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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. road is a lot easier now Im told than 40 years ago but not as much fun though great looking F model Paul
  2. Yeah Vlad it's AC wont do much good up here cab gets to hot the I drive in my pluggers and my foot will get burnt off the inside of the cab if it touches so dunno how well the AC will help with that
  3. Is the AC clutch pulling in ???? if not check it has power to it Paul
  4. how neat does that look just the right amount of bling no big sunvisor to cover half the windscreen no millions of lights all over the place not dropped on the deck like some low rider hoon from LA nice clean and simple only thing I reckon it needs is some scroll work not bucket loads just a bit but dead sexy the way it is Paul
  5. as above top work thanks for sharing Paul
  6. dunno if this link will work or not someone asked about genuine Mack sleepers that we have out here this is one of the latter ones for the R models notice the MACK molded into the rear of it http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/ayr/miscellaneous-goods/mack-r-series-prime-mover-call-0477-97emus/1105937629 Paul
  7. I dunno how I have missed this up until now but great work and I really enjoy having a read thru looking at the pictures Paul
  8. 4-53 Screamer you are going to need a set of of these My brother had one in a IH ACCO with a 10 speed road ranger that thing was loud or maybe Im just not tuff enough LOL Paul
  9. hope you all had a great day Paul
  10. never seen a front dump truck in the land of OZ almost every thing is pumped now days and I mean everything what a change from 10 or 15 years ago It always amazes me a building looks small when its only the footings and sought of grows in size when been built I always reckon Paul
  11. Looks to good to be true to me WOW I would almost say looks better or as good as a new one Paul
  12. I couldnt agree more I find it interesting how you build buildings other parts of the world like frost lines and things we never think of out here all this compaction business well we pour floating slabs so compaction isnt as crucial but termites are a major problem in Australia and we build a lot of houses to keep us cool and catch breeze and resist bush fires We dont have heaters in our house or AC never gets cold never gets real hot I read on here (the forum) people getting feet of snow a lot of people in Australia will never see snow in their lifetime Some of the most interesting things on this forum has nothing to do with trucks Its a interesting world we live in Paul
  13. looking good there and yes the little things take the longest and for me always seem to take a lot longer than I think they should Paul
  14. compaction testing ?????????? you blokes dont pour floating slabs I take it ???? nice to get the shed under way now Paul
  15. I have often mentioned before about how good the Maxidyne or for that matter the Thermodyne Macks are and how I believe that even in todays world I feel these trucks could still compete I also have mentioned that "Truck&Bus" a Australian magazine back in the day did road tests on Macks and the fuel consumption figures rival those of todays and reading some of the figures people get on here at times far exceed todays So came across some old tests read enjoy and let me know if you want more they did tests on the E9 Maxidyne E6 thermodynes and E6 Maxidynes all these three were cool powered and a whole heap of other things Paul As a side note there was a TV documentary made to go along with the R model and filmed on this road test dunno if I can get a copy but will try when I get a chance one day
  16. no one can say your lacking in the length department LOL sure is a big difference there in the studs I bet your feeling very studly now LOL Paul
  17. all of this is no good at all Im not as smart as most of you, one thing my Dad always said to me is "if something is crook, it's always crook from the top down never the bottom up" I feel this somes up a lot of big business today For years now I have rebuilt everything my self as wages in Australia are the killer and not only that I feel a lot of workers dont really care anymore because people dont have jobs for life these days they just have a job until something better comes along they dont care about the company they work for it's all about the pay check it's becoming a very sad world these days Having said I rebuild all my own stuff do not have any illusions that it always go to plan and works well some things take me a few goes to get right, I find it amazing how many things have been assembled wrong from new in the factory and no one even new ???????????? It is a lot different for me as Im self employed on my farm so if it breaks down out in the paddock well its not as big a hassle as on the side of the freeway I started rebuilding stuff in my early 20's as I got sick of been shafted and then it was never their fault so I figured I can stuff it up just as well as they can and using their logic it wont be my fault LOL Mike Im sure it will be all ok now shame it had to happen though Paul
  18. yep better ask your parts man as you can tell I am used to spiders or dayton wheels or what ever you lot call them but on those Bud style rims I have never done them up that tight oop's I might wanna get it off again so carry on and disregard everything I said above man oh man you blokes must have a big tension wrench must be 6 foot long or maybe one of them torque multiplier doodahs Paul
  19. looking good to me I wouldnt worry to much about that small amount of metal it could mean something or it could mean nothing at all you dont know it may have been there since new Why did you talk the studs so tight Im pretty sure those studs arent not meant to be that tight the later model ones with out a tapered nut yes but I wouldnt have thought those as the taper works like a morse taper on a drill bit at least thats my under standing Back when people used those style nuts the wheels were changed with a normal wheel brace you only needed six feet of pipe too get them un done when the thread was seized at least thats the way I have done things People only use the crazy tension on the later model wheels were the wheels are stopped moving by the clamping force of the nuts not by the tapper most tyre places dont have people left now that have worked on these older type of rims any more and they just torque them up as per a new rim good work Paul
  20. 60 man thats a lot of candles you have a great day Paul
  21. Fantastic stuff that and that is what I reckon the world is all about people doing little things that make a bog difference to everyone else around them Paul
  22. she missed a spot needs to keep on cleaning over here a bit
  23. there has been talk for some time about no longer importing the 70 series here giving us the 200 serie and the Tundra ????? ( dunno what that is ) and the PUSSLUX as I call it Dunno I think it would be a big mistake for Toyota to do that
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