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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Swishy

  1. The §wish in OD Set n up with Dolly ( OK ............... jeep 2 U lot) LOL Clikity ......................... ClikClikClik cya §wishy
  2. Eye dun see no shokers all it needs is drum brakes n spider spoke wobbly wheels or am eye live n in the past cya §wishy
  3. Not th@ eye kno much Thort wen C@ Trucks hit the road they would'nt last long B 4 they disappeared probly B cum collectable now to release a new product U need to have something the other makes dun offer probly C@ had offered sumthing like a 2000 HP or 3000 ftlb torque donk they may have survived as more truck owners R look n for more get up n go me stihl thinx C@ shoulda bought out Macks n we coulda had best of both worlds Gr8 motors from C@ n best truck from Mack jist my 2 cents woth of dribble Tax free cya §wishy
  4. While u're there Get the seller to write on a bit of paper wot he would sell the item for U write on bit of paper wot u'd like to pay for item see the figures together add m up n divide by 2 there ........... dun Rafferty Rules LOL next problem cya §wishy
  5. Thanx for the comment Brocky Clikity ................ 2014 Mack Muster ................ ClikClikClik Clikity ................ 2016 Mack Muster ................ ClikClikClik Clikity .........Arriving...... 2016 Mack Muster ...... ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  6. SMore Clikity ........................................ ClikClikClik Clikity .......................................... ClikClikClik Clikity .............................................. ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  7. Thort eye heard Mrs gunna set up a bizzness of bending Bananas them thar bananas need to get sum bend in m so they dun roll off the kitchen table LOL BestO LuckO M80 cya §wishy
  8. Lookn Good mrs Me thinx U have a huge job in front of U good 2 C U have n a crak @ it Plenty of pix please to keep the masses happy give till it hurtz thanx in advance Clikity ............. ClikClikClik Q:? will a CH cab fit???? cya §wishy
  9. Just 4 U Green Giant Others no looky ( o )( o ) for the purists out there ...... jist a pic of a tandem drive cya §wishy
  10. SMore Clikity .................................................... ClikClikClik Clikity .................................................... ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  11. RE: We need to discuss relevant topics here, like how do we preserve more historic Mack trucks? Also ( . )( . ) WotSezU? cya §wishy
  12. SMore Clikity .................................................... ClikClikClik Clikity .................................................... ClikClikClik More If U want m Cya §wishy
  13. Whoooo Hooo Mumas bult for comfort n not for speed......................... till they roll ovr U LOL cya §
  14. H@City Gudday m8 the Q:? on everybodys lips Wot duz C@s Ass taste like?? LOL cya §wishy
  15. To all the Friar Truck xpurts Q:? A Mack Friar Truck @ a truck show on D udder side of the world here in Victoria Australia last year twaz a B model Fire Truck convertible soft top th@ had the windscreen wipers mounted on the inside of the windscreen I could guess why the slip n slapers R on the inside ............ but why? Thanx in advance cya §wishy
  16. Why bother with new rails for a hobby truck just sand m down heavily in the rust area n a few layers of paint splashed on n only U n eye will kno the difference WotSezU? cya §wishy
  17. Gr8 info Mrs here B a newer V: az posted a cupla years ago Clikity .......................ClikClikClik cya §wishy
  18. SMore Feast u're peepers on this lot n the trucks aint too bad either cya §wishy
  19. the oldest movie eye got dates circa 1960 loaded n transport dun @ daylight = bad lighting for movie Clikity .......................... ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  20. LOL Glad U liked m Things we like = ............ ( o )( o ) ..... or .......... (.)(.) .......or ...... Y things we dun like = ........ 'V'Buses LOL cya §wishy
  21. Carlotpiot thanx for u're comments (makes it worth while) Cya §wishy Clikity ......................................... ClikClikClik
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