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Everything posted by slpwlker

  1. I think I got the one with the trucks on it. But those are going to Rob. Just forgot to bring them
  2. We might be here still. Just parked at the Wilco there and looking for a load. Be here till I get one
  3. Looking at getting one for my beast this year. Been running alot of Tx to Nd and had to many close calls. Look at herd.com. Now that being said I know your part jew like I am and after you choke on the price and start breathing again. They are worth the money. Don't look at ali arc as once they grow up they all go to herd products
  4. 315's will not get you there they are only good for about 14600 or so. 385's might but 425's will but they are 22.5 rims.
  5. Never ran a wrecker bigger then a roll back unless a Landoll counts. Loved going to the Fl tow show and watching the Nrc displays. Those are awsome units. I have always wanted to run a big wrecker just for the challenges of some of the recoveries. But after driving a small wrecker it will be a cold day in hell before I ever EVER even think of driving any kind of wrecker again.
  6. 3 wheels? I counted 4 so i thought. I bet you would be wore out at the end of the day running that
  7. I'll be the odd man Out here. I've driven the 6 speeds and split the every gear like a 10 speed. how I was taught never had a problem with it. But to each there own on this. If It will split If I need another gear why not.
  8. Yeah it is about 20 miles or so west of the J in Russelville.
  9. When you went to russelville you didn't happen to go to Arkansas Nucular 1 by chance did you? Went there twice first time I had to get a dog sitter and the 2nd time the dog sitter was waiting on me. Place is a P.I.T.A. Damn plant in Mo could care less about my dog and wanted to play with him
  10. The sad thing is you can get good fuel mileage out of a large car. Better then these aero trucks
  11. Let me tell you the firsttime I did that I thought the seat was gonna get sucked up. Definatley makes you finess the controls till you land
  12. I'm sitting across from there now. Trying not to go in and eyef@#k all the accesories there.
  13. Idk what frame rails go for but wouldn't it be cheaper to get a rolling wreck and transfer everything from your truck to the wrecked unit. and have parts left
  14. I would agree on this I didn't read into this at first. why splice the frame when you can cut the excess off and redrill the holes. With alot of drill bits
  15. Damn I thought you had atleast 40's. 46's are the way to go with what you do. Watch in shortening the wb though. make sure you don't go to short and hurt the bridge and not haul as much
  16. http://www.local10.com/news/29619059/detail.html
  17. From the album: Manuals

    One more for good measure lol
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