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Everything posted by 2stacksuperdog

  1. I think he means just going from the 6 speed to a 6 speed overdrive. From what i understand their the same just one is overdrive.
  2. Thats why we try to use aluminum trailers besides our triaxle but the body is rotted bad on that. Not bad when dry but once it gets wet it runs everywhere and up here they mix molasses with it so it sticks to the roads and that leaks out of the tailgate as your going up the load leaving everyone behind you covered(and we have tight gates on everything) as it finds the smallest crack to leak out of.
  3. Try hauling salt.... Lights never want to work, everything thing gets rusty. Terrible. We spend all summer fixing everything and painting it so winter can come and eat it all again. Then that state laughs when everyone complains.
  4. Everyone says they have the last but seems like everybody puts new ones on their trucks.
  5. Yeah they breakdown that same as anything else and the designations mean what jhancock said.
  6. Cheery hill owns a scrapyard and does a lot of exporting.... but they do have some restored old macks and brockways
  7. Is that the same one that runs at Gerharts? looks like same truck but with different body.
  8. Not sure but ive only seen it in Autocars. this truck in my picture was almost a Mack replica. camelback with top loader rears too.
  9. Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Public Works
  10. Like Jim said that frame is nice compared to most stuff here.
  11. There was 2 Dms and the Rd that i could see. Was probably about 15 KWs (tri-axles and tractors) there and 3 or 4 Freighliner tri-axles.
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