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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Swishy

  1. Not sure if n eye need glasses or not will keep try n these tests cya §wishy
  2. Dam they claim there iz a water fall after 20 minutes ........... eye give up ........... Farqd if eye can see it wot sez U? cya §wishy
  3. here on the udder side of the world in Australia we had a bra named HESTIA Holds Every Size Tit In Australia also know as 'Ovr the shoulder bolder holder' LOL http://1037theloon.com/files/2014/01/Marliyn.jpg[/img] cya §wishy
  4. Me must B get n old Lookd at the pic for 20 or more minutes n the handbrake sed there twas a dinasaurrex in the background May B she B right .......... but stufft If eye can C it LOL cya §
  5. Well Dun Guys I am told if U study this pic for a while U may B able to see CN Tower in Toronto Leme kno how U go cya §wishy
  6. Ok As the senior truck drivers of the world R all get n on in age it iz most important to check your eyes as with age they do deteriorate so best to get m tested......... here B a free eye test C how U go with these tests Stay tuned more 2 cum U're Wellcum cya §wishy
  7. The Blu KW 'S' model along side iz a piece of a weapon also KW 'S' model now with V12 Screemer with modified cab to tilt cya §wishy
  8. jist like the TV antena pic Cya §wishy
  9. Thanx Vlad Nevr evr knu th@ Utoob existed Here sum cog select n .................... 'R' model * 350 2 valve * 12 speed mack box Clikity ..................................... ClikClikClik cya §wishy
  10. Guys me thinx the Slime Green FModel Mack iz 49k$ 49ooo Au $ x 0.757066 = 37,096.26USD There U go cheap @ 1/2 the price U can team up import the beast n learn new tricks shift n with the left hand n drivin on the correct side (pedals R in Same order) LOL cya §wishy
  11. Here U go Lmackattack this gal iz think n of U ........................... But U only got 2 hands LOL U're Wellcum cya §wishy
  12. Vladman M80 Not sure which YouTube U B watching ........................ can U link us 2 it The mack Muster in Colac 2010 (about then) Mr Monty made a few short clips... so the §wish pirated m n joind m 2 gether Clikity .............................................. ClikClikClik cya §wishy
  13. VladMan gudday m8 the above pic of the NR Mack twaz from the 2010 Mack Muster @ Colac Victoria Australia wee thort hoo evr dun the rewire did one neat job cya §wishy
  14. Brocky Gudday m8 in me Mack 8x4 Tilt Tray the steering shaft n pedals is not a worry May B just the way the camera got the view Clikity ......................................................................................................ClikClikClik Cya §wishy
  15. LOL Thatz wot makes the world go round 95,96,97,98,99,100 ......... Change hands LOL cya §wishy
  16. SMore U jokers will notice that the steersmans wheel is located on the correct side LOL cya §wishy
  17. OD mighta got tangled up in the nightie last night [/img] LOL cya §wishy
  18. Thanx HatCity The pix dun doo justice of the quality will try n pirate a pic of office cya §wishy
  19. I have been to many trucks shows in Australia (mainly state of Victoria) and the Quality to restoring the ol bangers to former glory has been outstanding until yesterday this was beyond belief ..... 1977 V8 Thumpadyn raised the bench mark to above outstanding Twaz bettr than wot rolled out the factory when New cya §wishy
  20. Be cheaper and easier to get real truck drivers but spose they B a dying race cya §wishy
  21. Hi All Wotz go n down I nomally go straight to https://www.bigmacktrucks.com/garage/ Then clik on Unread Content Message eye get on main page Cya §wishy
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