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Another Nail In The Owner/operator Coffin

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i have been seeing billboards in Texas that say if you've been involved in an accident with an 18 wheeler even if it is your fault you are still entitled to money. Now I'm seeing advertisements on tv in MO that basically say you can go out, drive your car into the back of an 18 wheeler and it is like hitting the lottery.

what the hell.

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Lawyers SUCK. Although we all need a good one at some point in time.

One local has an ad on TV for any hot topic, lately Toyota. But he does have an actor portraying a truck driver telling about an accident with a truck and you can get "help"

I would call his office to represent me if i had an accident against a 4 wheeler.....Yeah right

Bunch of sorry bastards that just chase ambulances. VULTURES

Why is it that we can only drive 11 hours before stopping for a while and any car can and do drive 24 without a problem. OR pick ups with front wheels barely on the ground and yet we get slammed at scales for being 200# over on an axle

Success is only a stones throw away.................................................................for a Palestinian

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Lawyers SUCK. Although we all need a good one at some point in time.

One local has an ad on TV for any hot topic, lately Toyota. But he does have an actor portraying a truck driver telling about an accident with a truck and you can get "help"

I would call his office to represent me if i had an accident against a 4 wheeler.....Yeah right

Bunch of sorry bastards that just chase ambulances. VULTURES

Why is it that we can only drive 11 hours before stopping for a while and any car can and do drive 24 without a problem. OR pick ups with front wheels barely on the ground and yet we get slammed at scales for being 200# over on an axle

LOL...I go on "vacation" and drive straight through wherever I am going...usually out to my brother's in Montana....27 hours each way :thumb:

Not to mention, I have a bad habit of overloading my pickups....if the bumper ain't draggin, it'll haul more. :banana: Pulled a 25' flatbed trailer behind a little 4-banger Ranger. Wasn't wired up for trailer brakes, so when I had the trailer loaded down and the bed full of stuff...let's just say I had to start slowing down WAAAAAAAAY before I had to stop :lol:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I think Rowdy outta go around to these signs with a machine gun and shoot words into them, something along the lines of f*&k you.

And a couple years ago we drove non-stop from Orlando Florida back to north central IL...18 1/2 hours with 2 little kids.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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I think Rowdy outta go around to these signs with a machine gun and shoot words into them, something along the lines of f*&k you.

And a couple years ago we drove non-stop from Orlando Florida back to north central IL...18 1/2 hours with 2 little kids.

I almost bought a full-auto bb gun....it was on the shelf at the Rural King....looked like a tommy gun. Unfortunately, I'm broke and didn't have the money. :pat:

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Damm lawyers all they do is screw things up for all the honest people that are left. Now all you have are idiots out there loking to have an accident so they can collect the cash. They need to pass a law making it a crime to be a lawyer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Damm lawyers all they do is screw things up for all the honest people that are left. Now all you have are idiots out there loking to have an accident so they can collect the cash. They need to pass a law making it a crime to be a lawyer.

Put my name on that petition...

Still the Greatest Name in Trucks...Bulldogs rule, The rest drool....

Member ATHS and ATCA...

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if their lawyer can find a 3 minute discrepency in your logs that means you should not have been in that spot at that time. so its your fault if he is texting and runs into the back of your truck. you should have been 3 miles from that spot, so its your fault...............

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if their lawyer can find a 3 minute discrepency in your logs that means you should not have been in that spot at that time. so its your fault if he is texting and runs into the back of your truck. you should have been 3 miles from that spot, so its your fault...............

Counter-sue and stuff it in his ass!

There was a case of that around here quite a while ago...load time on paperwork vs. time of wreck 'proved' he was speeding by 2mph therefore shouldn't have been in the intersection when dumbass in the car barreled through the stop sign.

Ever wonder how a blind person knows when to stop wiping?


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Last Tuesday I get called to assist at a 2 semi crash. One truck was drivable, other needed towed. Truck one rearended truck 2 at about 15mph. drive one was fine, but hood and radiator knocked out of truck. truck 2 ICC bumper slightly bent, truck 2 driver complaining of neck & back pain was packaged, immobilized loaded in an ambulance & hauled off to the hospital. I drove his truck back, O/O Pete, looks like he is in way over his head... I'm thinking he sees an easy way out at the expense of a very, very minor crash.

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Last Tuesday I get called to assist at a 2 semi crash. One truck was drivable, other needed towed. Truck one rearended truck 2 at about 15mph. drive one was fine, but hood and radiator knocked out of truck. truck 2 ICC bumper slightly bent, truck 2 driver complaining of neck & back pain was packaged, immobilized loaded in an ambulance & hauled off to the hospital. I drove his truck back, O/O Pete, looks like he is in way over his head... I'm thinking he sees an easy way out at the expense of a very, very minor crash.

There is a LOT of force transferred in a wreck...and not a lot of "give" in the back end of a truck to absorb that energy. The driver of the truck that hit the other was expecting the impact...he saw it coming. He likely had his seat belt on, which kept him from kissing the windshield. The driver of the truck that got hit, on the other hand, may not have seen it coming. If he was leaning forward in the seat...or had his head turned...or was reaching for something on the passenger seat or bent over picking something up off the floor....any other movement that kept his back and head away from the seat, injuries are not all that unbelievable.

My fiance got rear ended in her pickup by a 17 year old kid in a minivan. Van got towed and the kid walked away from it without injury...but even though her truck was still drivable and didn't look too bad, the front seat passenger broke a collarbone...the rear seat passenger tore a tendon in the knee...and the fiance had a big 'ol knot on her head, compressed disc in her neck, and a lumbar compression fracture.

Getting hit from the rear is a good way to get hurt.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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Last Tuesday I get called to assist at a 2 semi crash. One truck was drivable, other needed towed. Truck one rearended truck 2 at about 15mph. drive one was fine, but hood and radiator knocked out of truck. truck 2 ICC bumper slightly bent, truck 2 driver complaining of neck & back pain was packaged, immobilized loaded in an ambulance & hauled off to the hospital. I drove his truck back, O/O Pete, looks like he is in way over his head... I'm thinking he sees an easy way out at the expense of a very, very minor crash.

Sounds like a case of "Keeping up with the Jones". Sounds like you may be correct as I've seen the same scenario played out many times through the years.


Dog.jpg.487f03da076af0150d2376dbd16843ed.jpgPlodding along with no job nor practical application for my existence, but still trying to fix what's broke.



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Sounds like the lawyers are catching up with the insurance companies. I got hit dead square in the third axle by a kid who had his licence 1 day. He went across 2 lanes, the grass median and 1 more lane to hit me. After all was said and done my insurance company told me I was 30% at fault. Semms if I was going slower ,or faster ,or on a different road I wouldn't hace been hit. Fought with their decision but never got anywhere.....seems the firm Dewey Rookem and Howe went from insurance to bill board advertising for $$$. Paul


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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Sounds like the lawyers are catching up with the insurance companies. I got hit dead square in the third axle by a kid who had his licence 1 day. He went across 2 lanes, the grass median and 1 more lane to hit me. After all was said and done my insurance company told me I was 30% at fault. Semms if I was going slower ,or faster ,or on a different road I wouldn't hace been hit. Fought with their decision but never got anywhere.....seems the firm Dewey Rookem and Howe went from insurance to bill board advertising for $$$. Paul

...so if you were to get up, grab the chair you had been sitting in, and proceed to break it over their head....would they assume 30% of the responsibility since if they had just been somewhere else at the time, they wouldn't have been hit by the chair? After all, if they had just looked into their crystal ball in order to see what is going to happen that day, they would have known not to be exactly where they were at the exact time the chair came flying....

I think I would have told 'em to get f***ed. I'll file bankruptcy and write it off before I ever pay out on a BS claim like that.

When approaching a 4-way stop, the vehicle with the biggest tires has the right of way!
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I woulda thought so after all if they were faster or slower the chair wouldn't hit them. I added enough "damages" to my truck to make up for the 30% and got a new agent for all my insurance. I wish I coulda done the other stuff..but not truck = no money.No money makes momma mad!!! I think we can all thank the lawyers for our fine situation we got today. :angry:


 “Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting ‘Holy shit, what a ride!’


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