life. So had to re-learn for a motorbike. Truck is re-training again. Looks like my R has rough gearbox although it shifts if you understand what's going on and how to put a gear in. I'm going to mind I must be happy about having no bounce while bobtailing. The truck has a wheel base long enough and she's air ride. Although it has "special" brakes. Ex-owner didn't make front shoes up, said there was a trouble to steer her in when on a snowy road. It was probably good enough with a tri-axle loaded trailor. But when bobtailing and need to stop short... So my pair of cents - try extremely stop with full brake down on 20-30 MPH.
  6. I have been in quarries but never have seen such a giant. Wonder is the only operator required to activate this shovel? Reminds me about whole an army to service German Dora gun.
  7. Mmmm... Looks like I don't have many chances to change my future location. Will try tomorrow. What reason I sould follow while looking for? Away from big roads? Or big citys? I too sorry don't know the environment so see no difference looking over a hotel.
  8. Sounds like a plan Randy, I'd too like to keep all of your intertainments by the way. A ride in FWD is cool also. (I don't mean cold ) I pre-payed that hotel. I looked over other places observing both the map but resolved to stay there being afraid to miss any point. It also seemed to me it's not as far from the show ground, nearly the same distance as from Hawthorn Suites, wich had no rooms for the dates. Don't really know why Allentown is a bad place, although I thought it's not quite good to stay overnight near the planes landing zone. I bougt the plane tickets, my arrival date is on Monday, 10, in Newark. Going to spend a couple of days in NYC and visit my old friend who lives in NJ near the river side. Thursday will be the time to head up to Allentown. Yea, let me know the point in NJ where I can catch the correct bus to. I also forgot to do many important things being prepaired for the trip. Had to spend much time working on my car. Yes, I need the car for this story also Hope to see you and many other BMT folks soon!
  9. Happy Birthday Leon and Mike! Hope you have the great one!
  10. Cool! Never thought there were so many Toyotas in the States on those days. GMC wrecker is damn attractive!
  11. Good way to go. More BMT meetings in the future!
  12. Mike, thank you for your care, I was not serious about the trailer, just kidding. It looked from the web there were not many free rooms in the neighbourhood a week ago. I found out one for me in Hotel Knights Inn&Suites Allentown, near the airport. Hope it will be Ok, does anybody know anything about that point? As for a crue ride I'm not shure I'll be easy to be catched up. I'll be with my sun of 12 years old. Do I suppose right there must be two persons only in a truck cab?
  13. Good advertising work Vinny! I also think full info including price is needed for such a moment. Some advice: when you deal about anything just always try your best. Newer mind you do it for a profit or just as a help. If you feel you can't do good anything you need to start over you better try to avoid doing it.
  14. Welcome! I too like any L's.
  15. Hope your wife was glad getting whole the truck of mulch to realize landscaping plan. Nice B to have a fun of and use for some work. Landscaping worked out nice also.
  16. Too sad story, I also remember how Vinny was excited while driving that truck not long ago.
  17. These trucks are great! Can't wait for show pictures.
  18. Ok, now I know where to find you. I don't see the B mixer on those UFO shots though.
  19. Thanks again for the report. The scenery is beautiful, the girls are nice. I'd like to meet one of the appearance of the last if she's real KW fan. Or better How slow did you follow along that curve at Chimney Corners?
  20. I hope you enjoyed it. I mean smile, not a snack of those poor dead animals. Thank you for the lesson
  21. Sad news. There was written on the local web page about 24 people gone. Haven't heard some of them were kids. Condolences to their familys.
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