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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. Yeah being a company driver your at there mercy on the wheels. I like my Pete anyways
  2. You may want to look into Dynatrac or track. I got 2 pd-880's on and I am rather impressed. When I looked at them I didn't think much about them. But sitting on the side of the road any longer then needed wasn't an option. I rotate mine ever few months or when I see any heal toe wear. Theyh where pretty reasonable.
  3. You got that right. I p[ulled a van and reefer for 4 months and it was 4 months of hell.You definatley got to be cut out for it. Only difference I don't tarp,carry tarps or look at tarps. If it pays good and I got time I might order one for an exact fit.
  4. Welcome to the jungle. You came to the right place for the infor you want
  5. The neck looked like my Fontaine. But hell those to look so much alike you can never tell the difference unless you look real hard. Never met him. Been looking at a Talbert and a couple others for my next trailer. Fontaine is nice but got a few problems.
  6. Welcome to the jungle. Sorry about the loss of the R. That superline looks nice and that Fontaine doesn't look to bad either
  7. I'll probally start a shit storm here. Being from a RIGHT TO WORK STATE. I never understood the unions.never been part of one and don't have any intentons to join one.Did they at one time have a purpose and do stuff yes. Then they got greedy. Look at all the municipalities. Those yo yo's do anything they can to get out of work ormilk it for all it is worth.Go to a port and it takes 4 people to do the job of 1. I loaded a forklift in Norfolk. 4 people came out. 1 driver and 3 people walking around doing nothing. In fact the master switch weas off and he called me from around my trailer to turn it on to which my reply was there are 3 people right there get them. sorry I am not your bitch. That got a less then enthusiastic response to which I could give a damn less. it should of only taken 1 ok 2 one to load and one as a spotter. Look at the auto industry. They have bankrupted most of detroit. take take take and did not want to give. We wonder why foreign cars out sell us. they are cheaper,and have less baggage. The teachers union oh boy there is another one. Can't fire a usless teacher you got to keep them. Sorry if you do not perform or you do something you should be fired. no ands,ifs,or buts. Did I serve no. My dad was a seabee and I heard mixed feelings and decided to not join. Do I wish I had yes. After 9/11 I really thought about it and if they had implemented the draft I would of done it just so I didn't take a chance and get called and not be able to go into a field I wanted to learn or know. Maybe if I had come from a union state it might be different for me. But I have not seen anything in Florida or any other right to work state that makes me think other wise. ok my rant is over. let the games begin
  8. After hacking up a lung doing galvenized I find going to the welding supply and getting some face mask or small resperators work great
  9. Only thing I hate about 16ply tires is when ever I have had a tire failure. I cannot find any anywhere. I started going back to the 14 ply tires myself. They are alot easier to come across
  10. That damn sure is an old machine. Looks good
  11. I drove a 9 like that. It was definatley odd. I thik there are 3 different 9 speeds out there.
  12. Daycab and a 48'r should be a cake walk. If the axles slide maybe try sliding them up alittle. It will help in the turns. I don't have alot of tag experience. Just feel it out and maybe take a few real wide turns till you get the feel of it. also you can turn tighter with a 5th wheel
  13. I've been up and down thru there a few times just never stopped till then. Had to scale out and the J had the flatest scale. Also since they changed the entrance around getting off the exit wasn't sure how to get into the old Petro and didn't want to go exploring with no way to back up. I liked the 98 was always a big lot with alot of room to get an oversize in. Jarrels is before my time driving
  14. Thats an old Inway guy. Seen him a few times never got a chance to talk to him. Definatley an interesting looking oddity. Loaded with him once but by the time I got broke apart to load he was gone
  15. it made a huge difference on mine and when i have mine rust thru i am going back to stock going to put there super quiet performance mufflers on. put the covers and all back on. Never thought i'd seethe day where i wanted the truck quiet. But running through small pa towns at 0200 in the am and trying to be quiet and not use the jake sucked
  16. you know you could also check out any chrome shops in the area diesel performance places for like pickups. reason i say pickups is idk the size of your exhaust. you might be able to get a flow master that fits and it will give it a great sound
  17. look at Pittsburgh power. i had straights for about 2 years and finally had enough of the headaches. i put a shorty performance muffler on it is idk maybe half the size of a regular muffler and it made a huge difference and it is also flow through. Resonators are like straights they look good but don't muffle a damn thing
  18. yeah Walker,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Walkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  19. i thought it was bust a deal. just happened it was on over the weekend. I wonder what happened to that b model in that movie
  20. Welcome to the jungle. And great save I am glad you didn't let them export it
  21. when did the All American truck stop in doswell close? Was a shock when i went to pull in and most of the lot is barricaded. hell exit 104 has changed to getting into the old petro.
  22. back 10 years or so when we had the fires in fl dot was escorting guys from miami with a d8 on the bottom and a 5 on the back as fast as the trucks could run up the turnpike load and go no chains. had to talk them into letting us drop the trailer to unload so they didn't tear them up.
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