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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Underdog

  1. We haven't even started on the Clinton Foundation investigation... I'd be willing to drop the whole Email scandal to sit back and watch the Foundation crumble.
  2. With new leadership, let's see if the "swamp politicians" change their behavior. Paul Ryan's tone absolutely changed after the election. Ryan understands that Trump helped propel many conservative and Republican down-ticket candidates into office. Despite what you see and hear on the news, the American people are generally conservative in their thinking. NOBODY in Washington expected Trump to win, but perhaps the will of the people will be respected this time around.
  3. I don't often agree politically with left-coasters or northeast corridor liberals. Without the Electoral College, these population centers would carry most national elections. I am proud to see the forgotten fly-over folks rise up in numbers and exercise their right to vote, especially my home state of Pennsylvania. Nobody knows what Trump will do, he has always been unpredictable. We need a change of direction, if it doesn't work, we get to choose again in 4 years.
  4. Took a close look at this truck at a couple shows this past summer. I would not touch it with a 15' height stick. Best I could tell, a CH rear frame was BUTT WELDED in place. Could not see any fish-plating or doubling.
  5. Been hearing the same thing for the last 35 years since deregulation. Somehow many little guys with the drive and desire find a way to survive and thrive.
  6. The government SHOULD be run like a business. Take in more than you spend. Simple as that. Our debt ratio as a nation is unsustainable. Nobody knows yet what Trump will do, give him the benefit of the doubt. We already KNOW what the establishment politicians would do, just keep on spending. We tried it the socialist way for the last 8 years, the people have soundly proclaimed that they would like to go in a different direction.
  7. And not to mention nobody can afford to fix these trucks after the warranty is out. 2nd and 3rd owners need not apply.
  8. I watched a History channel documentary "The men who built America". In 1896, Rockefeller, Carnegie and J.P. Morgan created a similar situation by "buying" President McKinley, because Bryan was bad for business. They also manipulated Teddy Roosevelt into the relatively harmless position of VP, which backfired on the business magnates when McKinley was assassinated.
  9. And it exactly spells out why people believe their votes don't matter. The outcome is predetermined. Trump will not be allowed to win, even though the American people demand change.
  10. I bet when you have matching steer tires the handling issues will go away.
  11. I seem to remember taking off the trim piece in 2 halves without removing the steering wheel to get at the turn signal switch.
  12. I am happy to see we are all in agreement that Goodyear tires suck. Nobody here has mentioned them. Overpriced, overrated, and too soft.
  13. I have run Cooper Discoverer on all my 4-wheel vehicles for years. There are several tread patterns available for your intended use, mild highway tread to deep mud lugger.
  14. I see "Weiner" in the headlines every day lately... I bet Hillary would like to "Grab him by the penis" and twist until separated.
  15. Handy for cooking, just light a small fire underneath.
  16. Soros is also the reason we have had to put up with Obama for the past 8 years.
  17. Dave, what type of pump? A pto off the transmission? I may be interested. Gregg
  18. Newt is right. One of the best conservative political minds of our time. Unfortunately his own minor personal transgressions prevent him from a serious presidential bid. The media already had their way with him. Yet Bill Cosby, er, I mean, Clinton gets a pass. I commend Donald Trump for getting as far as he has in spite of the biased media coverage.
  19. The unit pictured was at ATHS York 2015 and is wonderful. Apparently worth more as a historical oddity than when it was new.
  20. So many circumstances in play as to why Atlantic city NJ is on the skids... Funny how Donald Trump saw the writing on the wall and sold this casino almost 10 YEARS AGO yet the RIGGED media still attaches his name to it.
  21. Battery box missing in its place an air tank... Air start for sure.
  22. Years ago I drove a W900 tow truck with air assist steering. I put a tr-1 flipper valve on the supply line so I could shut off the assist. Makes it much more drivable on the highway , then flip on the air for low speed manoeuvering and backing.
  23. Probably, but I'm just throwing it out there for any useful parts.
  24. Several years ago I tried to get round horns for my CX, Mack could not/would not come up with a anything but Hadley square. Had to go to peterbilt to get the horns I wanted.
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