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Everything posted by TS7

  1. Post whatever you want Swishy, wherever you want. I look forward to your posts, too bad if some people cannot stand the truth. Maybe if Trump had invested in Mack back in 1990 there still would be still a real Mack Truck today. The three clowns above never worked a day in there lives and the only thing they know how to do is steal from the American taxpayers.
  2. TS7


    Soleimani had a lot of American blood on his hands. Good riddance. Thank you Mr. Trump for taking the trash out.
  3. TS7


    How many troops were killed and wounded by IED"s supplied by Iran? We do not owe Iran ANYTHING.
  4. TS7


    Look at what is happening in Baghdad, the left is hoping for casualties. But Trump is not going to appease Iran, like Obama and Clinton did. What is happening in Baghdad today has it's roots in Obama's love of the mullahs. What do you think those pallets of cash are being used for.
  5. TS7


    The biggest phony who ever held the office of president was Obama, followed by Bill Clinton. Thank god Kerry and Gore never made it. The American taxpayers are paying for the wall and I am one of them. At least Trump is not sending pallets of cash at night to some POS like Iran. As for sheep Mackey, if your Hillary was president, you would be lucky to get a job with Swift. This country would be in deep shit under her. Anybody on this site who cannot see the good that Trump has done the last 3 years must blind.
  6. TS7


    The real reason that many in the government on both sides are against Trump is that he has a flashlight and is looking in the dark corners. He is exposing there corruption and greed, they need to stop him. Real honest Americans see what is happening here and know right from wrong. Careful what they wish for, this is not over.
  7. If some BMT members went over to Watts Mack and? Mack might have out sold Navistar last month.
  8. Closing the wage gap and $9000.00 bonus is why this passed. FCA is adding jobs still at the low starting wage. FCA is doing good around SE MI ( Toledo is part of this area ). But this all about selling more Jeeps and Ram trucks, will see if they are right.
  9. The same people who do not care about Pearl Harbor, do not care about what is happening to Trump today. Freedom is not free.
  10. So in other word another example of Red China stealing technology.
  11. 262,000 pickup trucks driven by people that never get there hands dirty working.
  12. The first person I would layoff is one who came up with the Planet 2050 plan.
  13. Wage gap, lack of trust of UAW leadership and PSA merger are huge issues for FCA workers. I think a FCA strike is coming, could be a long one.
  14. Trump made great decision on this and it proves that he really cares about the men doing the hard work and has there back. If there were no stupid rules of engagement this whole war on terror would have been over by 9-11-2002. A lot of good men have been killed to spare some dirt bag rag heads who would kill any of us if they had a chance
  15. I am no fan of GM, but GM is right here. Marchionne was behind all these things. By the way FCA is back too over building and pushing dealers too take more than they ordered. Old habits die hard, just like 2009.
  16. I still think Ford needs a true medium duty truck cab and more powertrain choices. My point is that there are some people in Dearborn and some dealers who are doing pretty good with what they have. The M2 is a better truck, but Ford seems to be keeping up with it. Ford needs to get more serious about medium-duty, I think there are some people at Ford and some dealers who could make that happen if Ford let them. Henry Ford II would, he must have been ok with L-series and KTP.
  17. Did I read this right Ford sold 2601 class 6, Freightliner 2475 class 7? Somebody is doing something right at Ford. Henry Ford II is happy.
  18. Ford is not building any cars anymore? Mach-E, 4 door Mustang?
  19. Great looking trucks. Good examples that if you take care of a truck and maintain it will last a long time. Something that someone else on this site cannot understand.
  20. JoeH there is lot you do not know. The person who goes by Maxidyne was banned by Barry, but came back anyway. This persons actions show what they stand for. As for myself I will speak out against anyone who puts down people who own there own trucks, that is what this person has done on this site for a long time. I could add a lot more to this, but I will not. This person can post what ever they want, this is a free site, but I can too and will. One more thing I am a 46 year union member and I know all about union greed and have seen for myself the results.
  21. Maxidyne you do not have what it takes to own a truck and make money at it. It takes hard work and a get it done attitude. A union clock watcher like you cannot make it on there own. This country was built by people who worked hard and got things done, no matter what and pushed on even when it looked real hard.
  22. Romeo Engine Plant north of Detroit will build batteries for VW-Ford future product, was built for Ford Tractor years ago. Van Dyke Plant (Sterling Hts.) needs help. Henry Ford II - "You better win!" Ford could use some of that today ( a bunch of that ).
  23. I am glad we heard from someone who has never owned a class 8 truck on how to repair and maintain trucks. I think all you fools with old trucks should get those trucks off the road and buy new 2020 models. That way you do not have to work on them old trucks on a dirt floor and get your hands dirty. You will enjoy over paying a dealer to repair your new trucks that are down because of some stupid emission junk the elite class forced on you.
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