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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Swishy

  1. RE: who is going to insult everyone and spout nonsense now?? Hay Eye represent th@
  2. It rared up eye tell U ........it jist rared up LOL cya §wishy
  3. Mrs Gudday M8 Well dun to the crew I thort U sed twaz to B painted nipple pink LOL While Mals there get him to do a once ovr with the yello beast in the cnr Cya §wishy
  4. According to our Inside Sources, a man today based in Beaver Lick, Kentucky (It's a real place) actually found the G spot of his wife. Unlike other reported findings such as Treasure Island, Atlantis, and the finding of flight MH370, that we gave "very unlikely" odds to. We believe this story to be utterly impossible. WotSezU? cya §wishy
  5. Haven the air ram down low just above the cab will give U twice as much water into ram in a heavy down pour when the rain bounces off the roof n into air ram Clikity .....ClikClikClik .............. clik on down to page 216 Cya §wishy
  6. R the last 3 pix OD U've made my day cya §wishy
  7. OD Gudday m8 Gr8 pix keep m cumm n Dont they have females n leg wimmen drivers where u were/ cya §wishy
  8. The §wish duz all hiz shoppin right here Clikity ................................................... ClikClikClik ............. ............... cya §wishy
  9. Gr8 info Guys Q:? What is maximum size in kb for a pic How many pix ( or kb size) can be uploaded in one post do we all have an account here with an upload limit do you accept jpg ----- jpeg ----- bmp ----- gif What dimensions in pixels for a pic I find a printer paper of 'A4' = 800 x 1100 pixels (portrait) or 1100 x 800 pixels (Landscape) Thanx in advance cya §wishy
  10. Lookn good Mrs wen U sed the painter is cum n sundee or mundee hope U ment next week LOL shares must B up ........... coz eye spy wiff my luvly eye a new Mig welder n gluer cya §wishy
  11. Yup Heads she Wins Tails U loose
  12. Buy it 4 her Az ewe kn n eye no ............... U can't refuze a present There Problem solved .............. NEXT Best O Luck O cya §wishy
  13. Mrs Gudday m8 one project @ a time iz the way to go sell farm n redress mack .......... nevr nuff hours in the day if U lookn fir a cab ............. he did have one http://www.tyldenheritage.com.au/uploads/9/3/0/6/9306704/r_model_catalogue_april_2017_final.pdf cya §wishy
  14. Talk n of Dates with th@ gal above here B a calendar full of dates cya §wishy
  15. Not sure if n thiz haz bin put up B 4 So bad luck if it haz ................ eye can view it more than once cya §wishy
  16. Nuthery Loading ovr the side Clikity ............................................................ ClikClikClik Clikity ............................................................ ClikClikClik Clikity ............................................................ ClikClikClik WotSezU? cya §wishy
  17. The §wish in OD Set n up with Dolly ( OK ............... jeep 2 U lot) LOL Clikity ......................... ClikClikClik cya §wishy
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