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Everything posted by mrsmackpaul

  1. Good on young Chris for getting out and having a go. Plenty of other able bodied lazy bums in Australia would rather sit on their useless asses than get out and have a crack. Grab life by both hands young Chris your gonna go places in this world. Paul
  2. I dont care what anyone says these trucks all done up like a dunny truck look heaps better than the plane Jane crap white things with maybe a stuck on vinyl sign we see today luckily for us all there is still some old fashioned sign writers around that can do this scroll work Thanks for sharing I love this style of truck done up like these the best Paul
  3. well things do go wrong , only problem with putting another second hand motor is you dunno how long it will last till something lets go on it as well but if you rebuild your own you will know whats a bit suss and whats ok Paul
  4. pretty part of the world up in there Swishy was wandering thru that area there a month or so ago bloody wet and cold forgot to pack shoes and jumper before I headed south Head south with me pluggers and Hawaiian shirts only had my grand fathers old Bluey for warmth LOL Paul
  5. Bloody government a couple of years ago, they couldn't give a stuff as mining was all the go. Now China's economy is cattle trucked, now they are all busy sucking up to farmers and station owners after treating them like crap for years. Typical governments that are always trying to buy votes instead of just doing a good job of governing the country. Rant over. Not really much of a rant, but if I get fully fired up, hell there will be smoke coming of the computer. seeya Paul
  6. talk of where is the promised funding was only on the idiot box last night as, normal in Australia the polly's talk big but deliver S.F.A. Its got me stuffed if behave like a polly they throw me in the clink for fraud Paul
  7. I doubt you would buy any land at all in Australia for that let alone a land and house Land out here is a crazy price considering we have so much and so few people
  8. mate you wouldnt buy a house and a few acres in Australia for that in most places but I gotta agree thats a lot of money for a ute , a lot more than I would spend at this stage in my life Paul
  9. Well I have been well behaved and let off the farm three times this week and when I went to Townsville all three times I only saw one heavy type Volvo as in semi or B double this was a B double saw a MAN and plenty of KW and Macks I think Volvo may be a tad bit misleading with their figures I know there is a lot of new Volvo buses around but not many trucks or maybe I havent strayed far enough in this wide brown land Paul
  10. That's it. I'm not speaking again. LOL Nah, couldn't do that, I wouldn't last 5 minutes. I'm like that donkey on the Shrek movies, shutting me up is the hard part. LOL Paul
  11. hmmmmmmmmmmm do us Aussies all sound like that ????
  12. Hey Swishy I believe they call them Gull Wing out here thats the inverted Camel back this Flinstone at Gatton had Gull wing ass end only one I have ever seen Paul
  13. HMmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think Cat's main problem is they have priced themselves out of their traditional market in a quest to become the biggest and the grandest at all cost, and have forgotten their roots. Think about a little mum and dad business will never be able to afford a new D7 or any other new crawler for that matter, and that is their traditional market. No talk that I noticed of the flop Cat trucks is or was. Paul
  14. What sez you Brocky Pommy trucks as ugly as a hat full, never LOL they had some styles really made you wonder what they were thinking well I guess they werent The Aussie adaptions of Pommy trucks had a lot more sex appeal Paul
  15. Well I have asked some questions around the joint and I eventually got the answer for you as to who whats when and where , Maybe if you click on the picture it will take you to the Face Book page seeya Paul
  16. Well, the only surprise there is Volvo at 16.2 %. The reason I say that is, I can't recall even seeing a new Volvo let alone 16.2% of heavy trucks being Volvo, I wonder if Volvo are not all trucks, as they sell a lot of buses out here. I see plenty of Mack Tridents on B-double line haul work up and down the east coast of QLD, but for the life of me I can't recall seeing any Volvos. I obviously need to get off the farm more. Isuzu is no surprise at all. They aren't cheap but they are really well made and last for ever. Now that seems to be a winning combination Paul
  17. I told him I would buy it if no one else did never heard back so I guess its been sold on
  18. Dumb question I have heard the term on a lot of Pommy shows on the telly but whats a Gaffer ????? Paul
  19. Wow Vlad I wouldnt have thought Mack was still getting sold in Europe then , shows how much I dont know LOL Good to see a old Leyland Marathon they are getting very thin on the ground now I think Theres a face book page ( I have put the link up a few times on the forum ) that is all about the trucks running from Europe to the middle east I am surprised at the amount of F models that did that run in the photos so they must have sold a lot more Macks in Europe than I imagine Paul
  20. no good at all yes the lack of respect and understanding of peoples actions today is out of control I dont have any answers for this problem it seems to be getting worse the world over Thoughts to you and his family Only on TV a few weeks ago they had a whole program about a young girl that died when her ute drifted on to the wrong side of the road , when the investigation was completed she had just sent a text message and had sent 22 text messages in the last half a hour when she was driving I dont understand why people cant see any of this you really need to concentrate when driving , things happen quick enough when you are alert let alone when your on the bloody phone or sending a text message Paul
  21. looks like a good event there Vlad Good to see some Superliners there I gather they are recent arrivals as in not sold new to Europe Paul
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