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Everything posted by bulldoggin'

  1. Just got done with a FORD L-9000 with a hole on both sides of the block also, and the bolts backed out of the rod cap. Very nasty mess!
  2. Does anybody know a online store to buy cab sun visors? Don't have a dealership very close, and don't have time to travel a hour to see about one. They probably don't have any good prices anyway.
  3. I had a old mechanic a few years back about that and he was told it wore on the bearings wrong, I don't know but I never had any problems. When I drive a 6 speed I shift starting in low 1,2,3,4,5,then hit high side get more speed. And when I hit a hill and only have to drop one gear I drop to low side on aux. shifter instead of on main shifter, cause you keep a little more momentumthat way . But everybody does not drive the same, just thought I drop some info on shifting a 6 speed.
  4. Rebuilt 2 350's that had bad rings and had no blow by. And used way too much oil. Oddball luck maybe.
  5. It's too bad you got to buy a good name too build up your rep!
  6. Got an idea for another logo for you too think about ( IF IT AIN'T A MACK PUT IT IN THE BACK! ) Just a thought. LOL!!!!
  7. Can,t ever have too much OLD IRON!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. The Flying J still carries those around here still maybe yours does too.
  9. Must be nice not to have bridge laws
  10. Good friends are hard to come by.
  11. Good clip, makes you wish you had one during rush hour every evening!!!!
  12. It's a cryin shame every time I go by the MACK/volvo plant on one of my rock or sand runs I see one of the supposedly now top of the line trucks broke down no more than 2 miles from the plant! I personally wouldn't trade my 77 model for a 1000 brand new of those thing they roll,push,or tow out the door of that plant . Don't get me wrong i'm sure they are fit enough for the road, but not for my kind of work. the only reason I can say that is because I have seen a few of them fail at the gut wrenching work that we do and the places we go. Seems like they just keep on making them weaker and weaker as far as the frame is concerned. I have been waiting in line to dump sometimes and one of the new trucks be in front of me and, I watch him go down the soft new cut ground or a rough logging road and watch the cab go one way and the bed go the other way. You can also see the sagging frame when they lift their tag axles up. I have talked to the guys that drive the new granites they say they ride good but that's about it. They said they don't know how they make it in or out of some of the places we go without breaking in half. They also said that the trucks wouldn't make it 10 years without having major reinforcement of the frame and a few other things. I guess what I am trying to say is that you always don't get what you pay for. I would love to see MACK back like it was back in the good ol days, but as long as we got so called geniuses running around with a crayon in one hand and a piece of paper in the other telling everybody what's best, instead of going around asking the people out here that has been doing the work for years that know what they need and want. So all you BULLDOG lovers out there if you got an old dog you better hang on to her because it ain't looking good for the future! Just putting my 2 cents in don't mean to step on any toes of some of you guys that has the new trucks I still respect the new ones too. Just hate to see a good name be drug through the mud. (And end up with a broke frame)
  13. That should be one of the goldin rules for the BULLDOGS to face each other.
  14. I had the same problem in my MACK coal bucket and my peanuts was wore and some chipped that got rid of the vibration that I had been tracking for a while. Done the same thing you done checking u joints,bearings,and tires. Got down to the last resort which we all know that we all DRED, pulling the rearends,thank goodness it was the peanuts and I did not have to pull the whole chunk!
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